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February 25, 2006

China's media censorship rattling world image

World image? Do you really think censorship in China is "rattling" China's world image?

I have a news flash for everyone who needs a dose of reality...nobody cares, not even China.

As long as people can buy their lingerie, Dockers, sneakers, housewares and other worthless shit at a rock-bottom price, they don't care. As long as China can destroy us economically, they don't care either. They sell it, we buy it, and no one gives a damn that to speak out is to get put in jail. No one cares that little kids ate slaving away so you can have your precious Nike's while they miss out on an education. No one cares that they kill and eat endangered species and every other thing on the face of the earth with impunity, and if your favorite little bear or shark goes extinct, they say "so what?" They believe everything and everyone on earth was put here for their use, including their own citizens. You don't like it? Buy a Budweiser beer huggie made somewhere else. Guess can't!

Read through any kind of catalog and notice how about 75% of all the crap sold in it comes from China. Walmart is a monument to Chinese manufacturing. In fact, it was created to put middle America as close as possible to cheap Chinese shit. Don't listen to all the knuckleheads that say it's good for the U.S. to keep buying stuff from China and get our heads kicked-in economically ...they're stupid, and get paid to say ridiculous things like that. If you look at America as a family, it's never, ever good to spend all your money but claim "well, at least we got a good deal on all the stuff we didn't have the money to buy."

So now we're supposed to care about oppression and governmental control in China? As long as we blow every last dollar on Chinese goods, China will lock up every last protestor and blow sunshine up your ass that they're a democracy. Do you think they could even fathom a labor union? Why do you think all our stuff comes from China in the first place? I might be concerned about Chinese repression, but if it makes those jumper cables or beach balls at K-Mart any more expensive, I'll have to reconsider. Go one day without the little Chinese-made Evergreen tree car air freshener or the Ronco Rotissierie? Perish the thought. I even have an American flag made in China!!!

Fat chick lingerie at the lowest possible price. Yep, that's what we need...

"Brokeback" rides into popular culture...on the saddlehorn

This news article is typical bullshit.

"Paul Levinson, professor of communication and media studies at Fordham University, said there was already a growing interest in gay relationships in mainstream heterosexual culture. " I say bullshit. There's a "growing interest in gay relationships?" By who? All those people who wish they were Liberace? I think you mistake the youth culture's fascination with androgeny for something it's not. Nice try Paul, but I don't think so. I see more pro-gay propaganda, nothing else, but nice try there, sweet pea.

I do agree with his statement "'Brokeback' came along at the right time. It was a popular culture success waiting to happen." That's true. There was far too little humor at the expense of gays, and this movie got that going again. Of course, the gay spin on it is it's "pop culture." Right. It's about as pop culture as a dog terd is a tootsie roll (the real tootsie roll, not the gay slang version).
Besides, how could there not be a growing interest in gay relationships? Every day, gays are pushing their lifestyle in your face and Ellen Degeneres has another girlfriend she's dragging around?

Of course, how could this misguided movie not be a success? An obviously liberal Hollywood that loves to push the envelope of political correctness is making sure this movie is a success, even though it's not one at the actual box office. They force the issue of homosexuality on a population that demonstrates they don't want to hear it, then spout nonsense about how the American mainstream is so ready for it and how everyone is so overjoyed at the success of the movie. I say bullshit. I don't buy it. It's like going back for another colonoscopy because you enjoyed the first one so much.

They further try to link the macho image of a cowboy with homosexuality, which is again a nice try, but as disingenuous as all their other motives for this movie. People that herd sheep are shepherds. People who tend cattle are cowboys. Was the Marlboro man shearing a sheep in his spare time? I don't think so. Plus, try linking gays with tough guys like construction workers and all you'll think of is the Village People. Think of Indians and what happens? Village People.

So the actors are "amazed" at the buzz over the movie? Guess's manufactured, fake buzz. Hollywood could never live with itself if it couldn't say it didn't help the gay cause.

Then you have a pro-gay reporter in Los Angeles write a piece of crap article like this, and we're all supposed to hug-up on each other and sing Kumbaya. Sorry, I'm not feeling it.

Contrary to what Hollywood and the gay activists are saying, people are just not that concerned. They have more important things to think about than how homosexuals are portrayed in the movies, and everyone can see how the gay activists are pushing this movie along. No way they would ever let a movie like this stand on it's own. It's obvious it was earmarked for an Oscar before it was even made. Why don't the actors realize they're the stooges that they are? They're part of the bullshit political correctness.

