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February 15, 2010

Did you know???

In Spanish-speaking countries they don't have the option to "Press 2 for English?"

In predominantly Korean-speaking areas of our country, they don't do "press 2 for Korean," yet STILL do "press 2 for Spanish." Same with French, Italian, Armenian, Creole, and other areas of our country.

They even ask you if you want to continue in Spanish at ATM's on INDIAN RESERVATIONS! What the F---?

Do you know how silly it is to press a button to continue in English?

Do you know one of the only countries in the world to NOT declare a national language is the US? Political correctness = spineless leadership.

Do you know it's gotten so bad in Miami that foreigners working there chastise Americans that don't speak Spanish? Yep, it happened to Brainclogger at Sam's Club. That was lots of fun.

Do you know it's actually easier to speak English than Spanish? Yep. Try remembering all the verb tenses and masculine/feminine references in Spanish. It makes you freaking crazy! soy, son, somos, es, esta, este, estan, estamos, arggh! La cabeza de Brainclogger es por todas partes. (Brainclogger's head is everywhere)

All this makes me there English Braille and Spanish Braille, or is it just Braille?

Hollywood, Dollywood, or Bollywood?

Three "woods." and only one really gives me any.

Hollywood is full of fakes, frauds, wanna-be's, bloviating liberal jackasses, drug addicts, broken hearts, broken dreams, the "beautiful" people (remember, beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes to the bone), distorted reality, misplaced priority, the phony famous and the pretend royalty. Ouch...harsh, but true. Look at what they consider entertainment. We've gone so far down into the moral sewer we watch shows about "celebrity" drug addicts at their worst, wealthy "housewives" famous for bad behavior, the new form of the dating game that comes with cash and a little nudity (bachelor/bachelorette), mental midgets with far too many offspring behaving badly, the search for yet another unnecessary "idol" (what is it they say about false idols?), hairdresser competitions, the search for another anorexic uneducated female mannequin and other such television that just sucks the brain out of your head.

Maybe it's because people pay Hollywood types so much unnecessary attention. Yes, Megan Fox is a real nice piece of ass, albeit a child, but from what I hear, she's also a snotty, immature, conceited pain in the ass. Johnny Depp wears a Che Guevara pendant. Does he understand Che was a jailer responsible for the murder of nearly 15,000 people and wildly racist? Does he know Che said every man, woman, and child in America should be exterminated and blacks live a frivolous life of drunkenness? Nice hero Johnny picked. Dipshit. Sexy and stupid...I thought Hollywood only liked women that way? That comment should piss someone off.

Don't worry, Hollywood won't change. The people that like the status quo are in charge. No wonder Brainclogger can't get his little mystery novel represented by anyone with balls enough to take on someone new...but I digress.

Dollywood is full of fakes, frauds, wanna-be's, etc., etc., but at least you can get a beer there and they have rides that can't give you herpes like in Hollywood. (get it?) Truth be told, whatever they're injecting into Dolly's hide to preserve her, send me a case or two! She's still cute. Of course, no one believes those breasts wouldn't reach for the floor unless augmented to do otherwise. You can't really call them fake though, since they're covered in real skin. Also, Dollywood can probably get away with using the term "Hoe-Down" since they're in the country, something you could never do in Hollywood. The meaning is entirely different.

Then comes Bollywood. Wow. I look at the pictures of the actresses and have to just sit and stare. Smoking hot. They look conspicuously natural. I don't see "over-the-top breast implants, tramp-stamp tattoos or Asian writing that probably says "hey, I'm a whore" instead of something spiritual like the girls think they do. Hopefully tattoo artists have a sense of humor. I don't see wild hair colors or women so obsessed with their bodies they start to look like men. It's not trashy, tacky, or fake to the naked eye. All the men look regal, intelligent, and interesting. Maybe it's just the great hair, I don't know.

Hollywood can learn a lot from Bollywood, and hopefully the latter doesn't aspire to become the former. Please don't.

February 13, 2010

The Hypocrits of Haitian Relief

Yep, Ben Stiller spent a bunch of time in Haiti. Yeah, yeah. He looked so clueless I almost felt bad for the guy. Madonna? Come on, if Madonna ever went there, she would have adopted some of them instead of searching the Congo for rental offspring. The "Billion-Dollar Man," Steven Speilberg "donated" time to ask ordinary Americans for $10 bucks a pop? Wow! Say it isn't so! Such a benevolent act...I think I'm about to vomit.

I think this goes back to my problem with "celebrities," and the f'd-up priorities people have around here. I can bet people made calls to the event for the sheer possibility of speaking to someone like Julia Roberts. If old Brainclogger called, he would have given the candy-ass, primadonna Hollywood types a tongue lashing about sticking their hands into their gold-lined pockets and kicking-in some of their own dough instead of being the hypocrites they are. I'd like to see a number of them thrown into the octagon with Kimbo and Silva! If they can reach into their wallets before they succumb to the rear naked choke, they only have to donate half the required amount.

