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October 30, 2005

Okay, so that explains it...

Okay, so George Takei coming out of the "closet" finally explains this picture. You know, I can take this in a number of directions (as I'm sure George can), for instance:

caption: Robert Conrad going "beep, beep, beep."
caption: You don't look like a Black Sheep there Bobby.
caption: Do you like my "helmet."
caption: Damn, why does every episode have a prostate exam scene?
caption: Pilot to co-pilot, we're going down in flames!

But I don't want to do that. Mr. Takei is an extremely accomplished man, who has a resume' a mile long, including all the Star Treks, appearing in the Green Beret's (a cheesy movie, but you have to dig John Wayne), Miami Vice, Mulan; he's received awards for social causes from the emperor of Japan and a bunch of democrats, and has probably accomplished more in his life than I ever will...except by being a soldier, I guarantee his right to do what he wants, live where he lives, and say what he wants to say. Plus, I've always liked the Asian chicks... (I had to say that, sorry. Come on, you know you like them too!)

What's more, he's been with the same person for 18 years, which is twice the record I was able to make with my ex, showing even gays have better records than I do when it come to the fidelity and loyalty of their partners! Creepy, but true. Oh well.

The only thing I disagree with is, even though Mr. Takei shows lots of guts by putting his "coming out" on the front page of his website, I really don't want to hear about his, or anybody else's (gay or straight) sexual preference. Keep it to yourself. Here's a news flash...the rest of the people in the country aren't like people in Hollywood, or even in California for that matter. What may have seemed like a monumentous thing to you and something celebrated by people in Hollywood, the rest of America could really give a shit. Sorry, but that's the truth. If you're a normal person, my troopers and I will have a soda with you. If you're gay, so what, we don't need a big proclamation. If you choose to march or scream about it, I choose to dislike you, use terms like "fag, rump-ranger, colon cowboy, etc, and make you feel like you're deviant and discriminated against. Maybe it's my South Jersey upbringing, I don't know.

Just act normally and all will be well...


In the words of Happy Gilmore

"All you need for golf are goofy clothes and a fat ass! My next door neighbor must be a great golfer...huge ass!"

The news says the golf craze is slowing down. Well, why should people go crazy and worry? Americans (who have unrealistic expectations in the first place) get stupid when something considered a "boom" starts to slow down. They somehow think the latest "boom" over golf is indicative of something. Here's your answer:

Their right, it is indicative of something, but it has nothing to do with golf. Here's the truth...sorry if it hurts you golfer-weirdo's out there: The only reason for golf courses is to build and sell the real estate around them. Period.

Americans, in their hunt for bling, have to be able to look down their noses at someone and say they live on a golf course. It's something Americans have to do, since an ego is one of our traits, and concentration on stuff that isn't important to anyone else but us, like material crap. Then they pull the oldest (nerd) trick in the book, which is take someone golfing, play down the course on their street, then try to act surprised as they exclaim to their guest "wow, I can see my house from the course!" Well of course you can, dipshit, it's 50 feet off the course and you've played that hole a hundred times... Now your guest thinks you're a real jerk too. Nice going.

It's not hard, the interest rates have started to go back up, and the amount of available housing around golf courses has decreased. It's a no-brainer. Besides, after the big attempt to attract John-Q Public to play golf, and seeing as many pairs of cut-off jeans and wife-beaters on the course, people get a bit tired of that kind of thing. The reason for the bandana hanging out of the back pocket is what again? Como? Come to find out, those high-top sneakers and all the Marlboro butts actually are bad for the course.

The hard reality of it is, unless you can afford the real estate, most of the golf courses around nowadays are private, so you're looking at forking-over some dough to play. The public courses are expensive too, and usually chewed-up by all the other golfers and neglected by the owners who put more money into the bar and restaurant than the course. People get tired of having the wife constantly tell them to bring the kids to the pitch-and-putt irons course (so she can go cheat on you for the afternoon), and once they get fairly good at the game, are tired of all the hackers and beer-golfers who screw-up the course and then make nine-holes take three hours.

Hey, it's a great game for senior citizens and corporate types, but if you're a guy who wants to hang with the kids, or do something where the scenery changes and you don't have to look at old women in plaid, try something else. Did you know fishing is the number-one sport in the country, twice as popular as NASCAR, pro sports, and yes, even golf. Why? Because it's not the game that's important, but the people you spend time with while you do them. Write that down.

