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September 6, 2005

My racial moment...Sorry

Well, if Farrakhan was here, what would he say? Who knows, because he is BLINDINGLY absent! Tell you what I say...if people in New Orleans want to bitch and complain about how they're treated, they need to ask themselves some questions, then look at their situation.

-they're no longer residents of anywhere.
-they were living on hand-outs from the government they apparently have such a dislike for
-they're a burden on the rest of us.
-they're on the road...some of them were actually on airplanes!
-they claim to be "African-American, not Americans or Black Americans.

What does this add up to? If you're disgruntled with the U.S., you think you're getting screwed, you have no home, and you claim to be from somewhere is the perfect time to go back to Africa, or forever SHUT THE FUCK UP. Get off your ass, grab a broom, a shovel, or whatever, and help yourself and your neighbors get themselves out of the crap they're in! Stop waiting for a handout! You be the one that gives out the food. You be the one that carries the old ladies. You be the one that picks up the trash. Maybe somewhere along the way you'll find your self-respect? Maybe somewhere along the way you'll understand what it is to help someone else for a change. Maybe then you'll understand how frigging weak you look and how much you embarrass yourself and those around you by actually trying to be helpless and worthless and having a "slave" mentality. Your dignity is only a step away! Take the step! You'll be glad you did! It's not even that big a step, but it can make all the difference in the world! Take it...take the chance you're given, or take it on your heels and piss off!

Still waiting...

...for all those people who said they were leaving the country if GW won the presidency to finally leave. Problem is, they're liberals, with skewed senses of reality, altered states of consciousness, a flair for the dramatic, and a penchant for lying...

Hey! They sound just like the ex!

She won't go away either...

Puddle, ditch, big city, whatever...

Another successful French experiment, on the same list of successes as Sierra Leone, Haiti, their response to World War 2, French Indo-China, Le Car, Pugeot sales in America, their help with 9-11, etc. Okay, instead of a house on stilts, they build an entire city below sea level next to an ocean! A house on stilts in parts of New orleans would still be underwater!!! Yep, another bright idea, about as pleasant as goat cheese. Storm water run-off? Not in New orleans. It's storm water pump-out. Did any of these people ever dig a hole on the beach? You reach water really fast people, really fast! How the hell did ANYONE get flood insurance in this "accident waiting to happen?" My old house in Florida was 8 feet above flood level, not just sea level, and I still had to get flood insurance!!! Maybe New Orleans just wants to be the next Atlantis. Hey! Who are we to screw with that, eh? Let it go, it was a shithole anyway. When the place is in the middle of the divine "smiting" process, best to not interfere!

I have an idea! We'll go down to the beach, wait for low tide, get as close to the water as we can, and bury ourselves up to our necks in the sand. Nothing will me...


Mayor Ray "Please Go Away" Nagin

Did Rudy cry? Are big city mayors like the Mayor of New Orleansupposed to cry like little girls in the face of disaster? Does it help? Is it to get the sympathy vote? Is it for the chicks? Is it so people will think he's a nice guy? Is it because he was being screwed over by "the man?"

No. It was because he failed. Mayor Nagin could no longer live the lie that the federal government or even the state were to blame for the crisis in his city. Say again...his city. He lived there, knew the issues with the levee's, and had an emergency management department, city engineer, city manager, police and fire departments, as well as others right there in the city available to him. He should have planned for this. He could have planned for this. He didn't plan for this.

He failed. He demonstrated incompetence. He stood by while the governor, the congressional black caucus, and the democrats in Washington deflected the blame. Trouble is, he could only do it for so long. That's the problem with being a only last in that glass house until a crisis comes along that you should have been ready for, or at least planned for help to come to you "just in case." Your new claim to fame is being on air Force One, advising the governor and the president to "be on the same sheet of music." Well, I have some music for's called Taps...and it's playing for your political career...

Don't let the door hit you in the ass, or better still - don't drown...on the way out of town.