Of course, no one was watching out for gay stereotypes, and without fail, every time you link Hollywood and gays, someone mentions the Wizard of Oz.


February 23, 2006

Finger-Pointing Follows Americans' Loss

The U.S. Men's Hockey team losing makes me think so many things, like:

-Why do all those NHL players work for teams in the States, and then go play for teams from other countries? Wait. I know that one. Because there is no loyalty to their team or the country where they actually live. That was plain to see when they all went on strike.

-Whatever happened to "amateur" athletes in the Olympics? I don't like watching professionals play in the Olympic games. Besides, where's the stacked hundred-million-dollar "dream team" like we get for basketball?

-Are any of those players supposed to be playing organized hockey that isn't governed by their "labor" union? Doesn't violating their contract invalidate the player's association?

-If American network TV doesn't care about the National Hockey League, why do they think Americans would give a damn about Olympic hockey? After all, we're a long way down the road from the 1980 team.

-If American hockey players don't give a shit about American hockey fans, why do they think we'd give a shit about the Olympic hockey team? After the strike, I decided to never watch hockey again, but you know what was great? The US Women's team! They skated their hearts out and it was great to watch them. Besides, the two King girls kicked a good amount of the other team's asses. From the looks of it, their teamwork was such that they probably would have beaten the men's team.

-Why was the men's team so disorganized. I'd imagine a group of frogs trying to get "freaky" with a football would be more organized. They call it a "power play" because there's actually a coordinated play involved, not just everybody hacking at the puck. Hey fellas, only in the world of artillery are you rewarded for "indirect fire." Remember, a team is a group of people all helping each other reach a common goal, not a bunch of individuals doing their own thing while in relative proximity to one another.

-My last question is why do I care, and the answer is easy...I don't. In fact, with all the finger pointing going on, I have a finger to point also...the middle finger.

Hedrick calls Davis "a little bitch" as the Olympic soap opera continues

In a startling revelation, Olympic skating fans find out the Davis/Hedrick confrontation started back in the states after the couple couldn't reach an agreement on the color to paint the dining room back in their South Beach apartment. After disagreement led to one of them uttering "well, you sleep on the couch tonight," pretty-boy Chad called the younger and obviously more effeminate Shani (girl's name) a "little bitch." Insiders say tensions are high as Hedrick decided to room in Torino with Joey Cheek, sparking a "lover's triangle" where the term "turning the other cheek" took on an all-new meaning.

The trouble between the two ice queens gained intensity Tuesday as Shani complained Chad was spending too much time looking at the other speed-skating competitors, a sport where grown men spend inordinate amounts of time bent-over while wearing tights. Word has it that the two were so busy with their little domestic feud they forgot there were actually other people in the race, causing both of them to lose to the Italian skater. The fact Shani uttered the phrase "you go girl" as the two were passed by the Italian just seemed to be the straw that broke the back of the already "flaming" situation.

Actually, the two kids are probably good guys who are still a bit immature and don't understand what impression they give to an international audience. Yes, they also demonstrated the poor sportsmanship evident in so many Americans. Unfortunately, they didn't understand the news media concentrated every effort on a pathetic attempt to stir racial emotions in order to draw viewers to the Olympics, and Davis' own racist comments were the act of a child. The media then concentrated so much on the two Americans, it was hysterical when the Italian won!

Anyway, I'm glad irony stepped in and made everybody look like fools. I'm glad the Americans lost. Neither of them deserved to win.

Dog Bill is a "Dog" of a Bill

I'm glad Florida has taken care of all the other issues and now they are addressing the monumental issue of people taking their dogs out to eat.

Yes, I'm glad we took care of the following problems:

Government waste
Government corruption
Child welfare
Criminal justice
Penal system
Destruction of the Everglades
Destruction of Lake Okeechobee
Red Tide
Hurricane recovery
Completely biased marital laws
Air pollution
Water pollution
Drug abuse know, all those other little things...

February 22, 2006

Calif. Execution Postponed Indefinitely...Bullshit flag!!!!!

Man, this is way wrong...

How do stinking lawyers know if an execution process "causes pain?"