You could tell some of the performers only did it to get a chance to be seen on TV, as a couple of the songs may not have been appropriate to the event. Also funny how the 20-million-per-picture crowd sat quietly answering the phone. In the end, the event raised $64 million. If a few of the A-list made a decent contribution they could have done that on their own...but they didn't. Well, reportedly Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie forked over seven figures with no fanfare, proving some of them can actually count. However, that's a pittance to them and they know it. Don't even get me started on that bleeding-hearted hypocrit Springsteen. (Hey Bruce! As a side note, please don't send the Haitians any copies of Diesel and Dust...the last thing we need is a mass suicide)

Enough about this. Oh, and whatever my issue is with these hypocritical ass-wipes...Kid Rock was still cool.

Where are the "Quotation Marks?"

"Celebrity" Rehab. The word "celebrity" should have quotation marks, but it doesn't. Look at the "D" list "celebrities" they refer to on "Celebrity" Rehab, and quotes become even more justifiable. Dennis "pin-cushion" Rodman? Rodney King? Heidi "what the hell did I do to my lips" Fleiss? Bridget "rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Nielsen? Wow! I guess the A-list celebrities either do better drugs, have better doctors, or pay their publicists enough to not sell their clients out to a tacky, pathetic, reality show about how screwed-up their gravy train is. Maybe that's a testament to the trustworthiness of people that represent "celebrities," or maybe an indication of the ridiculousness of the whole "celebrity" thing in the first place.

Who are we calling "celebrities" in this instance? Singers, actors, a former whore (come-on, "madam's" don't start out as madam's), models...basically people who wouldn't be missed if they just went away. In that world, there's someone ready at any time to take your place in the "celebrity" mill of Hollywood. So "starved" for attention, they'll take any sort of "interest" in them, even at their lowest point. Apparently they don't realize that after a life of "look at me, look at me," there comes a point when you really don't want someone to look.

Maybe the rehab show is made up by "higher profile" people as a deterrent in order to have something where they can look at a guy like Tom Sizemore and say "wow, poor bastard, better him than me." If you want people to say "wow, people that have so much money they can live in a "rehab center," looking either for pity or to squeeze the last bit of coin out of their fleeting "celebrity,"'re doing a good job. I say "take a baseball bat to all of you." Fame, fortune, and a life of privilege, but with a mind too weak to handle it. Old Brainclogger would love to feel the need to "handle" having money and adoration thrown at him. I bet my "anger management" issues with "celebrity" losers would lighten-up a bit. Or maybe not.

I know! A show called "Celebrity Downward Spiral," where you chronicle a "celebrity's" self-destruction. Go all the way from where they soil themselves on whatever drug they feel is important enough to trade for their self respect, have all their expensive crap repossessed, find out who they thought of as a friend thought of them as a meal ticket, ending in a dramatic climax where your last performance would be "etched" into the minds of people...for at least for 30 seconds. Some ideas include: a leap from a bridge holding an anvil and dressed like Bugs Bunny;a swim with sharks with a dead seal tied to your leg;stepping into a cage full of starving Rottweilers with a raw t-bone tied around their neck;skydiving with golf umbrella as a parachute, trying to outrun an avalanche (quite the metaphor for a drug addiction), painting yourself as an American flag and streaking through the Haj; dressing as a terrorist and taking a dump on the hood of a car on the starting line of a NASCAR race while yelling "rednecks are all fags"; or getting caught in the rope on an episode of "Deadliest Catch?" Now that's "entertainment"---in quotation marks.

February 8, 2010

Want a book about...

...the fight between good and evil? Want to go along on an adventure with a team of soldiers that takes them to Panama, Cuba, Jamaica, Florida? Like to get to know two guys from Philadelphia, one an orphan and renowned ass-kicker, and his best friend from a good Italian family? Would you like some evil, corrupt types and some death and destruction? How about a real story of friendship? What about some quirky personality traits like using the names of songs in their regular speech, quoting works of literature and historic people, using every spare moment to go fishing and surfing, or in search of a great cup of coffee? Want to laugh and cry reading the same book and come away feeling the main characters are good guys with unique personalities and you can't wait to read the next in the series? Want this all in the same book?

You'll have to wait. Looks like I have to publish it myself.

Agents make me mad!!!

I'm not talking about doing things I feel ashamed about, or find pleasurable in guilty, behind closed-door ways. They make me mad because they force me to do something I despise, deplore, loathe, and out-and-out detest...they force me to try and sell, and both inevitably and think like a salesman. It's called a "query letter," and I'd like to kill the next guy that offers me advice on how to write one.

