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October 3, 2005

Greed is not good...

Don't you just love how greed in this country got us where we are? We were attacked because we're greedy and believe in nothing but money. We have an oil crisis going on because we're controlled by the oil companies who will do whatever they can to maintain control of our country. We had to keep making big cars for greedy Americans. We watch foreign companies drive American companies under while the American company employees strike because they want more money, not even wondering if a job with less pay is better than no job. We see baseball players act like babies unless they make 200 million a year, basketball players making millions fighting people in the stands, while paramedics and cops make under 45K a year. All the while, I spend another year away from my kid to protect the rights of people to act like greedy idiots.

Tom DeLay and the 5 Monkeys

Five monkeys are put in a cage. From the center of the cage, a banana hangs from a rope. A ladder is nearby. After a while, the monkeys figure out they can get the banana using the ladder. After putting the ladder under the hanging fruit, they begin to climb the ladder and are immediately doused with cold water. After a while, the monkeys try again and are doused again with water. Fairly soon if any monkey gets near the ladder, the rest attack them for fear of being hit with more water. One monkey is removed for a new one, who gets near the ladder and is immediately attacked by the others. Another is removed, and when that one gets near the ladder, it is attacked by the other monkeys including the monkey that just came in. After a while, all the monkeys are replaced, so no monkeys sit in the cage that have ever been sprayed with water, but every time one of them gets near the ladder, they all get sprayed with water. They don't know why they do it, but that's what they were taught, that's how it has always been done, and that's the environment they found themselves in.

What if the monkeys were our politicians? What would they do? They're practically swimming in bananas, yet they still fight each other for more. They hide bananas and try to get more while acting like they don't have any. If they see someone else with a banana, they ridicule that monkey and try to take that banana away. If everyone else gets bananas, they bully the others, take their bananas, and keep them for themselves. Do they ever give some bananas to the people that put them in the cage? No. Do they give bananas to the other monkeys in the cage? No, and they ridicule the ones that do. They still attack the ones that try to climb the "ladder." Do they act this way because it's the right thing to do? No. They do it because that's the way it's always been done. Besides, it's better to be the "big monkey in charge," than one of the new guys.

You know, I don't care if the latest mud thrown on Congressman DeLay is valid or not, he needs to go. He is a blatant example of the good-old boy, corrupt, 5-monkey political system we have here, where there''s the way it should be, and the way it is.

Mr words to him: Guess what asshole...the people didn't elect you in order for you to line your pockets, but you're doing a good job milking the rest of the country for their gain! They may call you the "Teflon Texan," but I have a better word... Dick.


October 2, 2005

The foreign policy of Bingo...

Our foreign policy reminds me of Bingo. You go from turn to turn, not knowing what number will come up. You don't know what one it will be, but if you win, you suddenly believe it is because of your Bingo prowess instead of the sheer luck it really is. There is no consistent way to win, as there is no consistent foreign policy in our country.

It must be utter revulsion to politics and politicians that makes me think about how screwed-up our political system is. It's both humiliating and infuriating as an American, the way we let politicians warp our basic values for our comfort, pleasure, entertainment, security, or plain twisted sense of humor, and they do this internationally. What's funnier, and even more pathetic, is the way these "public servants" (excuse me while I go vomit) line their pockets and become "American royalty" in the process. People in government should call YOU Sir, treat YOU special, and kiss YOUR ass, yet somehow, we do it the other way. Well, not me. I just make myself scarce when they come around. My hypocrisy only goes so far...

Here are a few examples of our completely warped foreign policy. Warning! The truth hurts!