Why are they arguing for the Eighth Amendment rights of a man who killed a girl with a claw hammer and stabbed her over 25 times? Where were her rights?

Two anesthesiologists backed out because of ethical concerns that they might have to advise the executioner if the inmate woke up or appeared to suffer pain. I say wake his ass up and make sure he suffers some pain. The attorneys said a prisoner could feel excruciating pain from the last two chemicals if he were not fully sedated. Again, who gives a shit if the condemned feels pain? He admitted his crime, and shouldn't be "put to sleep" like an innocent little puppy.

One of Morales' attorneys, Ben Weston, said the decision "goes a long way toward demonstrating the state doesn't have its ducks in a row for humanely killing a human being. They haven't figured out how to do it." Humanely killing a human being? Humanely killing some shithead that murdered someone with a knife and a claw hammer, and the despicable lawyers are worried
about humane execution? Tell you what...I'll administer the injections, as long as the lawyers get theirs too!

Morales was condemned in 1983 for killing 17-year-old Terri Winchell, who was attacked with a hammer, stabbed and left to die half-naked in a vineyard. Nice...this is the asshole they feel bad for. Leave it to California liberals to misplace their sympathies.

Tell you what. Maybe the lawyers or the busy-body judge, or the activist bleeding-hearted doctors should introduce Morales to their daughters? Hey, they're worried about his needs, right? They want him to be comfy, so how about some conjugal visits by their own daughters? Morales is a nice guy, come'on...he only stabbed his victim over 25 times. They'll be okay. He has the right to some booty! Get off your asses you sniveling liberals and make it happen! Tell the girls to bring their own claw hammers just in case he needs to get out some rage.

The victim's mother, who has been denied the presence of her daughter since 1983, and who had to endure a horrific experience in the brutal destruction of her child, said "I'm totally disillusioned with the justice system. We've been waiting 25 years with the expectancy that he is gonna pay for his crimes," she said. "It feels like we just got punched in the stomach." Again, California liberals are more concerned with the rights and comfort of killers than they are the victims and their families.

I would say the justice for Terri Winchell and her family, as well as for the tax payers, and even for the killer for having to wait so long to be executed is cruel and unusual.

Maybe we should go back to hanging, and maybe it shouldn't take 23 years to do it.

February 21, 2006

Bombed Church Gets Landmark Designation

Yep, in these days of religious and racial division and hatred, making landmarks to our problems is exactly what we need.

Yep, I say we should put all the rubble back at ground zero, rebuild the Oklahoma City Federal building so it would look exactly as it did after it was bombed, put some lynching victims in the wax museum, build a re-enactment of the killing of Dr. Martin Luther King so we can all see it (over a beer or two), and build a Watt"s riots amusement park.

Maybe everything should be a monument? Washington D.C. can be a monument to corruption, greed, political correctness and stupidity; 7-11 can be a monument to Freedom of Choice; Chuck-e-Cheese can be a monument to Freedom of Expression; Karaoke Friday at Clancy's Bar and Grill can be a monument to the freedom of speech (and to sing poorly) as well as a celebration of the twenty-first Amendment (it's not just a holiday for the Kennedys anymore).

Why are we proud of places that remind us of our hatred and animosity for each other. It's morbid and not constructive, like watching those old "faces of death" movies. I want those places erased from memory.

Here's my cure for race relations...everybody GET OVER IT! ARRRRGHHHHH. Enough already! How long are we going to piss and moan and say every time we bring up the subject we're bringing some "healing." That's PC bullshit.

Bullshit Flag! Watch it wave...

Race relations is like a scab. It won't heal unless you stop picking at it. So stop it.

Haiti election chief flees country

His neighbors said even the expression "Feet don't fail me now!" sounded faggy in French, and smelled of goat cheese...

So the election chief, in fear for his life, while being called everything from a professional to a megalomaniac, flees for his life, "gettin while the gettin was good" and more than likely going to Miami. Well where else would a non-English speaking unemployed immigrant go? Now he can claim to be a refugee and start getting social security checks, courtesy of Bill Clinton.

Want to know something even more sad? The United Nations actually had the guts to publicly approve the new Haitian government. I guess nobody at the UN told anyone else at the UN their opinion and their organization mean the same thing...absolutely jack shit.

The news also reports Preval faces some of the same problems he faced before? Well no shit Sherlock! I wonder which brain surgeon at the AP thought that one up while taking a crap over lunch? Ya think? Do you want to know why he's facing some of the same challenges? Because HE CREATED THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE YOU MORONS!