Take up golf when you're knees finally give out, or you give really want to shine the boss's ass. Chances are he's got a big ass.

Never trust someone who doesn't fish.


October 28, 2005

More proof we're all crazy...Dead Celebrity watch!

We're so concerned with the truly unimportant, that we actually track the money earned by dead celebrities. What's worse is, I'm alive, and they still made more than me. Aside from that, someone is sitting back fat and happy, profiting off the earnings of a dead celebrity. Now there's the definition of completely worthless. I'd like to know where the money is going, for I could really give a shit about who made what.

Of course, what's even more sad, is a national money magazine like Forbes is reporting this crap. Oh, and doing so right next to more articles about big, gas-guzzling pig SUV's. When will Americans finally concentrate on the truly important things in life? When will we realize that we can't scorch the earth, suck up all the resources, scream "more more, gimme gimme" all the time, and finally give a damn about each other and our environment. When will the meaningless, the greed, the apathy, and the hate go away?

Our society is in its downfall. We've gotten so fat and lazy we've sealed our fate. Greed and hate has replaced caring and sharing. National or even community spirit has been replaced by "what's in it for me," and the feeling of "I'm looking out for number one." Well I ask you, what have all these people done to think they deserve such selfishness? We've segregated ourselves into subcultures with our own interests, looking to the government for special treatment, instead of everyone wanting to contribute to the bigger team. Yes, we segregate ourselves. We tear our country apart from the inside, while other countries laugh at us, and say we deserve it.

They may be right.


October 27, 2005

My opinion on Harriet Miers

Stupid decision, the president shouldn't have picked her, he needs to dump her. The good-old-boy house of cards is starting to fall, and even though I'm a conservative, I don't care. I don't care about the democrats either, or the congress in total.

Remember all that crap about "I'm a uniter, not a divider?" Still believe any of it? By the way, "uniter" isn't a word.


Wilma response...

So it's been what? Three days? Unbelievable how people are blaming the governor for a slow response. Actually, thinking about it...a democratic state, a republican governor whose brother is the president. Skip that "unbelievable part."

Go ahead and bitch all you want. Does anyone (besides me) understand the sheer magnitude of bringing over 6 million people three days worth of supply of food, water, and ice? Everybody sitting around waiting for someone to help them can just sit and wait some more.

American's are INCREDIBLY UNREALISTIC, and far too self-involved. Reason?
  • When you're not part of the process and tell the government to get away all the time, then a hurricane comes and you EXPECT the government to help you.
  • When it's the first day after the storm that you need gas, baby food, medicine, and ice. Are you kidding me? What's worse is you're desperate enough to pay $20 a gallon. Look in the visor mirror to see an idiot.
  • When you expect for a never-ending supply of disaster aid with no interruption. When they invent the Star Trek transporter to replace the tractor-trailer, then maybe... There's also the loading the trucks, getting the supplies to load, producing the supplies, etc.
  • When it's the first day after the storm and you realize you need some cash, or a Big Mac is the thing to get. Here's some advice: Get it in Jacksonville.
  • When you decide you would rather sit and bitch about it being the "third world" rather than getting in the car or on the train and leaving until the power comes back on.

I am so tired of American civilians whining like the sniveling sissies they are. Stand on your own two feet, stop yelling "we want it and we want it now," and realize things don't happen instantly, trucks leaving Tallahassee don't get to Miami in an hour, and suck it up. You chose to live in Florida, now live with that decision. The governor's not to blame, but guess who is?

You. You're to blame. Go see if your neighbors are okay. Clean something. Clean something of the neighbors. Have some room temperature water, it won't kill you, you pampered (CENSORED). Stop doing the "gimme, gimme, gimme" routine. Some of us are tired of seeing supposedly "free" Americans doing that shit. What did you ever do to deserve so much. What did you do to deserve anything? When do we tell welfare recipients enough is enough? When do we stop the bullshit Cuban policy that pays them when they get here? What's with all the handouts? We've turned everyone into trained pets, only responding when you give them something, with no motivation of their own, and who use their free-will to complain their handouts aren't satisfactory. That's friggin sad.

By the way, the democrat lackey mayor in Miami can shut his trap too... People elected you because they wanted a cop, not a politician. Stop trying to be one.


October 26, 2005

I was a believer once...