Kevin Bacon to Blame for Flood in New Orleans

That's right! I saw that bastard down at the levee with a shovel! Or did I?
Hey! When your career starts to flag or people hate you like Sean Penn, what can you do? You can either go on a drunken bender, kick someone's ass, check into rehab, come out and have a comeback, or create the biggest UNNATURAL disaster in history and then "ACT" like you came over to help with the relief effort!!! Plus, the ass-kicking part is a "been-there, done-that" for old Sean. What a great guy that Sean Penn, he showed up and rescued one person, while simultaneously wearing body armor to protect himself from all those FRIENDLY people, while making sure his personal photographer, (who was on the boat), got lots of "money shots." Now there's humanitarian relief in action!!! Problem was, his "entourage," (and only assholes have entourages) took up too many spots on the boat, and if you've seen the TV, you obviously noticed the size of some of these New Orleans residents, so fat chance of Sean helping out unless you're a 10-year old. But he's a liberal and can't possibly be to blame. I know, it's Kevin Bacon's fault! He gave Sean Penn the idea when they did the movie "Mystic River" together, with that other hateful liberal Tim Robbins!
Want more proof? "A Streetcar Named Desire" was based in New Orleans. That movie featured Marlon Brando. Marlon Brando was in Apocalypse Now with Lawrence Fishburne, and Lawrence Fishburne was in Mystic River with Kevin Bacon! Did Kevin feel left out? I wonder?
It may just be a democratic plot. Hillary Rodham Clinton was in Last Party 2000 with Tim Robbins, and Tim Robbins was in Mystic River with guess who??? Need more?
Ted Kennedy's brother was president Kennedy, who was in the Zapruder film of the Kennedy Assasination with Jean Hill. Jean Hill was in Beyond 'JFK', The Question of Conspiracy with Gary Oldman. Gary Oldman was in Murder in the First with Kevin Bacon. More?
James Carville (the evil one) was in The People Versus Larry Flint with Courtney Love. Courtney Love was in Trapped with Kevin Bacon.
Democrat liberal Bryant Gumbel is from Louisiana, and was in the movie The Hard Way with Mos Def. Mos Def was in the Woodsman with Kevin Bacon.
New Orleans native Harry Connick Jr. helped pitch the new movie Beauty Shop with Kevin Bacon. He was also in My Dog Skip with Kevin Bacon
Bayou LaBatrie Louisiana was devestated by Katrina and also by hurricane Camille. Bayou LaBatrie was in the movie Forrest Gump, played by Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks was in Apollo 13 with Kevin Bacon!
The actor John Larroquette always seemed like he could be either really cool, or a complete ass. He's from Louisiana. He was in JFK with Kevin Bacon.
Arthur Franz was in The Young Lions in 1958 with Maxamillian Schell. Maxamillian Schell was in Telling Lies in America in 1977 with Kevin Bacon. Arthur Franz did a movie called what? guessed it...New Orleans!
Louis Armstrong, the most beloved man in New Orleans, was in Hello Dolly in 1969 with Walter Matthau. Walter Matthau was in JFK with Kevin Bacon!
Kevin Bacon also has a history of tragic movies involving water, including The WildRiver, Wild Things, White Water Summer, and Mystic River.
James Earl Jones is from Mississippi. James Earl Jones was in A Clear and Present Danger with Benjamin Bratt. Benjamin Bratt was in The Woodsman with Kevin Bacon.
Gerald McRaney is from Mississippi. He was in Hansel & Gretel with Dakota Fanning. Dakota Fanning was in Trapped with Kevin Bacon.
Sela Ward is from Mississippi. She was in The Day After Tomorrow with Emily Rossum. Emily Rossum was in Mystic River with Kevin Bacon.
Oprah's from Mississippi and we all know how irritating she is. She was in The Color Purple with Lawrence Fishburne, who was in Mystic River with old Kevin!
Truman Capote was a weirdo from New Orleans. He was in Murder By Death with James Coco. James Coco was in Only When I Laugh with Kevin Bacon.
Kevin's always seemed like a guy frustrated with not quite breaking out and achieving the stardom he expected. I think he was tired of living in people's shadows, and broke the levee to settle some scores.
...or is Sean Penn the genious actor and self serving knucklehead he appears to be?