Did you hear that?

I think it was more important that Wyclef voted. Hey, if he took the time away from waxing his million-dollar McClaren F1 to go vote, every Haitian should kiss his ass. Funny how he still thinks he's one of them. They live in a sewer and steal clothing from each other, or chop down every last tree to make charcoal to cook the food they don't have, while he has a million dollar car and lives in a mansion. Yep, he's just like them.

Sorry to say, but Haiti (which is another successful French colony), is doomed. What was once the richest country in the Western Hemisphere, has both feet in its grave. It's too far gone to save, but no one will admit it. Well, I just did, but my opinion doesn't mean anything...

U.S. freezes assets of group, cites Hamas

I wonder why...

Do you think the fact that one of their board members, who is also a lawyer, is named Jihad?

Do you think being called "Holy War" has anything to do with it? Maybe he should just go outside and burn an American flag (although according to the Clintons he has the right to), piss on the bible, kick a dog and scream "fuck you, United States!"

Yep, maybe we didn't catch it the first time...

The difference between Bono and Lenny Kravitz

Bono is going to donate one of his guitars to raise money for Brazil's Zero hunger Campaign...and auction it off after a concert there... Yep... and then? Expecting some 17 year-old Brazilian kid to come up with 100K? Maybe you should stick to Suddaby's.

So what is this guitar made of? Gold? Or is it just that it's yours? Now there's a fairly pretentious move there, Bone-oh. Wait. I just're NOT the guitar player in the band! Oops! Nothing like crapping on good old Edge's head, eh?

Maybe you should sell something you don't want to part with, like those stupid, cheesy orange sunglasses. You know the ones...the same ones you hid behind when you went to the White House. Look Dipshit, show some respect. Here's a hint...if it's nighttime, the sunglasses can come of (unless your stardom and ego don't allow that). Come'on sweety pants, it'll be okay...unless Edge's head really is the Bono bathroom.

As for the difference between Lenny and Bono, that's easy. Besides being known for cutting his dreads, banging Nicole Kidman, and yanking Ricky Williams away from the Miami Dolphins (something I could care less about), Lenny is known for playing the guitar. In fact, he's known for rocking on the guitar, where Bono is known for the "hey look at me. Aren't I cool" routine and being the singer.

By the way...isn't Bono filthy rich? You have to be in order to have so much free time, right? Even if he gets 100K for the guitar, isn't that like John Q. Citizen donating ten bucks? Bone-oh, if you're so committed, put your money (not your guitar) where your mouth is and fork it over. Oh, I almost forgot, Lenny also has a last name instead of just a pretentious single name. I have a new single name for Bono... "Dork."

What's next? Get Eddie Van Halen to donate a set of drums? Pete Townsend give up one of his prized harps? Elton John will part with his flying-v heavy metal guitar! Fred Durst hands over his pan flute? You know how famous they are for those...

Oh, and take off the %&*!@ sunglasses. I'll give you $500 dollars if you can do it for a week. Apparently that's a lot of money for you.

Supporting the rights of geriatric smokers!!!

Disregard the proven hazard of second-hand smoke on non-smokers. Disregard the fire hazard. Disregard the smoking ban! Whatever happened to "smoking takes years off your life?" Apparently not.

Don't make granny push her walker through the ice and snow to go to the sequestered area where smokers are exiled! Papaw doesn't need to bust a hip walking over to "burn one." After all, how far away from the bar do you want to send these people? No facilities in the smoking area? Hey, don't make someone with a nervous bladder use a porta-potty. That's just cruel...

This would even create jobs. Hey, who would stock each room with ashtrays and make sure they're emptied? You would need someone to sell the smokes because forcing a senior citizen committed to a home to then have to deal with a cigarette machine may be good entertainment, but it's not that friendly of a gesture. You need more bartenders, someone to do the cigar cutting and whatever you smack the pack of cigarettes against your hand for, which no one can explain but seem to do before opening up a new pack. Making geriatrics do that could just spell lawsuit or increased insurance. Whatever happens, I don't think a 90 year-old nursing home resident with a stogie is too worried about catching cancer. Just make sure the bar stools are lower.