In layman's terms, it sucks. I wrote a book recently. Probably not a great book. Hopefully, a marginally good yet entertaining work that someone, somewhere, someday might read on an airplane or spill beer on while sitting on the beach, or if you're like my dad, use for a coaster along with any other thing I may bring into the house, be it however important only to me...but I digress.

I want to write the next book, not put on my white shoes and play Death of a Salesman! I think it's safe to say, be it ever so bold, that agents now find themselves in the cottage industry of selling the "secrets to getting published," and have turned the publishing industry into a "make it big or not at all," bureaucratic freak show. Why not say "if you're not David Baldacci, then go away" on your agent information and be done with it?

I could be the next "somebody or other," and could have a series of books ready to go that can keep an agent making money for years, but without huckstering properly, no one will ever know. This book might make a great movie, but without spending the time learning how to sell it to someone whom obviously doesn't care and won't take the time to look past the first five pages, I'm just a guy with a year's worth of nights I could have spent doing something else!

I'm starting to wonder when the first person will use the term "how droll," or tell me I'm sophomoric, pedantic, or some other high-brow phrase rather than say "it's not for me" like the hundred+ agents have so far? Thanks for the form letter, automated response, don't call us-we'll call you crap sent by your starry-eyed little coed assistant. See the potential in someone based on an 88-word blurb. Yep, that makes sense. Next time you buy a car, don't even get in before you buy it. Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to give someone money and they're telling me to pack it up my ass. No, it's not "chick-lit." No, it isn't a book about how great it is to be gay, or some young-adult teen beat bullcrap. Funny how agents choose books based on the needs of their portfolio and the current market trend as opposed to entertainment value, if the author has anything else planned, and if someone who isn't trying to get on Americal Idol would read it. Agents can be as much the impedement as they are the access to the process. After all, what the hell is commercial fiction really?

I'm starting to get mad, my brain is clogging. You see, I've read some real shit published by big publishing houses, and some real stinkers by people with big names, but little old Brainclogger can't catch a break! Oh, if you're an agent, why not review my blog to see if I have the creativity necessary to send you a query letter. I know! Why not just come over my house and kick me in the face.

January 29, 2009

First thing he does is help the Stinking lawyers!

Surprise Surprise...the first piece of legislation ever signed by our oh-so-historic new president is not only patronizing to women but a boon to lawyers. How shocking (sarcasm). We put a liberal lawyer in and the first thing he does is enable a new deluge of figures. Then the two lead females, Miss Pants Suit and the Botox Queen are right there to gloat about women's rights and all the sour grapes Ms. Ledbetter spewed being squashed. Liberals absolutely detest the idea that women are nurturers and should be raising children and producing a quality American instead of letting day care do it. Sad sad sad.

December 17, 2008

Americans still don't get it...

Remember when I said people will pay $10 a gallon, they don't care? It's true. I walk to the metro every morning and look at the traffic on the street, and there's still only one person in every car. It's because of those people that gas prices will go back up. Vanity. Pride. Idiots. Brainclogger calls it like he sees it.

I wonder...

Why it is that most diabetics are also fat bastards. I know a guy that's a diabetic, and he's wheelchair bound. Yep, he's a fat bastard, but uses one hand for the wheelchair control and the other to stuff his craw. what's up with that? I have an answer to his issue...STOP EATING!

The NHL sucks too!

Who cares about Hockey? I mean really? For the Dallas Stars to fire a player just shows how PC they are. Hey, he gets you publicity. He makes people think about hockey. Players really are getting his "Sloppy Seconds" if the girls are going through the league like a fat kid through a bag of Oreos. Pull your dresses back down from over your heads. Yep, you too, Brett Hull. Your father should bitch slap you for being such a wuss.

The Saudi's Suck!

When will they learn? Hey, how many Saudi's does it take to hijack an airplane? All of them! Knuckleheads. For a Saudi to offer 10 million dollars for the shoe the guy threw at our president shows they still haven't learned. It also shows they have far too much money...our money. To call it the "Shoe of Dignity" shows how stupid they are! Hey! You rag-headed jackass, I have something for you! It's called the "Finger of Dignity!"

November 28, 2008

Dead Man Causes Stock Market Drop

Now this is pathetic. People so terrified of the economic news they panic and make it bad for the rest of us. People to stupid to understand a 1% loan is a fraud. People too greedy to realize they can't afford a 5-bedroom house but buy it anyway. People more concerned with American Idol than the fact there are Soldiers being killed for their dumb asses. People so consumed with greed, vanity, and pride that they storm into a Walmart and trample a store employee to death. Sad, sad, sad. No wonder why people hate Americans. Look at the examples of how we act. Of course, the greedy bastards on Wall Street will probably use this incident to manipulate the market like they do. Anything for a crooked dollar. Good thing I'm not a postal employee.

And soldiers gives their lives for idiots like these...