  • We say we're friends with Saudi Arabia, a monarchy, because they give us oil. This is the only reason we support such a repressive regime, on par with maybe...Cuba?
  • We don't like North Korea because Kim Jong Il is an evil little troll bent on destruction...but since he has nukes, we'll start being nice and "normalize" relations.
  • We don't like the evil Iranians, while secretly, we buy oil from them. We refer them to the U.N. for sanctions, while we send food to the North Koreans? Can you say inconsistency?
  • We don't like Cuba because Castro is a dictator. What do we give a shit? The only reason we don't like Cuba is because the pro-embargo side always gets the votes from the anti-Castro Cubans in Florida. If the Cuban voters in Florida said they wanted the politicians to have sex with pine trees, the hypocrites would be running around looking for a knothole. Why do you think we have a policy that gives residency to Cubans who land on the shore, but we don't do that for any other country, not even Canada?
  • We say we like China because they are a "democratic country." Yep, they're about as democratic as I am a Martian. We just like cheap sneakers, cheap dockers, and want to stay on the good side of their more powerful economy and enormous military. Basically, we're being nice so they don't kick our ass in a multitude of ways. Can you say trade imbalance?
  • We don't like Venezuela, but...wait...we do like Venezuelans, but not Chavez. Hmm. Wonder why that is? They give us 15% of our oil.
  • We like Haiti. Yep, we like anyone in Haiti that will keep the violence down to a low enough simmer so it doesn't make front-page news in Miami. That's it.
  • We don't like Syria because they harbor terrorists and won't secure their borders. If that's a criteria to not like someone, then why do we like Mexico? Oh, I remember, the Mexican government is run by a bunch of elitist rich people, just like we are! Why do you think we protect the borders of Iraq but not the border of the U.S.?
  • As for African policy, we like any country we can call the "good guys," whether they're being attacked by a neighbor, oppressed by religious groups, picked on by a bigger neighbor, or whatever. If they're the underdog, we can act magnanimous and say we're "helping" the little guy. Without that, or some oil, we could give a shit about them too.
  • We like Israel. We like Israel because the collective guilt of the world tells us to, and the fact they are an investment to the tune of a couple billion a year.
  • We like Kuwait. Why? Because they haven't cut off our oil supply...yet.
  • We like Egypt, because we pay Egypt to not attack Israel and they comply. Cash is King!
  • Japan and South Korea. We say we like them, so much in fact that we bend over and take it to the tune of "how do you like that trade deficit." They take advantage of us on purpose, and we let them. When we rebuilt Japan, did we give the newest steel-making technology to the American companies and give their old stuff to Japan? Hell no! We gave them the new stuff! Guess how long it took Japan to kill our steel industry?
  • For any country we say we like, it comes right down to the "Almighty dollar" as the reason why. We can't be neighbors and friends to other countries, because that wouldn't make any of our politicians rich...unless you have a lump of kickback money on you...
  • You can never tell how the politicians will strike a relationship with another country, therefore the foreign policy Bingo!!!

I think our policies should be based on the desire for win-win relations, not oil for overly large cars, guilt, consolation prizes, whims, popularity, or payola. But that's just my opinion...


October 1, 2005

Cleaning out the "Closet."

Apparently, the Vatican has decided to reaffirm it's no-homosexual policy in the priesthood. While part of me says that's good, part of me thinks "too little, too late." You see, the whole crapstorm over the pedophile priests and the church's lack of dealing with it to my satisfaction led me to make sure the church door (or the priest) didn't hit me in the ass... I came back from almost two years service in Korea right when the whole thing blew up. In Korea, I didn't miss a single Sunday service. But it just didn't sit well with my "keep your hands off little kids or suffer the wrath" policy, which I guess the American church didn't share. John Paul II thought that way, but the arrogant goons in the American Catholic church heard something else. Haven't been to mass since. They probably miss my money more than me anyway...

This strikes home in another way too, since the arrogant jerk that baptized little Brainclogger apparently had a problem keeping his hands to himself. What did they do? Kick his ass? Kick him out? Expose him for the pedophile he is? Nope. They sent him to New York.

So now I see news that the Vatican is thinking about banning gays from the Seminary. I have a bit of advice...don't it. If you think gays are the problem...eliminate the problem by keeping them out. You'll never get all of them anyway. Better yet, instill a little "fear of God" into them by finding the gay priests and beating them within an inch of their lives!

Am I advocating gay bashing? No, I'm actually advocating liberal bashing, and preemptive striking. You see, if they truly fear the consequences of touching a kid, and the possiblity they'll get it even worse, maybe they'll think twice. In fact, forget the gay priests, kick all the new priests asses as part of their "initiation." Then give them free reign to do it to other priests they think need an old #6 (where you go riding into town a-whompin and a'whoopin every livin thing within an inch of its life). Make it more fraternal so they police up after themselves...the right way. Oh, and any priest that thinks he's someone special gets a slap on the mouth just to snap him back into reality. Hell, I'll even volunteer for that one. I already have someone in mind that was condescending to my mother some while back.