Nope, I say encourage them. Once they come down for breakfast, light the smoking lamp. Mid-morning Marlboro breaks; afternoon tea and Tareytons; evening cocktails and Camels. Cigar time goes from 0600 to 0559 daily. Any orderly or employee who isn't "Johnny-on-the-spot" with a Zippo when Yaya pulls out a lucky gets the big heave-ho! In fact, better to issue all the smokers their own lighters. Yep, senior smokers, some a bit whacky, and all with the ability to burn the place down if they can't smoke where they want! How's that for motivating the staff, eh?

If they made it this far and want to smoke, I say let'em!

February 18, 2006

Alec Baldwin's Predictions For 2006.

Well Alec, you may be a nutcase, but you have a couple good points in your predictions. Of course, you put too much faith in democrats, but that's understandable.

First, no big surprise our government is dominated by hacks, corruption, in-fighting, liars, warmongers, ass-kissers, and the like. This is on both sides of "the aisle," and it's been that way for years. Wasn't it Eisenhower that coined the phrase "the military-industrial complex?" Also no surprise the big corporations and their special interest groups run our country. Greed and the lust for power is to blame, and our country suffers because of it.

Sadly, you've let the liberal's distorted view of reality affect you as well. Do you attack the republicans because you want to make positive change, or because it's the easiest thing to do, and the real purpose of it playing to the press for your own good. In this light, you can be just like Mrs. Clinton, Senators Schumer, Kennedy, Pelosi, Reid, Kerry, Gephardt, Feinstein, etc. Notice all the rich people on that list. Yes, I can name an equally large list of republicans, but you hold these democrats up as your heroes, so why make the effort. You have no objectivity, and therefore, taint any issue you stump for with the stink of partisan politics for personal gain. Sorry, it's the truth. There are just as many republicans that deserve a bitch-slapping, but that's just being redundant.

If your liberal buddies are so effective, why didn't any meaningful energy reform come out of eight years of the Clinton administration? Also, if using the NSA is so wrong, why did your buddy Bill Clinton do it too? Also, dems hold former president Carter up as one of their heroes. Well, news flash...his presidency was a miserable failure, all the way from giving back the Panama Canal and our military bases there, to the oil embargo and interest rates. Do you really want to get lumped into that group?

I actually agree with a couple of your points, but it's also excruciatingly clear you have a personal hatred for the vice president that invalidates your opinions on issues dealing with him. Calm down there Sweety-pants. Remember, you were the one that whined like a 9-year old that if you didn't get your way in the last election you were leaving. Just like a kid fighting on the on the playground, ten minutes after you did that, you forgot all about it. What's your explanation now? Nuh-uh, wasn't me? That sounds about right.

On a side note, you support PETA, a group of whack-jobs who think that in the course of protesting for animal rights, they have the further right to assault people and destroy personal property. Is that a viewpoint the liberals encourage? It shouldn't be.

Actors and politicians- two groups of people who get paid to pretend to be someone else or something they are not. No wonder why you like it so much. Neither group has to pay much attention to reality either.

You were great in Glen Garry- Glen Ross, and you made a better Dr. Ryan than Harrison Ford, but you're no Roosevelt. Maybe it's better to just shut your face than it is to lie and spew hate and discontent.

Alec Baldwin-Private Detective at-Large...

I saw his post on the Ariana Huffington web page and just had to react.

First, there actually are people out there who have friends. Not straphangers or ass-kissers like what you have, but people who are actual friends. It doesn't surprise me that a liberal puke like you asks how someone can turn down an opportunity to sue someone.

You say Schwarzenegger's election is the low point in American political life. Sounds like sour grapes to me. By the way, playing a politician in a movie doesn't make you qualified to be one. Besides, the low point in American political life was when you lied to everyone by not leaving the country after GW Bush got elected. A lying liberal. Again, I'm not surprised.

So a guy in a hunting accident is going to get the VP into court to ask him questions about the CIA and Enron? How much did you have to drink today Alec?

Calling Mr. Cheney a liar may just be appropriate in your case. It takes one to know one.

Yep, Alec Baldwin...Private Detective. Or maybe we should just use the more appropriate slang term- Dick.

February 17, 2006

We only hurt ourselves. America better wake up!

We see two of our historic enemies, Ruassia and China make alliances. Two countries we have fought before, who now have war games together. We will fight them again.

We let China crap all over us with cheap imports and piracy of intellectual property.