I'm not really sure when it was, most likely as I served two years in Korea, since I was going to mass every weekend, finding the church a place where I felt good. Oddly, every time I went to mass, there was a point somewhere in there that I was led to tears. I wonder why?

Nowadays, I find no interest in any of that. I came back from Korea only to see the priest sex abuse scandal, and back into the reality of my failed marriage and son who lives with the ex as I struggle to see him from 4 hours away. I then have to see his reaction to all the men she lets come and go, and realize that while I kept the moral high ground through the divorce and everything that followed, I lost, and in the end the moral high ground wasn't worth it. It's like how I am biologically unable to kiss ass, yet the ass-kissers get ahead, regardless of what people say.

Then I look around for signs of God. Suffering children, wars, "ethnic cleansing" (which is just a PC phrase for mass murder of people who aren't like you), hatred and murder in the name of God, Allah, and whomever else; women killing their children; men kidnapping, molesting, and murdering little kids; my son continuing to be subjected to that whore; my brother disrespecting and dishonoring my parents; good people dying while evil people live; killer storms, killer earthquakes, killer floods, corruption, vice, greed, more people killing in the name of God; Aids, Bird Flu, etc. etc.

Through all this, where is God? I miss almost every birthday, first day of school, soccer games, karate practices, colds, sleepless nights, scraped knees, and holidays of a child who is only 11, and what do I get in return? Paying through the nose and no contact with him while I'm in the desert, which I'm sure is her doing since she has yet another boyfriend. Do I even look forward to going back home and being nearby? No. I'm in the Army, so I go where they order, and where is home anyway? Even my number one girl, whom I consider one of the only shining spots in my life, the person who always said she was worried I would break her heart, apparently had no issue with breaking mine as I found out she was lying to me about something for two years.

All around me I hear people talking about their faith, and I think, their "blind faith." Maybe I had that kind of hope when I was their age? Probably not. After growing up with my abusive brother, seeing a good friend die when I was 17, and feeling lost at 18, I really don't think hope was in my bag of tricks. If I'm to believe most of what I see and little of what I hear, then I don't believe in God. I see some people who seem to really enjoy their faith. I was born Catholic, so I don't have such an experience. Instead, I can still see the looks of sheer guilt and anguish on the old people in church, and the voice of the priest as he hit us up for cash. All the while, people of other faiths try to tell me how messed-up my church is, never knowing I don't consider it mine. Priests told me growing up to fear God, fear God, God will punish you, and then one day it was "love him because he loves you." Well, welcome to Dysfunction Junction. When I asked why that was, a priest said it was what they told kids to keep them in line. I told him that was pretty freakin stupid. Apparently, God thinks kids are idiots.

It seems that while some people live carefree lives where everything seems to fall in place, my mission is apparently to atone for whatever sin I've committed now, every day, and to suffer through the mind-numbing contact I'm forced to have with my ex in the "hope" of some spoonful of contact with my son. I'm stuck. If I want more constant contact, I have to sacrifice my job and my pension in order to locate myself nearby, but if I don't make myself suffer that way, I sacrifice being there for his pre-teen and teenage years. I already missed his childhood.

Thanks God. You'll tell me what I did to deserve this, okay? Oh, I forget, you NEVER answer, but apparently expect people to believe just "because." And you think we're idiots? You're right, we are. The reason they should believe is the old "because the Bible says so," and when someone asks why, everyone else tells them how bad they are for questioning God (when they're actually questioning a book), guilting them into submission. (It's the five monkeys story of an earlier blog entry) Let me know what my son did also. Of course, you let him get baptised by that pedophile priest, but I guess that was okay, right?

Wrong. If he existed, would he really allow so many children to suffer? If so, he's one sick bastard, and I don't want anything to do with him. And what exactly did my parents do that makes them deserve to have to suffer through my idiot brother's mistreatment? What did my cousin do when you made him suffer from age 9 to age 27 when he died, only to make sure his family had to be there for every gut-wrenching detail? You have a sick sense of humor.

Of course, believers are also indoctrinated in the "you can't say anything bad to God or you're bad." Well, fuck you people too... Blind faith is blind trust, something I just can't bring myself to do. I see far too many people who don't go to church, who seem to skate though life with no problems. I know people who use the expression "It's part of God's plan," which I find moronic, combined with the fact we're not supposed to question the "plan," because that's questioning God, who is apparently infallable.