While we're on the subject of ass whoopins, drag out all the priests that covered this stuff up in the first place and kick their asses too. Then go to the seminaries where all the liberal college faculty-types are trying to change the church by admitting these "rump wranglers" into the school, and commence the old #6 again! Now we're having some fun! For a good cause too!

Do this stuff, and maybe I'll feel comfortable around the Catholics again, because ever since this whole thing broke, whenever you look at a priest, somewhere in the back of your mind, you say "I wonder if...?" Yep, you know you do. Problem is, the gay priests club together, rely on your own fear of not being PC, and the thought they're someone better than you. But you know you wonder if old Father Paddy is a Poof...

Think I'm talking out my ass? Well, I asked a friend of mine who used to be a priest until he snapped out of the celibacy illusion, married himself a Filipina, has three gorgeous kids, and is happy as a clam, what happened. I think the direct quote was "they let butt-reaming faggots into the seminary." So there you have it. Besides, you have to wonder about the masculine nature of such places. I mean, how many seminaries have footbal, rugby, or baseball teams? Sure, there's wrestling going on, but being voluntarily hugged-up against your buddy naked in the dark doesn't qualify!

But they hide it so well... After all, they call their legendary expertise at secrecy "the closet." Don't they? But after all this, will they get me back to mass like before?

Probably not...


September 30, 2005

It's wrong but I had to...

Hi Mom! Here are your tuition dollars at work!!!

One school in Massachusetts builds sandcastles while two build liberals! I'll take the sandcastles anyday... on the title...


Who is Kaiser Sose'?

Well, the "usual suspects" did it again. Pepetrated another crime on the American people...the same ones they are "chosen" to represent. Yeah...sure...

In their rush to prove how despicably reprehensible (double adjective...nice!) they are, they all voted against the confirmation of Judge Roberts. Yep, the usual suspects...they make me feel queasy just typing out their names...Kennedy, Pelosi, Clinton, Shumer, Reid, and Kerry.. Individually, a murderer; a pampered liberal whackjob; a woman who let her husband cheat on her, humilate her, and lie to his country on TV and took it because she wanted to be a senator; an anti-gunner; a complete loon; and a kept man who lost the ability to tell us what he wants. Collectively, they are the examples of what's wrong with our political system, especially Uncle Teddy...

Did they do it because they really disagree with him? No. Well, maybe they did it because the majority of their constituants wanted them to?

A couple of them actually believe the country can stomach their sniveling and want to run for president, so they had to vote lefty. The others simply did it for the money. Yep, so they wouldn't piss off the special interest groups that fund their weirdness. Some people say they voted no for the white guy, so when the President puts forth a female or minority candidate, they can vote "yes" and look progressive. Trouble is, they're all white people too, and legendary at patronizing people. All they did was show they want to simply oppose anything the President does.

I wish I could put them in an interrogation room, slap the stupid smirks off their faces while yelling "Who is Kaiser Sose'!" or "Mao" like in the Deerhunter, dangle donuts too far out of their reach, force them to wear NRA hats and t-shirts that say "I Piss on the ACLU," and play a video of the Clarence Thomas swearing-in ceremony or the Reagan inauguration. It would be like Kryptonite for a Lib! I know...maybe the Clinton impeachment hearings!

I get the feeling the only sex old Bill is having these with himself.


The Daily Planet

Remember Spider Man? He worked for the fictional newspaper "The Daily Planet." Well, I think the news today has about as much truth an objectivity as that fictional entity. Aside from that, it's always funny what American media people concentrate on. I spoke about it a few blogs ago, but here's another example.

I turn on the TV here in the Middle East, and you see Star News covering a story about a raid on a brothel in London where suspected "white slavery" was happening and the women had been trafficked in from 19 different countries, mostly in Eastern Europe. A sidebar to the story was about using an all-female police raid team to do it (I could hack on that all day, but I won't, and I don't know why).

Changing the Channel, there's CNN covering the story of the car bombings in Hilla, Iraq.