We let Clinton sell them banned technology and we did nothing.

We let them preempt us on the UN Security Council (notice no punctuation. The UN is the UN-world body, like 7up is the UN-cola).

We let American companies move their businesses to China in order to take advantage of cheap labor, while we act like hypocrits and talk about how bad cheap labor is in every other country but there.

We let the unions force companies overseas while whining we need to support the unions.

We watch the trade deficit pile up and we sit around with our thumbs up our collective asses.

We watch China cozy up to Iran, a country which is bent on our destruction, yet we do nothing. Now China will have all the oil they could ever need, and we won't.

How blind are we to seeing a Russia-China alliance for world domination? Are we all so f-ing blind and stupid? Or is it just the politically-correct idiot politicians?

We pour our taxpayer money into lost causes like peace in the Middle East, United Nations dues, Haiti, and throw all our money into foreign cars, cheap clothing and worthless bling because we're greedy assholes. It's like cutting our own throats, and we act surprised when other countries offer to hold the knife. Now we're at the mercy of the oil companies as the country we're at the mercy of makes a deal for all the oil they'll ever need. Hello!

We're cutting off our own oxygen supply. We're setting ourselves up to being ruled by China and Russia.

Here's a question: If we're addicted to oil, and run by the oil companies, and Russia and China have oil and we don't, then who has the upper hand?

People need to wake up. Unless the path we're on changes, this country will cease to exist in my lifetime.

So-long Sammy, see ya in Miami...

Where the hell else do you think he would go?

Well, in the words of another one of Miami's famous residents, Antonio Montana, a.k.a. Scarface, "I never liked that f-ing Sosa." Yep, that's true. Him and that dipshit Mark McGwire with their kissing their fingers and tapping their hearts and all that grab-asstic bullshit. It's not enough they were making millions playing a kids game...they had to cheat.

That's right, they're both liars and cheats. They lied about taking steroids, and they cheated the rest of their fellow players and the fans by using performance enhancing drugs, corking their bats, lying about it to congress, and then acting like they were some sort of movie stars. At least the movie stars they put in baseball movies look like baseball players...Kevin Costner, Redford, Ray Liotta, etc. You don't see Schwarzenegger in baseball movies do you? Take a guess why...

So you made millions Sammy, however so inappropriately, to play a game I played for free as a kid, and you have to use lawyers, drugs, money, corked bats, and lies to do it. You helped make baseball the national joke. It hasn't been the national pastime for years. That title changed years ago. Now the national pastime is suing people.

So take your millions Sammy, and go away. You made enough money in a few short years to retire as a rich man, while 99% of your fans have to save money to watch a major league game. No one should feel bad for you. People ask if the game treated you fairly? I say it treated you too well, and you kicked dirt on it for its trouble. Be gone.

Now you can make yourself feel special by putting on the speedo and signing autographs on South Beach. I'll send you a corked pencil to make it easier for you...

New Uniform Exempt from "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy...

Need I say more?

The weapon of religious warfare...baked goods...

In a surprise move reminiscent of when the Americans renamed French fries to "Freedom Fries" , on Friday the Iranians changed the name of "Danish" pastries to "Roses of the Prophet Muhammad."

In an apparent frenzy that followed, numerous religious groups rushed to add their moniker to their favorite comestible. These are the results so far:

Banana-Nut Muffins changed to "Muslim Muffins."
Cinnamon rolls changed to "Catholic cakes."
Pancakes changed to "Protestant pastries."
Biscuits and gravy and grits changed to "Baptist Blessings."
Donuts became "Lamentations of the Lutherans."

The Methodists tried to claim Sticky Buns for themselves, but GLAD filed an injunction lawsuit against them. Get it?

Well, I'm going overboard, but you get the point. This is all so stupid it makes all of us look dumb. Besides, does it make sense that you can name baked goods after the Prophet but you can't draw a cartoon about him? Kooky. They say drawing a cartoon would lead to "idol worship." I say anyone that would commence idol worship of a cartoon is a total idiot, and I have a picture of Bugs Bunny for you. Of course, after that, eating carrots would probably cause a Muslim to strap on a bomb and defend the almighty Bugs. "The path to the great and powerful Bunny would be through his chosen one...Porky Pig."

May the blessings of Looney Toons be upon you...