Right. Show me one more little kid with a bloated stomach from starving or born with AIDS, and I'll show you a fallable God. Show me one more innocent person minding their business getting blown-up by a terrorist and I'll show you a fallable God. Show me a son, and his father, who cry because they miss each other over and over again, while his mother complains about how hard she has it being around him all the time, and I'll show you a fallable God. No. You feed the kids, you end the AIDS, you stop the terrorists, and you stop making it so damn hard for me to be around my kid. Don't let others make excuses for you. Do it.

Come to think of it, he sounds like a democrat.

Like I said, I used to be a believer. Now I believe I'll stop talking about it.


somebody bitch-slap that beeyaatch!!!

Day after day, and time and time again, the Iranians demonstrate they had no say-so in their elections because who would elect such a hateful knucklehead? Besides either harboring secret desires to appear on the reunion episode of Miami Vice, or not yet having the testosterone to grow an actual beard, the scrawny, scruffy Iranian leader continues to use the press as his tool to call for more murder and mayhem.

Hateful and ugly. He's probably so upset because he's never been laid...

Tell him to go take a shower and try to be a little more positive. I'm just waiting for his mother to show up and JAP-slap him like the angry little demon he is!

No big surprise where islamic youth learn to hate everybody...


October 25, 2005

Mom always said to change your underwear...

Only the Brits would put out an article like this, and do it with a straight face! Anti-microbial underwear? Well, I think technology has just exceeded common sense. Wash your underwear and your ass!

They say these things are designed for people who are "laundry challenged," "trekkers," and backpackers. Yeah...right! These are for the Starbucks-generation, slacker college kids that wear their clothes for multiple days. Admit it, you know you want to...

So it works with special bits of silver sewn into the material? How about making a breath mint out of that stuff, or a t-shirt with that in the underarms (armpit is such a trashy word)? How about car seats, or a pair of pants? I think the picture in the article suggests a little more than they intended...or are they trying to tell us something? Hey, everybody knows a woman who can wear a pair of underwear for a week and you wouldn't know, so what gives?

But you're supposed to change those underwear, just like Mom says! You never know when you'll be in an accident! They should really call it exchange, not change. After all, you want to exchange a dirty pair for a clean one, right?


October 23, 2005

Pretend it's the Ex!!! With a meat lesson...

Dan seems like an interesting guy, for a college kid. That's why I check out his antics on every once in a while, and where I found the link. Actually, he seems like a normal college kid like thousands of others like him...and myself a while back.

Yep, before I lost my mind, signed-up for the "permanent program" with a college chick I should have dumped like the slut she really is. She was rag'd-out back then, and when Mom didn't approve, I should have known better. My mistake, the error has been corrected. Actually, it corrected itself once all her insecurities and ego-centrism resurfaced in all it's many, ugly forms. This is one reason why the link is so funny to me...

But times do change. The new "Broad of Brainclogger" not only has the Department of Agriculture Seal (USDA-Prime), but has the Mom and Dad seal of approval, which is better.

In case you think I'm being a sexist, USDA Prime is a good thing! The best thing.

"USDA Prime: Prime grade beef is the ultimate in tenderness, juiciness, and flavor. It has abundant marbling -- flecks of fat within the lean -- which enhances both flavor and juiciness"

Prime isn't the best because it's the's not supposed to be. "It has the perfect mixture, and is therefore the best tasting." We don't want the leanest, we want the tastiest. It's just like with women. Don't just take my word for the USDA!

You see, my current girl is really all-female, where the ex is quite manly. The ex isn't even a "Select" cut. Constantly obsessed not with a feminine body, but a "hard" body, where once she may have looked athletic, now she just looks like a sun-bleached, leather-faced, frizzed-hair, white trash trailer slut, with no feminine features besides the fact she can get into a bikini. Yuck. How do you convey shuddering on a blog? :(

Where meats are concerned, she is USDA-Cannery, a disturbing grade; the bottom rung, used for pet foods, and unfortunately, ground beef, and in "manufactured meats" like frankfurters. This is why Kosher franks are better, since they have Choice-grade meats in them, e.g. Sabretts, Hebrew National, etc. No snout, guts or asshole ever makes it into one of those. Does this make the ex literally a "piece of ass?" Now that's funny! She spends so much time and energy on selecting a great deal of a different kind of meat, she should know this stuff by heart. What's the grade for vein-laden meat-pipe? What about Tube-steak? Man-meat? Sau-zeech?