Flipping again...on came BBC News, where the girl was interviewing a South African doctor about the Bird Flu, which is said to be getting ready to become a "pandemic." I still wonder where they keep finding all the Brit girls with good teeth, and think to myself the three channels were covering some important stuff right at the top of the newscast. Of course, Star news can follow the worst story imaginable with the soccer (football to them) news and make it sound just as important. To them it is... They love their football, followed closely by crickett-definitely a gentleman's game...

Turning to CNN World (I know, you're thinking I get alot of news channels...and soccer), they're covering the fires in California, obviously trying to set that up as the next disaster after the two hurricanes, realizing that Ray Nagin just isn't that interesting...

Then I turn on Fox, which has "Fox and Friends" coming on. I see E.D. Hill, dressed as tacky as usual and having her daily "bad hair day," with an other-worldly hair color that's not her, yet still not as trailer-trashy and gutter-sluttish as the ex's hair. Suddenly E.D. yells out "Joe Montana!"

Without hesitation, I switched back to Star.


September 28, 2005

A bunch of red-headed stepchildren

I wonder if any of these democrats had parents? Here's why...

When we elect a president, in my opinion, we elect someone to act as head of the family...a la familia, of Americans. Sure, families fight and people sometimes disagree, but there is a code of ehthics in a family. Well, this is a code my no-account brother obviously forgot, but this isn't about him. Well, maybe a little.

In the family here, GW Bush is the father figure. Sure, you don't always agree with Dad, but there are ways to let him know that. You don't run to the neighbors and bad-mouth him, or stand on the curb screaming about how big of an idiot and a racist you think he Sir. You keep your feelings and your issues in the family. You give your father the respect he deserves, and you treat him accordingly, no mattter how you may feel at the time. Oddly enough, after all the bullshit you give Dad, he still comes to help you when you need it, and you don't even feel any shame for how you acted previously. You keep up the gimme, gimme, gimme, and he keeps giving, although you don't deserve it.

What people don't understand, if you stand on the curb or run to the neighbor to bad-mouth your father, it doesn't make you look good. In fact, you look like a weak minded, weak willed, insignificant person for not showing any character. Fortunately for you, your father doesn't want to hammer you for the puke that you are...but your brother does...

What these narrow-minded people don't know is how absolutely rediculous they look to citizens of other countries. They see us on TV and laugh at us, thinking we already have too many freedoms and not enough character. The problem is, when they laugh, I'm in the room, so to speak, since I'm stationed overseas. My 'brothers" make me ashamed of being an American, for if they can't show loyalty to Dad, then who will they be loyal to? They were obviously spoiled and indulged as children. Where did you learn that life was all about you? Where's the honor that Dad deserves? How long are you going to blame him for your problems and when are you going to finally be a man?

Do you hear me Mr. Rangel? Mr. Sharpton? Do you hear me Chris? You three are far too old to be "feeling your oats" and rebelling against Dad. Respect him or shut your faces. Spread your wings somewhere else.

When our brothers disrespect our fathers, what are we to do?


More stuff on Ashton

Well, looking at the celebrity list of people (and liberals) who married older women, the list is interesting.

-Tim Robbins' 12 years younger than his companion, susan Sarandon
-Guy Ritchie' is 10 years younger than Madonna;
-Sheryl Crow' is nine years older than her fiance, Lance Armstrong.
-Justin Timberlake, 24, and 33-year-old Cameron Diaz' have been an item for over a year,
-Julianne Moore is married to Bart Freundlich, 35.
-Geena Davis is married to 34-year-old Dr. Reza Jarrahy, who is 15 years younger.
-Ralph Fiennes 42, has dated Francesca Annis, 61, for years.
-Elizabeth Taylor is 20 years older than her last ex-husband, Larry Fortensky.
-Cher's former boyfriend Rob Camilletti was 23 when she was 40.
-Mary Tyler Moore's husband, Dr. Robert Levine, is 18 years younger.
-When comedian-singer Martha Raye married her seventh husband, Mark Harris, in 1991, she was 75 and he was 42.

Some may think a 19-year gap is big, but look at the latest picture of Francesca

As for men who marry younger women...who cares...