Democrats Hate Black People

The Democrats are absolutely overjoyed that Katrina caused the damage it did! They're ecstatic! Why? To them, Katrina's wrath and the resulting situation is yet another chance for them to do their favorite thing...ABSOLUTELY GODDAMNED NOTHING!!! Why work when you can sit and bitch all day about how bad the Republican administration's response was! When asked what they would do, all you get is "not what the republicans did," but when asked for specifics, they freeze-up like deer caught in the headlights. That's because they're a political party on life-support, one that is a regime of hate bigger than any movement in modern history, bar none. but they are expert in covering up their own incompetence, and there's lots of examples of that. The difference with them is, they're sneaky, like a bunch of cats coming to tip over your trash cans at night, but not brave enough to be there in the morning and let you see who did it. They want to rule by turning you off to others, yet offer no plan of their own. Want proof? It's all around you. Here it is:
-Hilary Clinton: She wants to be president one day, and while her sickly "husband" is off trying to apparently help out, she wants to form another beaurocracy to "study" the problem. People should understand this means in order to not have to do any other work that may impact badly on her chances for election. After all, lame ducks are still ducks. She also wants to form another cabinet position for the FEMA chief, apparently expecting more disasters of this kind. Truth is, she wants the black vote in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, and would stoop this low to get it.
-Senator Reid. Do I even need to comment on this dipshit? Whenever they need an example of a hateful, vile obstructionist with no agenda than to trash others, they wheel out this relic. Just thinking about him makes me feel the chunks rising up in my throat. Truth is, he wants a democrat in the white house, is in-step with Mrs. Clinton, and could care less about the hurricane victims.
-The Congressional Racist(Black) Caucus. Hey, any chance they get to trash the president they take. Why did they take this one? Easy! The blame for lack of preparedness lies with the Mayor of New Orleans, who is a democrat and a black man, and the governor of Louisiana, who is a democrat and a female. Why take the blame when you can pin it on "the Man ... Whitey ... White Devil" George Bush? That's a no brainer, so they wheel out perpetually hateful and useless Senator Cummings to shamelessly bash the president and further the democrat's dream of doing nothing and pin it on the republican administration before anyone catches onto their fiendish plan! How do they cement the notion of wanting to be worthless and inept? Another no-brainer...wheel out Jessie Jackson's kid, who got elected on the color of his skin and uses it as his only qualification. Again, shamelessly pushing the "no responsibility means no accountability" democratic agenda. Deep down, they hate blacks too, because they never want to help any out, but just yell at others for not doing it and point out how evil everyone else is. Get off your own asses before you blame someone else for sitting on theirs. Do you realize you're being televised around the world and not everyone is mesmerized by your dog-and-pony show?
Brain Clogger

September 2, 2005

How much dough do we spend on New Orleans?

I don't know. Are they as deserving as say...Iraqi's? Haitians? Israeli's? Egyptians? How about Colombians? Now is the time our government will show us in as clear an example as the world has ever seen, if we care more about foreigners than we do about Americans...
We don't stop the flow of Mexicans, while we claim it's absolutely vital we close of the border of Iraq. We don't establish mass feeding programs for our OWN people, yet we feed the North Koreans. We give away the Panama Canal and weaken our defenses by throwing in all our military bases in that stupid deal, and we throw 300 BILLION dollars into a worthless cause in one year in the Middle East while we put Americans out of work in the idea of saving 48 billion over the next 20... So what makes you think we'll do the right thing for New Orleans? Please! We are incapable! As a taxpayer, I'm flat tired of these incompetent assholes in government who are more interested in arguing amongst themselves and getting their asses kissed than doing the right thing. If it's politically correct, we'll jump right on it, but if it even remotely looks like we're going to stop our egomaniacal worldwide charity operations in order to help our own citizens, the politicians will run faster than a dog with its ass on fire!

300 billion this year in Iraq, but 10 for New Orleans... Nice...

My predictions for the hurricane aftermath...

1. More welfare recipients. Look at the people from the projects, either waiting for a handout, or letting the animal in their nature take over. These are people who scream "fuck you," while at the same time scream "why aren't you helping me?" Looks like Haiti to me.
2. Profiteering and looting. Yep, the worst in people will come out as everyone gets the "I gotta get some free stuff" feeling and we see at least five of the deadly sins rear their ugly heads.
3. Fuel efficient cars become more expensive, while the gas guzzling pigs sit on the lots. What the f--k was Ford thinking with that damn Excursion anyway?
4. Democrats will blame the President for Global warming.
5. Democrats will blame the President for the oil crisis. Of course, there was a Dem named Carter that screwed it up in the first place. Plus, look at all those wonderful alternative energy sources and fuel efficient vehicles that came from the Clinton Administration. Yeah...Right.
6. Blacks will embarrass their race, but "African Americans" won't see it that way. We will all embarrass our country around the world. Why let a volunteer driving his own boat on his own dime rescue you, when you can tip it over, steal it, and now you have a boat! Or do you? Where the hell are you going to go where you won't get caught? New Orleans is a fishbowl, remember?
7. Rich people will get paid first. Hey, no one told you to put that 5 million dollar house 200 feet from an ocean, but you did it anyway. Now you can wait for your check! Poetic justice would be the government reclaiming the land as "barrier, wetland, coastal conservation zone, or buffer."
8. The French will be recognized for another failure, which was their bright idea called New Orleans. Sure, let's build a city below sea level right next to the ocean! Didn't anyone back then look at a puddle and wonder why it was a puddle? They aren't doing that anymore! Yes, Mother Nature is a bitch with a bad attitude and a sick sense of humor.
9. No one will recognize the debris left behind as a source of fuel for powerplants. Why think about anything other than the term "trash to steam?" It works, and I think they have enough trash and debris to go around.