"Each USDA beef quality grade is a measure of a distinct level of quality -- and it takes eight grades to span the range. They are USDA Prime, Choice, Select, Standard, Commercial, Utility, Cutter, and Canner." There's a long way between Prime and meat, and in women.

"USDA Prime, Choice, Select, and Standard grades come from younger beef. The highest grade, USDA Prime, is used mostly by hotels and restaurants, but a small amount is sold at retail markets. The grade most widely sold at retail is USDA Choice. However, consumer preference for leaner beef has increased the popularity of the Select grade of beef. Select grade can now be found at most meat counters.

Standard and Commercial grade beef frequently is sold as ungraded or as "brand name" meat.
The three lower grades -- USDA Utility, Cutter, and Canner -- are seldom, if ever, sold at retail but are used instead to make ground beef and manufactured meat items such as frankfurters. For the ex, the grade has to be "in the Canner."

I wonder what level of quality goes into "Potted Meat Food Product?" What exactly is "partially defatted beef fatty tissue?" I also wonder who the girl in the link is modeled after? She reminds me of the ex, except this woman is obviously far more limber than she ever was, and blessed with the inability to speak. Now that would be nice. This is also the other reason why the link is funny.

Yes, I'm bitter, so what! I hate that whore, and really dig my real chica. If you don't like it, I have some Prime Loin for you...


October 22, 2005

The empty seat next to me

I sit looking at the empty seat next to me. It's a perfectly good seat, yet no one wants to sit there. Actually, no one dares sit there. I think they would keep others from doing so as well. It's a nice chair, really. Black, high-top, nice and clean... It's nicer than most of the other chairs. But it's empty.

The walk around it, and the workstation it sits near. People look at it, and for some reason, avoid even touching it. I even look at it and find my mind wandering.

It was Sam's chair. He was in it before he left.

We can still see him. He was the second youngest of my people. Others thought of him as much older, but for those that got to know him, we knew how young he really was.

None of us knew he wouldn't come back... You can still see the shock in people's faces.

Without Sam, is it still Sam's chair? Why can't anyone else sit there? Why can't anyone bring themselves to sit there? Grief not addressed and reality not faced. He was a kid, but he was also a man. He was supposed to be away from the danger, but it came to him.

Did the rest not "earn" the right to sit there? Did Sam earn the right to his own chair? Did he do it by the things he did while he was here, or what happened to him when he left? Is it respect, or guilt, or fear that keeps the chair empty?

Does anyone earn anything by getting killed? Our hearts are as empty as Sam's chair.


Mr. Johnson Thanks You!

I've been thinking about why men wash their hands after they pee...

Shouldn't it be BEFORE you pee? I mean, unless you're doing something I'm not, your hands (rather than your unit) touch everything, get dirty, wipe your face and nose, touch other people, touch your desk, computer, workout equipment, the ground, and basically get dirty, while Mr. Johnson stays as clean in your underwear as he was when you put him there after your shower this morning. Don't tell me you don't shower in the morning... Are you the same person who never cleans his coffee cup? Would you wash your car with a dirty rag? Fold your clothes with dirty hands? Swim in a dirty pool?

So why is it men go into the bathroom with a pair of dirty hands and touch their clean (you know what) with them? Trying to poison the One-eyed Monster? Need greasy hands to get a grip on the trouser snake? What's the deal? I've seen people workout at the gym, go outside and do pushups in the dirt, then sit-ups where they touch the backs of their heads, then run, sweat, wipe their faces with their hands, their nose with their arm, and then go use the bathroom, only to wash their hands AFTER they touch their personal "equipment." If you do this and you're a're even more nasty.

I don't understand washing afterward. If it's a sit-down appointment, I completely agree, but if you're only going "number one," why are you still getting pee on your hands? Personally, I stopped getting any on me years ago. You know, the handles on the sink are probably holding more germs than the old "heat-seeking moisture missile." This reminds me...if you're doing some "inshore drilling," (throwing the ruby-headed love-dart, Russel, the love-muscle) wash those hands before any of that! The two dirtiest parts of your body are your hands, and ironically, your mouth.

...and you thought it was somewhere else...


October 21, 2005

ACLU Christmas Tree like a Chinese Finger Trap

You know, every time I hear about those idiot lawyers at the ACLU, it makes my head hurt.