For non-Hollywood couples, there are online dating services designed to bring together singles seeking an "age-gap relationship." The slogan of is "years apart, coming together."

Similarly, is a community for those in such a relationship. The Web site reads: "No one should suffer simply because they have chosen to fall in love."

Some things you choose...and some, well, they just happen, and you just have to go with it. Hi Honey!

My girl can out-fish your girl!


Ashton's a good man...

Well, lots of other adjectives can be used to describe his signing-up for his high-maintenance honey, but I'll just stick with "good man." He likes the older chicks. I can dig it. Yahoo news said:

"The younger man is attracted to an older woman most likely because of her poise, her social graces, her contacts. She has a polish he hasn't yet acquired," Dr. Joyce Brothers says of the younger man-older woman dynamic.

"She, on the other hand, could be attracted to his promise in their mutual endeavor — in this case Hollywood. Or his exuberance, his fresh way of looking at the world," Brothers told The Associated Press on Monday.

Brothers added that a woman's sexual peak is at a later age. The May-December match is happening more, she said, because "we're remaining vigorous, active and healthy longer — men and woman. The younger person doesn't have to worry about spending long years nursing the older one."

Always a pairing ripe for fiction — the films "Harold and Maude," "The Graduate," "Something's Gotta Give" and "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" are examples — the allure of the older woman is also a Hollywood reality."

Yep, in my own world, this is true. I dig the older chicks too, and the age gap between us is smailler than the Kucher-Moore one. The reality is, instead of her having a polish I have yet to acquire...she is the polished one...I'll never get that polish, I'm too primitive.

Hey! Maybe that's what she digs about me?


Another nut for the pile...

"A prominent black activist, Rev. Sharpton, also supported Mr. Rangel's Bush-as-Connor comparison...

"Clearly Bush has become that, especially after Katrina," Rev. Sharpton said. "We've gone from fire hoses to levees"

Yep, that's what Al Sharpton said about Rangel's racial slurs. He supported them, while others in New York said Rangel didn't go far enough, and everyone stays quiet... It's eery, but typical. Support. That's what he got.

Of course, if Sharpton believes his own bullshit, we may need to check his medication. Attacking people with levees? Old Al's been drinking his bathwater again...


More proof we're all crazy

Our craziness is obvious. Glaringly...blindingly...disgustingly obvious.

We have a white lawmaker in Tennessee who tries to get into a "Black Caucus" there. First, he's not black, but whatever his intention, the fact the blacks in the club wouldn't let him in, then labeled him a "white supremacist" is typical bullshit. This at the same time we see congressman (small c) Elijah Cummings trot out the "Congressional Black Caucus" in order to start the smoke generator called the "race card," in an effort to screen any blame for the jacked-up situation in New Orleans away from the black Mayor. Where's the Congressional "White Caucus," the Congressional "bHispanic Caucus," the Congressional "Native American Caucus?" That's f'ing weak.

Then we have Charlie Rangel, another black congressman, come out and say Bush is the modern day version of Bull Connor. That's f'ing weak too. When Bill O'Reilly asked him about it, and told him the statistics show the current administration is helping combat poverty more than the last, Mr. Rangel replied "they used to lynch us in the South." I think I hear the Coo-coo bird...

What disturbs me even more is the PC atmosphere in our country, blatantly demonstrated by everyone's lack of outrage over what Mr. Rangel said. People are so concerned with not offending someone that they allow transgressions like these. When a liberal says some bullshit like this, all the other spineless liberals and the liberal media stay in their holes. What about the 30+ years of black mayors in New Orleans? No one wants to admit their failure through the years, do they? Well guess what...the same failure is happening in Atlanta.

Mr. Rangel actually blamed President Bush for 28% of the black people in New Orleans living in poverty. Thirty years of black leadership in New Orleans and in 2005 the poverty situation there, according to Mr. Rangel, is President Bush's fault. What's worse? No one waved the bullshit flag! Can you believe we have these idiots running our country? They should all be fired for being stupid and wasting our time and money.

Mr. Rangel is a racist jerkoff.

There, I spoke the truth...


September 27, 2005

It's official...we're all crazy!

In the news today...