September 1, 2005

Thanks Jessie!!!

Pat Robertson is an idiot. There, I said it, bottom-line up front. What a dipshit. Okay, so here's a South American that's a bit on the paranoid side, and he keeps saying we (the US, not me), want to kill him. Hey! Did anyone remember who else we apparently say that about? And hey! Does anyone see a red-blooded Latin guy who obviously has all that macho bullshit in him? And who let this knucklehead Robertson on TV. Sure Pat, we may want to "off" Chavez, but you don't go telling him that! Why don't you just get Castro on the horn and tell him too! Retard.
The odd phenomenon in all this is, Jessie Jackson finally proved his usefullness, and we all need to understand the monumental proportions of what he did. I'll break it down really easily...
We have an oil president, fighting a war to "liberate an oil country, while we get most of our oil from foreigners, including the one Pat Robertson hates so much, whom the president has spent his spare time bad-mouthing. Oil has doubled in price during this "oil" president's term. After pissing off the leader of where 15% of our oil comes from, along comes a hurricane and wipes out the American oil supply to America. What do you think would happen if Chavez decided this is a great time to cut our asses off from that 15%. No worries, along comes Jessie Jackson, who pulls our heads out of the fire, and even gets an offer to let Venezuela send poor people in the US some cheap heating oil...ironically, only if he gets to deliver straight to them. Seems he doesn't trust our government. Without Jessie, it may just be like an episode of Mad Max around here. They would call it the Great Oil War, and we would lose, because all they have to do is get cut us off. Yes, we are that dependent on other countries... Now is no time to act like a bunch of imperialistic assholes. Humility people...humility.

Sometimes, even blogs piss me off...

Like today, when I try to sign up to put some ads and some other creative shit on this thing so it's not so boring, and I want to hit myself in the head with a hammer! I can apply for an ad program from one place by filling out an application online, which asks me for the user name and password of the very account I'm applying for, which I don't have yet, and can't get without applying for...but can't submit the damn application WITHOUT THE FUCKING USERNAME AND PASSWORD!!! AAAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!!! Then I look at some other blogs where people are saying they would go to where all their shit was leveled by the hurricane, and even if it was completely gone save for a puddle of sewage and a giant "Katrina was here" scratched in the ground, they would pull out their guns and defend their property with their lives. What? What property you asshole? It's a patch of dirt! A parking lot! A pile of damn sticks and trash that somehow, I get the crazy feeling, is an improvement over the rathole shithouses these idiots had previosly. People are crazy.

August 19, 2005

Would you Clone your Wife?

I wonder about unusual things sometimes. This morning I wondered, "if people could clone other people, and I asked someone if they would clone their wife," what would they say? So would you? I know everyone thinks they'll clone their dog or some other damn thing, but when you really think about who you would clone if you could, would you clone your wife? Would you mire yourself down with questions of morality? Would you want to clone someone you know can continue the family name? Would you clone someone who you knew will die young? Someone who did? Is it natural? Should we fix all those accidents where some idiot says "it was just his time" when a 17-year old dies in a car wreck after being hit by some drunken asshole?
What if it's like in the movies, where the clone was your age after cloning? Would you clone your wife? If you did, would your wife freak out about that? Is she the jeaolous type? Would she get possessive of you, not trust herself, and get jealous of your relationship with "her?" Would she be upset if you spent time with her instead of her? If you took both of them out fishing, and then asked a question , would they both answer? Would it be the same answer? Would they get their period at the same time? If you took them both bikini shopping, would they choose the same one? I wonder...
On the flip side, if you said you wouldn't clone your wife, would that piss her off? Is she a nagging pain-in-the-ass that you wish would get hit by a train? Was she svelt in school but now resembles a trophy land-tuna? That may be a good break-up line..."if I could clone you, I wouldn't."
If you had a great kid but couldn't have any more, would you clone your kid? I would! I'd clone my girlfriend too, since she's one-of-a-kind, and the world would benefit from more of her. Yeah, yeah, she's a product of a great childhood, her parents did very well, I know. But something has to be said for her genetics too...Grrrrrrrrr. My old dog Jesse would get cloned too.