Why are they called the "civil" liberties union? The preponderance of Americans want to put up Christmas trees, string some lights, sing songs (or at least listen to them), and celebrate the Christmas season (yes, the Christmas season) by actually demonstrating good will towards their fellow man, and hope for peace on earth. They are also anything but civil, as they infringe on all our rights for the sake of a few misguided and maladjusted cretins...

But No! Not you bastards at the ACLU! Anyone having the right to celebrate a Christian holiday is the enemy to you pagan fucks, so you go to the ends of the earth to make sure you ruin it for everyone and turn them into the same lifeless, joyless, hopeless, dickless morons you are! We don't want to be you. We like Americans, and we hate lawyers! Why won't you just go away?

It's not Festivus. It's not Chrisma-Hanu-Kwanzuka, nor is it Yoma-Hanu-Kwansmas.

Take your lawyer- communist-freedom-hater blinders off and realize that we left Europe and established this country to get AWAY from assholes like you. Be gone!!! Piss off!!!

So find an ACLU lawyer, tie him to a liberal, ram a Christmas tree where the sun don't shine, then plug the lights in. Then try to remove it quickly. Yep, just like a Chinese finger trap! Like a six-foot evergreen anal lawn dart! You never know...they may even like it, the sick freaks!


Buy that Man a Lawn Mower!

There was an article in today's herald (see link) about a Mexican that's been fighting to live in this country for years, and has been deported (on our nickel) and re-entered the country more than just a handful of times.

While I applaud this guy's efforts to come here and work (Lord knows we have plenty of lazy-bastard Americans that sit on their asses instead of working), it makes it blatantly clear our immigration laws and border security efforts simply aren't working.

Hey! Maybe next time, he should just claim he's Cuban. Then he'll get citizenship and a check, instead of a ride to Krome Avenue.

I wonder if that lawnmower comment will piss anyone off?


We should give them hats and spurs...

When you think about it, Baghdad is the modern-day version of Tombstone, Dodge City, or better yet...Deadwood. Welcome to the wild west! Us city slickers in our fancy machinery roll through town and people naturally go "who do them there fellers think they is?" So they shoot at us, bomb us, and generally try to hurt us, while at the same time acting like our friends and asking/begging for our help.

Then the locals kill other locals and segregate themselves into gangs and neighborhoods; everyone is afraid of the guy who really owns the town and his evil minions; the sheriff is a pussy, the town marshall is on the take; the deputies play both sides of the fence; they're all in-bred and related to each other; some of the "God-fearing" folk are the same ones who own whorehouses and bars; your friend at the old watering hole during the day is out bushwhacking you at night(including insurgents who act as police, and Iraqi military people who sell them weapons); they steal your horses (in the form of fuel, food, and supplies), cheat at all their games (like war, contracting, driving, ambushes, allegiances), and live like pigs, but try to tell you how screwed-up you are. They might be greedy for things in their version of an afterlife, but they're still greedy like everyone else.

Why don't we just give all of them six-shooters and black 10-gallon hats, then invite them out to a deul at high noon?

...then we cluster bomb and mini-gun the shit out of them and stomp on any big chunks left over...


That fella's a food group!

In a recent news story, confirming not only their relationship, but the fact that throughout out this nation's history Hollywood people are weirdo's, Jennifer Anniston refers to Vince Vaughn as "delicious."

Now that's just creepy...


October 17, 2005

The idiots from the 60's.

Let me be a bit more clear on this comment...

I consider the following people and/or groups from the 60's "idiots."