Brown Blames "dysfunctional" Louisiana. Well' no shit! first, they're all democrats. Next, they're politicians, not wanting to look bad, and placing that before any thought of the welfare of the people there. Brown shouldn't have waited for answers after asking them things. Hell no. He should have walked straight up to the both of them and bitch-slapped a hand-print on the side of both their noggins...

Deputy Leader of Al Qaida in Iraq killed. Well, with an average of 250,000 rounds expended for every insurgent killed, don't you think one bullet would finally hit him? Sneaky bastard. Use the MAOAB fellas...use the MOAB... You could have lured him out of hiding with a dozen cheerleaders and a snow-cone maker months ago. You know it didn't take so long because he was in the shower! Problem is, most of these assholes prefer the company of other dudes, which is wrong...creepy...and wrong.

Small, rural towns hit hardest by Rita. This is too stupid to even make fun of...

French Police Foil Paris Metro Terror Plot. When I stop laughing I'll comment!

Iran Threatens to Resume Uranium Enrichment. Right! Like they ever stopped. Can they spell M-O-A-B?

Bush asks Americans to conserve energy, limit driving. ...Bush! Can you believe he did that? I want to scream out "!!!" Talk about the pot and the fucking kettle! Bush! The same guy that watched the car companies sell the "mammoth car" from Speed Racer as a family vehicle and lets gas prices almost TRIPLE!!! The same guy that used to own an OIL COMPANY! The same guy with an oil company executive for a VICE PRESIDENT! Hey Sir, do you know how much that freakin 747 burns up every minute? Besides that, we're in one oil country that we saved from being wiped off the face of the earth...and buying our fuel to operate here, while we're in another one buying THEM their fuel! Arrrgh!!! Flabbergasting AND Dumbfounding!!! Now I hear kids are being told to miss school in Georgia so the state can save gas. That's pretty friggin stupid...

Consumer Confidence Drops To A 15-Year low. Ya'think? Duhhh. I wonder why? A hysterically expensive war; the biggest natural disaster one-two punch in history; continuing terroism; a trade deficit that would choke a donkey; our government bickering and back biting each other like 16 year-old cheerleaders while the rest run around like cats with their asses on fire, or just stand there like deer in the headlights! Through all this, the President is taking the blame for everything. Pretty soon, he'll have to answer-up for Jimmy Hoffa, the Mars Rover, and Pepsi Clear! Whoever convinced him to take the wrap for the disaster response needs an ass-kicking. Somebody stop me...

...and the clincher...

Trump, Knauss expecting first child together. Exclamation points all around!!! Holy smokes, Captain Combover got his wife pregnant! A man with a wife 20 years younger than him and we're actually surprised about that? I'd be surprised (and saddened) if he didn't get her pregnant!!! Donald Trump is the man...


September 14, 2005

Lawyers, guns, and money

the headline reads: In an ever increasing tightening of consumer demands around the country, the bare necessities have changed from food, clothing, and shelter to lawyers, guns, and money!

Need proof? Look at New Orleans! Were the looters stealing food? Hell no...they were getting guns and things they could turn into cash, like jewelry and clothes (hey, who doesn't need clothes after the storm? If you have some to sell...there you go).

Well, in looking at the new reports of consumer spending, besides thinking economists are a bit goofy, I find things quite what they don't say as much as what they do...

From Yahoo News:
The August sales report showed US consumers were maintaining robust spending levels despite the large increase in petrol prices. Gasoline station sales increased 4.4 percent in the month.
Retail sales are up 7.9 percent in the past 12 months. Excluding autos, sales are up 9.4 percent and excluding gasoline, are up 6.0 percent.
"These results cast more cold water on the notion that if non-discretionary spending on energy swells, it must crimp discretionary spending. It hasn't," said Ken Mayland, chief economist for ClearView Economics.
"Consumer spending has continued to advance strongly" even as petrol prices have doubled over the past two years, he said.
A breakdown of the August figures showed that furniture sales went up 0.9 percent, sales at health and personal care stores rose 1.2 percent and sporting goods sales increase 0.5 percent. END

Of course sales at the pump were up...It was the summer...duhhh. Of course sales figures for other than cars are was the summer, and the kids are also getting ready to go back to school. Not surprising is the drop in car sales...notice where it says gas prices doubled in the last two years. (you can thank our oil company president for that one). We have to drive SUV's right? I love those 12 miles per gallon! Now watch what the gas prices do to boat sales...