Would I clone the ex? Not a chance...



So why is it I need a pin number to access the web page, then another pin number to access my own personal information? Wasn't that what the first f'ing pin number was for? Oh, so I enter the "temporary" pin (which they didn't give me) before I enter a new one? Oh, but if I have a problem, the website tells me I have people I can reach 24-hours a day. Bullshit. Unless you consider some woman's voice on a recording saying when they're really open is a person on the phone, you're screwed! Oh, but the recording says the website is available 24/7. That's true, unless you CAN"T ACCESS THE GODDDAMNED WEBSITE WITHOUT TALKING TO A LIVE PERSON FIRST!!! Arrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

I won't even talk about all the money I give them "just in case," but after years and years of giving them all that "just in case " money and nothing's happened, I still don't get any money back! Then I see all the people who give the insurance companies their money for homeowners insurance for years and years. Then a hurricane comes by, the company is finally needed to pay up, and they cancel people's policies because of "risk." Yeah, right...risk. The only f'ing risk involved in the risk to the insurance companies huge profit margin. I hate insurance companies!


Mick Jaggoff

I hear Mick Jagger is really into political commentary these days, and a new song entitled "a Bigger Bang" is apparently more Bush-bashing. He is apparently accusing the U.S. government of hypocrisy. Wow Mick! You just figured that out? Man, you're smart...well, for an ambiguously gay singer whose greatest contribution to humanity is...well...nothing! Has anyone explained to you in terms you can understand, where exactly you're from? Can you get out of the haze you're in long enough to understand you're a Brit, not an American? I thought Keith Richards did all the drugs?
So what are you Mr. Jagger, a Brit or an American? I thought Brits had better manners than you display? Do you remember where England is? You make lots of comments about americans and America, but not so many about your own country? That's a shame because I find the British to be cultured, civilized, interesting, rational, respectful, intelligent people. I wish I could say the same for you.

Damn, now I have to throw out all my Stones CD's, just like I did with Springsteen. Hopefully I won't have to see your face on Monday night football... By the way, Jagoff is the Jersey version of "Wanker."


August 18, 2005

Help with your head

I heard somewhere the phrase "The World only Spins Forward." Technically correct, but if used as a metaphor, the phrase "Spinning out of Control" comes to mind. Why can't it spin fast enough to fling some of the idiots in the world clean off? I wonder what that would be like. I also think the "ex's" version is "the World Revolves around Me," while people that know her would tend to disagree with her and agree with me...especially my father. But I'm oddly comforted by "The World Only Spins Forward" in sort of an 'Indiana Jones running across the bridge that collapses behind him' sort of way. Like we're forced to look ahead, stop spending time lamenting the past, but rather planning for the future, or just bracing ourselves for what else is coming at us. It also makes me wonder if we're unique (since people who think they are unique tend to imitate someone else), and do we have our own freewill, or are really just like rats in a cage? I also wonder if the past is prologue and we're writing any of this down, or we're taking no lessons from it and doomed to repeat it. Does it bring back the phrase "don't mean nothing?" If I yell out "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore," will someone hear me? Will anyone give a shit?

Regardless, the World only Spins Forward, and I like that phrase. It is at the same time, both comforting and something that makes me want to yell "Shit!" What do we do with our memories? Am I ready for what comes next? Will it hit me in the face like everything else seems to do? Will I finally learn to duck? Will I want to? Does that mean I say, "fuck it, the world only spins forward, damn the torpedoes" and all that?



Your "shit" is not important...

To all the pretentious, condescending fools in Hollywood who think what they do is actually's not. To the people who get paid to play the games I played for free as a're not either. To the ACLU and your warped sense of right and wrong...neither are you... No one that pretends to be someone else for a living, bounces a ball, or argues to take the rights from the masses means jack squat to me. Cheese is more useful.