  • The Kennedy's. One gets a free pass after letting a girl he was cheating on his wife with drown in his car...and now, he's a fat senator with "pull." Then his brother and sister-in-law, with all this "Camelot" nonsense, thinking there's such a thing as American royalty. Wait a minute Mr. wouldn't be the same guy whose daddy got him elected, would you? The daddy that made his money as a bootlegger? Oh, and he wouldn't have been there if not for the mob, so consorting with the underworld may not be the best example of how to do things...or maybe it is? Then the nepotism that put his younger brother in the attorney general's job, only to backfire and probably get both of them killed for screwing with the mob. Sirhan Sirhan... Horse shit...Horse shit...
  • People against civil rights. A prime example of the American bullshit attitude of "I'm better than you." What makes some backward-ass, inbred, horn-rimmed birthcontrol glasses-wearing, flat-top haircut having whitebread knucklehead think he's better than a black farmer just minding his business? The whole "I hate you, and you, and you too" thing just pisses me off. Anybody that uses a firehose or "sicks" a dog on you just because you want to have the same rights they have is an ass.
  • People with the "black power" slave mentality. They were advocating violence, while telling everyone how the white devil "owed" them. That attitude still exists, and until we get over it, race relations will never get ironed out. People in general are unwilling to understand that the only "race" is the human race, and that color is only skin deep, but being an idiot goes all the way to the bone. But then again, we have a slave mentality in this country that led to things like a mass concentration of helpless people in New Orleans, which was blamed on George Bush, demonstrating the other mentality, the one of "blame someone else" and a lack of self-reliance. Damn the man!
  • Flower children. The whole "live and let-live" thing was a lot of crap. It was an excuse to sit around, take drugs, do nothing but become a burden on someone else, have lots of sex, play music, and... well, actually, that sounds pretty good. Skip that. It's like living the life of a perpetual high-schooler. Next time I have the opportunity to go live the sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll life instead of coming to the middle east and defending everyone else's rights, I'll do that instead.
  • Women's Libbers. Guess what...a bra is used to keep things in place so they don't stretch-out and give you something else to complain about. I'm sorry you can't be guys, but hey, I can't be a girl, so I guess we're even. The only thing you liberated yourselves from was your senses. Oh, that, and the traditional view of nurturing your children. Yep, your fragile ego led to your kids being a bunch of worthless fucks. I hope that job was worth it. Happy now? Now you can be upset no one wants to have sex with you.
  • The "space race." It was a race with no finish line, no real competition (it wasn't like the Russians were using their own designs for space rockets), and no point. Sputnik was a glorified garage door opener. Oh, and the timing of when we landed on the moon (the end of 1968, the most tragic year in our history)? A bit too ironic for me. Truth is...we never landed on the moon... Nope, never. Capricorn One was a documentary...
  • The Johnsons.- Now there was an egotistical puke, and a good old Texas bubba like GW, with some ironic similarities. Both oil guys, and both big business good-old-boys. Johnson cashed-in bigtime thru dealings with Brown and Root, and these many years later, the former president of the parent company for KBR is our Vice President. We went full bore into Vietnam just like Iraq (after they rubbed-out JFK, who was against that), and a few people got very, very rich. Now KBR is making a killing in the middle east. (What the Bush's are pocketing is unknown, but when I see a Saudi prince at the ranch in Crawford, I wonder, but Johnson benefitted personally). Aside from that, everything in the Johnson family held the initials LBJ. Everything. Johnson also hamstrung the military while protecting Ho Chi Minh, which extended the war and got a lot of troopers killed. Nice military record, ya puke (he was "appointed" a Lieutenant Commander in the Naval reserve, instead of working his way to that rank)! He was an observer in a plane that turned-tail and ran in the face of the enemy, and for his gallantry, he received the Silver Star.

Democrat or Republican, it doesn't matter. Graft, corruption, greed, vice...they're all guilty. Lining their pockets at the expense of the rest of us...but I digress.

There are more things, but it's time for lunch. Wow, does this make me look like a right-winger or what! Only on Mondays...

I'm actually not this hateful, but sometimes venting is fun...


October 16, 2005

I think they heard me!!!

If you click on the title of the entry before this about the white boy march, the title of the article has been changed...


Same article, same pictures, different title...

White supremacist Riot in Toledo, Ohio

Waving the bullshit flag!

Read my last entry, then think of the irony... Then read all the news articles related to the white idiots marching in Ohio. I had to wave the bullshit flag! Guess what...none of the supposed "white supremacist's" were rioting. Nope. None of them. The rioters were black. Once the rioting got going, the marchers aparently went home...but the riots continued.

Oops! Did I say that out loud? Oh, I forget, due to political correctness beyond my control, it's no longer advisable to tell the truth. Yes, we may offend someone, or we may just look like we want to be honest, and you know we can't have that...

Newsflash!!! The Redneck White Boys, no matter how ridiculous they may be, have the right to their opinion, and just because it differs from everyone else's PC opinion, they don't always have to be labeled a "hate group." The people against the march have the right to their opinions too, but when they turn to violence and the press blames it on someone else, that's some bullshit.