With all the credit cards the hurricane victims are running up, you'll see ore need for lawyers, guns, and money. With all the racial tension the dems are churning and burning...more lawyers, guns, and money. As we see more people who were left for dead or to drown as people said "feet don't fail me now" and saved their own asses, more need for lawyers, guns and money. As more people try to move back into the stormed-out areas and protect what little stuff they still have, the need rises. As more heads roll over who screwed this all up...more lawyers, guns and money. When the general wanted to keep the press away from the operations to recover the dead, in came the lawyers to mess with the guys with the guns, who came in to stop other guys with guns, who were looking for money and some flooded-out turf to control in order to make more money, then the politicians all start sniveling (who happen to all be lawyers or need them all the time). You see how this goes...

Furniture, health and personal care, and sporting goods? What does that sound like? bats, condoms, and guns. No matter what you do, if you use one of those three, you'll need a lawyer, and they cost money. Lawyers, guns and money... If people would only use the guns on the lawyers...then people can keep their money...

McDonald's "Phys Ed" Program! Ha!

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - McDonald's Corp. on Monday said it is sponsoring a physical education program that will appear in one-third of U.S. public elementary schools, the chain's latest move to combat critics who blame its burgers and fries for expanding kids' waistlines.

"McDonald's Passport to Play" will launch in 31,000 schools this fall, reaching an expected 7 million children in grades three through five, the company said.
The move is part of McDonald's so-called "Balanced Lifestyles" initiative, an aggressive effort to promote physical activity and nutrition and deflect harmful claims that its food is unhealthy and fattening.

"When you do the right thing and you are giving back to your community, you benefit as a brand," Bill Lamar, chief marketing officer for McDonald's USA, said in an interview.
The idea for the program came as McDonald's was looking for a way to promote its "Balanced Lifestyles" message to children and families through schools, Lamar added.

The world's largest fast-food chain - which is the target of a 2002 lawsuit brought by two teenagers who blamed their obesity on McDonald's Big Macs and Chicken McNuggets - in the last three years has made broad efforts to improve the image of its food, including packing its menu with items like salads and fresh fruit that are lower in fat and calories.

The company has also incorporated images of sports and other kinds of physical activities in its advertising and marketing, and Chief Executive Jim Skinner has listed such initiatives as one of his top priorities as CEO.

Sending that message directly to children is a smart way to begin to change the perception of its brand for the long term, said one expert, who likened the task of changing McDonald's unhealthy image to "turning around the Queen Mary."

Adults "are pretty well set in our ways in terms of our perception of the brand," said Robert Passikoff, president of New York-based brand consultancy Brand Keys Inc. "They can mold the sense, and perception and belief of the brand at a young age. It's a smart thing to do."
McDonald's, however, said the aim of the program was not to manipulate children.

"McDonald's has always been a family-oriented restaurant," Lamar said. "We do want children in our restaurants ... but we don't exploit children, we don't manipulate children."

Through "Passport to Play," kids will learn both playground games and activities from around the world as well as facts about the culture and countries the games come from.
Students will each receive a booklet, or "passport," bearing the Golden Arches logo in which they will check off each game they learn.

The McDonald's name, however, will not appear in any of the materials, according to Jay Jennison, director of business development for Kaleidoscope Education Support Group, which developed the program. "It can't be about that," Jennison said. "They want support from Corporate America but they don't want to be a marketing outlet for Corporate America."
McDonald's said it could consider expanding its sponsorship of school programs to older children or introducing a nutritional component to the current program in the future. END

This one is funny all by itself! Does anyone really still go to McDonald's? I thought it was "go to McDonald's for the fries but Burger King for the burgers?" Subway and Quiznos are better... Acidman's seafood pie sounds better still...

...and this is the American culture we give to other countries...

September 12, 2005

The first thing that pissed me off today was CNN!!!