40K a month isn't enough dough for this beeyotch. A 7-million dollar house isn't enough. A boyfriend half her age isn't enough. She probably doesn't even have a job. Fat whore.

October 26, 2008

Thomas Jefferson was right!!!

Looking back at quotes from Thomas Jefferson reveal how intuitive, brilliant, and unfortunately correct he was. Our government has degenerated into a vile political machine with people who care more for power and privilege than for the people they are supposed to serve. They forgot about why they were elected.

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

He who knows best knows how little he knows.

He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.

Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories.

All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.

Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.

A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.

Think I'm negative on our current political crowd? Don't listen to me...listen to Karl Marx, a fan favorite everywhere. "In the due course of history, there will be an inevitable breakdown of capitalism for economic reasons, to be replaced by communism." What do you think the politicians are doing right now? Terrifying...

October 25, 2008

Obama is a BABY KILLER

Is this what women want? Is this really what feminism is all about? Click on the title...please...

October 19, 2008

My God is McCain paying attention?

For God's sake, is anyone listening??!!! What about the last two years of the Pelosi Congress that spent its time doing nothing but worrying about getting a dem in the white house and nothing else? What about their doing nothing that would jeopardize their staying in office? Are Americans so dumb they don't realize that doing nothing to hurt their political careers means doing nothing!!! Are we so stupid we don't understand their actions are exactly why they should all be fired? Do people really believe only what they see on TV between portions of American Idol? Please, tell me we don't go spill our blood for people that don't understand that a 9% approval rating is 4 times lower than the presidents? Why doesn't McCain talk about the failure of the pelosi congress? Remember the infamous "First Hundred Day" promise? They didn't do any of it, and Obama was one of them! Now we're going to make him and Biden the two top guys? Guess what they'll end up doing!!! Stop talking about Ayers, no one is listening. Start talking about the failed congress of the last two years.

October 15, 2008

Politicians are apparently stupid

You would think when someone contacts your campaign and tells you how big of a jerk you are, it would be a BAD THING. Well, according to the Obama campaign, I'm a loyal dem. Sure I am. I emailed and told him he did some stupid crap a few weeks ago, now I'm on the mailing list, and today someone actually called me to ask me to make phone calls! You know what they say when you ASSUME things. Maybe they should actually read their email. It just shows how politicians really don't give a crap about you or me, they're just in it for themselves

October 13, 2008

Columbo didn't discover anything.

Okay, Columbus "discovered" the new world...or really, he didn't! No, he didn't discover jack squat. First, how do you "discover" a place where people already live? Did he work for Discovery Channel or something? Then, unless your world view is one seen through the eyes of a European, and your "world" revolves around the ego centrism associated with the view that Europe is the center of the universe, Columbus is just a privateer searching for gold, which is what he was. I bet all the people he killed by spreading new diseases around really appreciated his "discovering" them. Here you go, nice to see you, give us some gold while we infect your village and oppress you with our apparently "superior" religion. Yep, that's how it starts. There's always someone out there thinking he's better than you, telling you how to think and showing you how wrong you are. Hmmm, seems oddly familar, doesn't it?

I approved this message

I hate that crap. Who said they have to say that? Who forgot that a lie by omission is still a lie? If Obama says McCain voted against alternative energy and McCain did that because it was a bad bill full of pork, the omission by No-Bama is still a lie. Yes, he's a liar. Oops...Brainclogger called the Messiah a liar! Yep, sure did. How did we ever get in this country where we elect the slickest salesman, the shadiest character, the guy that talks good but has no real record so in essence is talking out his ass? When did war heroes become taboo? Tell you what...I'm going to be selling the "Don't Blame Me, I Voted for McCain" bumper stickers at a discount very soon. You see, I'm not PC. I won't vote for the Half-African-American candidate out of fear or guilt or any other reason, and will vote against him because he is an unknown, untested, and untrusted choice. If it were Biden-Obama then maybe, because Joe Biden seems to be a normal person, but in the current format, nope, never, not gonna do it. As President Bush Senior used to say, "wouldn't be prudent." I'm Brainclogger and I approved this message.

Drop Baby drop!!! Here's how we fix our country.

I say let the stock market crash. I say let all those people that think social security is a retirement plan piss and moan till doomsday. I say take oil and gas off the commodities exchange so "anticipation" can't be a criteria for increased oil prices. I say jail the people that have half-million dollar parties the day before their company gets bailed out by the government. I say flog CEO's that get paid millions of dollars after leaving failed financial institutions. I say fire any congressman with an approval rating lower than the president's (that would be about half of them). I say throw out political parties once you're elected. I say take foreign car companies off the American financial markets. I say take money out of circulation and let the trade deficit drop with the price of oil. I say the Saudis are our enemy more than North Korea. I say let old Braincloggeer pick out the liars in government and throw them out on their ears.