Inappropriate American Behavior at the Olympics

I don't know what you see, but I think it's different than most people. Remember, I'm sworn to defend my country and understand the possibility I could die for it.

Most people probably see an Olympic dream in action...effort, determination, American athlete competing for her nation against the world's it her all...

I see a young girl representing our nation...with the acronym of our country stamped on her ass.

...she was the only one with her country name or flag on her rear. In this case, it's not's crass, and disrespectful. Like I said...the American was the only one that did that. I'm not surprised.

February 16, 2006

Wrong on a number of levels...

More proof the Army does the following:

-doesn't demand character or educate soldiers in character. In most cases, the Army Values are lip service bullshit.

-Allows pop-culture idiotic behavior to go unchecked and allows more and more street hoods looking for a job to join up. When you lower the standards in the hopes of attracting more recruits, it's like combining a Beagle and a Yorkie in the hopes of creating a Doberman. This isn't a rap's the Army in a conservative (let me repeat...conservative) Asian country.

-doesn't hammer troops publicly in order to make an example out of them. The system obviously protects these young kids from getting the "straightening-out" they obviously need from their NCO leadership.

-treats obviously homosexual conduct as normal misconduct. Sorry fellas, but pulling out your wanker on a public train while your buddies cheer you on is faggoty nonsense and you deserve to get your asses kicked. If you consider public exposure of your private parts while in the company of your male friends as something you do for fun...guess're gay.

-has a problem with homosexual conduct as a result of the politically-correct "don't ask, don't tell policy. "

-Still doesn't care about us being the "Ugly Americans." Yep, the look down your nose, no sense of shame, rap music, McDonald's, tattoos, sex-obsessed, pants around your thighs, fuck-you attitude we show everybody just makes me so proud...

-the Army still hasn't learned from the Marine Corps...when you raise the standard and challenge people to do something hard, you attract all the quality people you need.


Military spending millions on gays

In a surprising admission, the gay community admitted the military is being forced to spend millions of dollars on homosexuals who just can't keep their mouths shut or their pants on.

Actually, what this article doesn't say is the survey group was made up of professors mostly from California universities, and conducted in California. No big surprise they're as pro-gay as Hollywood.

What the article also omits, is content by another official (printed in other news publications in it's entirety) stating the cost of allowing gays to openly serve would be greater than the benefit to the gays. More people would decline enlistment because they wouldn't want to be forced to live and work in such close proximity to homosexuals, and more conflict would arise between straight troops and gays.

What no one talks about is the fact the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy is not a failure that shows we need to make it okay for openly gay people to serve. Quite the contrary. It shows that political correctness and pandering to a special interest group to the detriment of the majority is detrimental to the services, and we need, rather must go back to excluding homosexuals from service. Sometimes the truth is a painful thing. Deal with it.

The policy is a failure, as political correctness is a failure. Let's not compound things by forcing change for the benefit of special interest. It's simple...when the gay groups get the law to tell other people they have to accept them, they're infringing on other people's rights to live the way they want. It's because gays think they should have more rights than others, and if someone doesn't like that, the government should either force gay rights on people, or punish them for not pandering to gays. Gays don't understand their violating other people's constitutional rights when they force their agenda on them. This is also the truth, be it ever so politically incorrect.

The survey was done by an obvious special interest group, which makes the findings suspect in the first place. Follow that with the voodoo accounting done to make the cost of discharging gays ridiculously and erroneously high, and I can smell the stink of a PC agenda. No thanks, I'm not buying it. Training someone to be a truck driver or supply clerk doesn't cost millions, and using a cost per soldier figure in regard to situations where training would be conducted if twenty people or two people were present doesn't make sense. Sorry, voodoo math makes you look stupid...try again. Besides, we train some people incorrectly anyway. Need an example?

In today's modern Air Force and Navy, we have aircraft that can pull massive amounts of G-forces. So when do we test people for their individual ability to tolerate "G?" Common sense would tell you to do it before you spend a million dollars on their flight educations. Well, this is the military, where common sense means little, so they get tested for G tolerance after all their training is over, and all the money has been spent. Silly, eh?

Well, the homosexual policy is the same thing. Why spend the money on training them if the possibility exists they will be subject to discharge later? Better to weed them out before hand. Even better still is to not bother having them join in the first place...think of the money we'd save!!!

Of course, this is my opinion. I'm politically incorrect, and I like it that way.