Here we go again, a bunch of "male-chicken suction applicators" hiding behind that tired bullshit line about people having the right to know certain things in a free society. Check it out... government gives up effort to block coverage of recovery of bodies HOUSTON (CNN) -- The federal government abandoned its effort Saturday to prevent the media from covering the recovery of bodies in areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina, following legal action by CNN. Joint Task Force-Katrina "has no plans to bar, impede, or prevent news media from their newsgathering and reporting activities in connection with the deceased Hurricane Katrina victim recovery efforts including access to the sites, photographing, or reporting," wrote Col. Christian E. deGraff in a memorandum submitted in court. "We are pleased by the decision," said CNN News Group President Jim Walton. "The free flow of information is vital for a free society."On Friday, a U.S. district judge in Houston granted a temporary restraining order to CNN against a "zero access" policy announced earlier Friday by Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honore, who is overseeing the federal relief effort in the city, and Terry Ebbert, the city's homeland security director.

Of course that "Richard Cranium" Walton is pleased! Now he can have families of the dead see their loved-one's face as they get pulled out of the water! Not only can they be devastated by their loss, but shocked by the graphic nature of their family members physical condition after being in the water so long. Nothing like going to court to get the rights to full-gore, eh Jim, you asshole! What LTG Honore' was doing was trying to respect the dead, care for the living, and make sure a little dignity and decorum was applied to this situation. We all know it could use some of that by now! No, not CNN...they want the damn Texas Chain Saw Massacre for all to see! Hey! Where was the court battle over the picture of JFK junior after he soaked for a couple days? Oh, decided to skip that one, huh? Tell you what Jim...if they catch any babies, maybe you can see if they can hold them up to the camera for you.. You need an ass kicking.

I can understand wanting to see old Hanoi Jane's' corpse, hey, she deserves it, but I don't think allowing respect for the dead and some common decency will hamper the free flow of information. I think it's just your twisted urge to see gore. Picture your family members getting yanked out of the water in such a state not even a gator would be attracted to them, with the associated odors and wretching from the people stuck with having to perform that grim task. Does that somehow arouse you? Stupid female parent fornicator...

You're a sick puppy, Jim...


P.S. Notice the politically correct expletives?

September 11, 2005

All I know of blogging is this...

To tell you the truth, this is it. I just Googled "blogs" one day, found a site that gave them out for free, and did it. As I get more into it, I see lots of other blogs that are so much more interesting than mine. How do I get one of those? How do I get one I can "personalize, make my own, and have pop-up as fast as other blogs do...much faster than my own. How do I get one that links me to others, others to me, lets me put up pictures, movie cuts, quotes, animation, etc.? I want to be more imaginative than this. Anyone have any suggestions?

Bring out the MOAB!

Remember the MOAB? The "Mother of all Bombs," they thought up before the oh-so-sensational and not to mention melodramatic "Shock and Awe" campaign, which was apparently shocking and aweful enough for Donald Trump a.k.a. Mr. Comb-over to copyright the term?

Well, I want to see it! Wheel that fucker out here and blow one up! Do it within sight of the insurgents, maybe they'll crap their pants, yell some damn religious expression in farsi that probably means "feet don't fail me now," and scatter like the rat-bastards they are! That's what we need- a really big, earth-shaking, tooth chipping, defecation-inducing explosion that WE set off, not the other way around!!!

I figure it this way; if you have a dog, and he doesn't do something right, you roll up the newspaper (except the Washington Post, you know liberals aren't into the corporal punishment thing) and whack old Fido on the sniffer. If you have a bigger dog, I imagine the need for a bigger rolled-up paper. Well, in the "insurgents versus the good guys" scenario, they keep hitting us with the paper. Imagine if unexpectedly, old Spot reared-up on his hind-legs with a bigger newspaper of his own and split your shnoz in two, with that thing rolled so tight it hit like the louisville slugger I have in the back of my Mountaineer!!! It would surprise the shit out of you, right?

Well, imagine if after the insurgents blow-up a roadside bomb or something, they get hit with a MOAB! It's gotta work! Come on! Break'em out! They're around here somewhere, I'm sure!


Do you see a trend?

I've notice my entries have become less and less light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek sarcasm and have become a bit darker and more serious. Oops! Sorry. I'll try to lighten up. I just have to unclog my brain.