To all the soldiers out there, guaranteeing the rights of the same Hollywood idiots that would look down their noses at you, the sports people who would deny you their little signature, and the jackoff lawyers that want to turn the Constitution you swear to give your life for into nothing but toilet paper...keep it up, for they know not what they do, the sacrifices you make in order to give them something they don't really understand, or the debt they owe you.


Guilt over time lost with my son

I can't help but think about my son...constantly. I see that in his scant 11 years, I've missed four of them being away with the army, as well as three first-days of school, four birthdays, two Christmas's, etc. It doesn't help that he lives somewhere else with that whore I was married to. It's also not fair how Florida thinks she's a better parent simply because he passed through a part of her anatomy, a part that now sees practically every tow truck driver and auto parts salesman in town. Problem is, all these men are also around my son.
I often say "what did I do to him," and then realize she ran out on us, but then the court gave him to her after I got orders to leave the state. Did I choose the army over my kid? Where would I get the $865 I pay her for one kid? Is that why I feel like I abandoned him? Did I donate years of my son's life to the army? Did I throw him to that bitch and let him fend for himself? Does he see through the bullshit as his mother keeps him from contacting me and poisons him with lies about me? Why do I so easily separate myself from my son? Is it all for a paycheck? Is it out of duty? Is it all bullshit? Why doesn't the Army help me with some BAH for child support?

I forgot...I volunteered.

I won't be ashamed to be heterosexual

No, this i refuse. I know the "in" thing is to be gay and married or a lesbian with a kid or some other kind of trendy bullshit that has to do with your sexual orientation "on parade." Well, I have a message for all the people that force me to know their sexual orientation, that think that by the sheer fact they're gay, they're entitled to special priveleges...SHUT THE HELL UP! I don't want to know it, I don't want to hear it. Don't you think it would be more productive to show everyone else how "normal" gay people are? All the parades, charades, screaming and bullshit just sets your cause back, throws a wall up between you and whatever the point is you're trying to get across. In my opinion, you have equal protection under the law according to the 14th Amendment, but you'll never be able to exercise that right fully until you stop pissing everyone off, stop demonstrating you're an oddity, and show that you're normal people who happen to have a different sexual orientation. Oh, and while you're at it, as much as you believe you have the right to do and say what you do people who disagree with you. ...and I'm still not going to be ashamed to be hetero...


Hi Honey

I can dream of you in places we've never been. I can hear all kinds of music when I see you, and feel you there, inside my chest, where my heart feels the miles between you and I. I never thought that would happen, but it has.

Natalie Holloway Reality Check

In an earlier entry, I spoke of "fault." Now people are in Aruba trying to establish fault for the disappearance of this 18 year-old girl. That's easy. Her parents are to blame. Wake up and smell the coffee!

She was only 18, a high school graduate for all of what? A day? Then she's out in a casino on a Carribean island where she was obviously unsupervised and unprotected. Want that in English? Her parents threw her to the wolves. She was a kid. Do you hear me? A kid. Then she was piss-drunk in a bar at barely 18 years old. Nice. How much more raw meat is that for the Wolf? Oh, I forgot, she was apparently so drunk, her friends were trying to sober her up in the bathroom...but where did these "friends" go? Do you want to know? They stood aside when they saw the Wolf. Then they let her get into someone's car in that condition, obviously to go have some type of activity with a guy...the Wolf. Why didn't they think it was odd that she was trotting off with guys? Why would they just let her go? Hmmm.

Now her parents can cut the shit. Okay, we see your despair and anger for what it is...guilt. The sooner you see that, you'll be able to live with yourselves...or not. Either way, the fault is yours.



Jimmy came from humble beginnings. He got his first pair of new shoes when he received his issue at basic training. He was 19, and finally something he didn't have to share with his brother. Jimmy knew how to share, and it showed. He lent his heart to his fellow squad members, his body to the daily operations of patrolling the streets and handing out aid...and his soul to the Army. He wasn't particularly religious, still wondering why so much evil is brought on so many children in the name of one god or another, and if that god did exist, why it didn't yell out "okay, cut it out!" He didn't normally dream of home. His childhood was a poor one, and he found his first taste of opportunity and experience of the outside world in the Army, where he was seeing new things, but still had a family, of sorts. When he was sent to the desert, he didn't understand why, but he came. When he first got attacked, and when his friend got killed, he never knew why it had to happen, but he was a soldier, doing his duty.

He never did find out why he came here...and now he never will.