Another Newsflash!!! The news media is trying to pander to the PC culture. Scroll down a few more entries to the one about the AP being a bunch of hacks. Well, here they go again. The headline in the Reuters article said "Ohio Neo-Nazi March Sparks Violence, Arrests." But if you look in both articles, they don't point the finger like they did when the New Orleans cops beat-up that guy. Nope, in that article, they said "Mr. Davis, who is black, ..." and then went on to say the cops were white. This time, they went with an angle that can only be called a lie.

This time, when violence is perpetrated by blacks, it is apparently still too politically incorrect to say that. The AP actually blamed the socialist group for doing the rioting, which is an out-and-out lie...not true...false...incorrect. A white man's bar got damaged by black rioters, but the news said nothing. Next thing you know, the press will get a new name for the apple (so you can't call an apple an apple, if you missed that one).

The media is trying to manipulate people's attitudes, thoughts, and their very minds by pandering to the politically correct and justifying the lies they spew to you. They're evil, they're liberal, and their worse than those dipshit white supremacist marchers. At least they go stand in the light of day and tell you what they believe in.

How Ironic...and sad

It's funny that in light of today's events, concerned with nothing else than all things that polarize our people and lead to nothing but hate and discontent; if I do a search for my blog on any one of a number of search engines, the one that consistently comes up is the one called "My Racial Moment...Sorry."

What is that one? 45 out of about 82? Why that one? Is that the only one considered sexy and derisive enough to link? Is it because that one has been quoted and linked by other boggers?

I think it's because our country continues to concentrate on the wrong thing.

Our country will destroy itself from within in the next 50 years... Melodramatic? Yes, but considering the course the idiots from the 60's put us on, it doesn't seem a short enough time frame.


October 15, 2005

Poll: Civility Taking a Beating in America

Well no shit! If this hasn't been blatantly obvious lately, then we've all been in comas. Start with the government, our "supposed" leadership. They act like spoiled children (probably because they're all lawyers...yuck!) , speak ill of each other, lie, cheat, steal, and get away with it. They're uncivil to each other like their lives depend on it, and it makes me want to puke! These are the same people who get their asses kissed like they're some kind of royalty? I wouldn't let most of them use my bathroom.

Then look at parents these days. "My kid can beat up your kid," and all their sports bullshit metaphors like "you gotta step-up," whatever that means. People who grew up in the "live and let live" 60's, 70's, and even the 80's are parents now and they let their kids say and do whatever they want, following their lead...of course. Let's all be friends, then when your kid mouths off to an adult, you can just sit there like the castrated, powerless lump of crap you are.

I've been witness to an unholy host of bad-mouthed, poorly educated, idiots who demonstrate their utter incivility and rudeness and pass it on to their kids with wreckless abandon. I know! Let's all go get some Budweiser's and some cigarettes, then go get a tattoo, a body piercing, and then we can all cut our hair into mullets, then make everything out of denim...shorts, skirts, pants, shirts, baby clothes. My ex is turning into that. She already has the old car she races on Saturdays with the rednecks, bleaches her hair three shades of white, and if she poked-out as many times as she's been poked-in, she'd be a porcupine.

Look at our society as a whole. It's a greed-driven, have versus the have-not, you're worthy if you have money and a low-life if you don't, speak too loud and I'll sue, damn the man, I'm better than you, throw the race card, keep up with the Jones' load of bullshit. Americans care about money...and little else. And I'm over here defending their right to lead these worthless lives

Then look at the trends. There is nothing written down anywhere that says when you go into a coffee house you're suddenly someone unique and are therefore required to act like a pompous asshole. Coffee houses have been around as long as coffee, so hold the nutmeg sprinkles there kid and shut the fuck up. Your snotty look deserves a bitch slap like the little punk you are. And honey, when you're standing in the airplane aisle back to front with everyone else, waiting to get off, that cell call you're on is definitely not a private call, so you too can clamp your sewer closed.
It's just as bad here in the Middle East in the service. Officers of the same rank walk around here with their chests out (women included) and act like it's their job to not say hello or be civil. They must be too important to say hello to you, or too busy to be friendly to you. I just chalk it up to being too ignorant and anti-social to demonstrate intelligence by showing good manners to me. At least they're sure of their lack of are the rest of us.

Let's just put it this way...Good manners are a sign of intelligence (caveat: there are lots of intelligent assclowns), and poor manners are a demonstration of stupidity. Right now, our country is looking pretty stupid.
