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July 19, 2021

Cuba, Iran, and the Shame of the United States 

The communists in our government have no shame. The two nitwits at the top are puppets in charge in name only. Disgraceful. We are in more peril now than ever and the Biden cabal has no ability to keep us safe. They are trying to ruin this nation on purpose and think we don't see it.

The Left’s Disgraceful Failure to Condemn Cuba’s Communist Dictatorship 

Yep, how do they condemn communists when they are in fact communists.

July 15, 2021

Are teacher's unions evil? The answer is yes.

"The transfer of raising children from the family to the state and its agencies, in this case the teachers’ unions, is a dream of Marxism, a fulfillment of the “dictatorship of the proletariat,” which in practice means the dictatorship of the Communist Party. Teachers’ unions, with their advocacy of racism and their rejection of parents’ rights, are playing a major role in “divide and conquer,” the conquest of America by Democrat socialism."

Don't go to Naples. It's become a haven for leftists. 

Besides the crowding, bad attitudes, high prices, traffic, lack of immigration enforcement, and high temperatures, yet another reason why Naples is terrible. Leftists have invaded Collier County and are running amuck. Stop giving that racist a-hole Silverberg a platform to spew hate against our elected congressman, a man who is doing a fantastic job defending our rights against hatemongers like Silverberg.

Biden said Confederates did not storm the capitol. Really?

Uh, excuse me there Herodotus, but in case you missed it, they may not have stormed the capitol, but a confederate named John Wilkes Booth murdered the president, you moron. Are democrats currently in a contest for who can say the biggest, most absurd lie? I know you've been running a campaign of inverting the truth and pretending you're not lying, but truly ridiculous douchebaggery is just a bridge too far. Try again, knucklehead. Oh, and tell your leftist buddies lying about voting laws to shut those sewers they call mouths. We know you didn't go to Philadelphia because that's the "cradle of democracy." You went there to throw shade on the letter the former US attorney sent to Trump about voter fraud in the state. Leftists need to stop thinking you're slick. You're not. The president proves crackpots can also be globalist, leftist drones.

July 13, 2021

What Texas democrats are really saying

 They are saying minorities are too inept to obtain voter ID. That's racist. They are saying ballot harvesting, mail-in ballots and other forms of election fraud is what they want. They are also saying it's okay for democrats on the national level to push through legislation without consent of the republicans, but since it's happening in Texas, they oppose it. They are also saying they don't want Texas to be in charge of their own elections as described in the Constitution, but want the Marxists in DC to control it. They LITERALLY asked for the federal government to take their state's rights away. They are as hungry for party power as the ones in DC. They are also saying there are "rules for thee, but not for me." Private donor aircraft is fine for them but not you. Green New Deal is for you, but not them. This is "hypocrites on parade" in the worst way. This is democrats defending their constant lies about voter suppression. This is corruption, paid by taxpayers. I hope they enjoyed the beers they brought along on their oh-so serious journey. 

FBI: It’s Your Duty To Spy on Family Members for Signs of ‘Extremism’ and Snitch on Them 

Does this include violent Marxist leftists in the democratic party who are destroying this country from within? The people that support the riots, change the law to let anarchists and Marxist criminals out of jail free, ignore crime, allow illegals to pour over the border, and the politicians fomenting racial hatred, or is it just white conservatives?

Cowardly Texas Marxist democrats reach an all new level of pathetic hypocrisy

 So the oh-so-green democrats tuck in their cowardly Marxist tails and instead of flying commercial, they get rides on private aircraft owned by a Lebanese businessman. All while signaling that minorities are too weak to get voter ID. How pathetic.

July 12, 2021

BREAKING: Dan Crenshaw Demolishes Biden Administration For ‘Playing Cover For Communists’ 

I'm with you Dan Crenshaw. Leftists can't condemn the communists without condemning their own movement, and their Marxist goals in this country go back further than Dewey.

Aging ferry hopes for new life off shores of Cape May 

The rest of the headline should say "as long as the current administration doesn't get to touch it."

When faced with an ageing fleet they took the vessel they spent $27million on and sold it for $200k and sank it to make an artificial reef. Talk about a lack of foresight. 

These people have to be drone-minded government leftists. Typical government boondoggle. They actually admit they spent $27 million to overhaul the Twin Capes, never saw the profits they were expecting from it, then instead of taking the oldest ferry out of service, they sunk the Twin Capes off Cape May to make an artificial reef. Now they’re looking into replacing the 42 and 47 year old ferries which might result is less capacity. We’re these democrats? Talk about bad decisions.

"According to the recent economic-impact study, vehicle use has dropped by about 30,000 since 2009, and passengers by nearly 100,000. Ticket revenues have dropped almost $1 million. Concessions, meanwhile, have steadily increased. At the same time, operations expenditures have risen from $34.8 million in 2009 to $40.6 million in 2018.
But since 2013, the ridership and financial numbers have gradually started to trend back upward. "
What? The second paragraph contradicts the first. I smell bureaucrats.

Then take the local press commentary and support for a bridge across the bay. "The government is looking to spend money?" Really? So that's the excuse you need to put a bridge over the Delaware Bay? The Press of Atlantic City's opinion and comments are moronic leftist bullshit. Maybe stick to supporting AMTRAK or the post office, two organizations that never operate in the black, but keep getting funded.

Replace the ferries without decreasing capacity, shut up, move on.

Democrats silent on Cuba protests so they don't insult Communists

Cubans wave American flags as a symbol of freedom as leftist, Marxist democrats shit on it in our own country. As Marxists, the democrats can't possibly be seen to support freedom and individual liberty, so they say they have the right to protest...just like leftists in this country. The Marxist Biden administration is an International embarrassment and a gift to other communists like China.

And now to digress: They are the racists and they are setting up a situation that will disintegrate under them and hurt minority Americans worse than ever. The credit act will end like the housing bubble brought on by democrats pandering to minorities. Forgiving minority fam loans and giving them a vote-buying 20% bonus payoff? How is that not illegal? Telling minorities every day they are inferior? How long does that last? Bernie Sanders is a Marxist/Communist, not a Democrat Socialist. The rest of the democrats are plain Marxist. They didn't allow honoring the founding fathers at Mount Rushmore this year because their hero is Karl Marx.

July 8, 2021

Teacher's Union makes best case for eliminating teacher's unions 

Since when do we allow unions to threaten citizens? When did it become okay for leftists to indoctrinate our kids using public funding? How long will democrats use public money for their leftist teacher's union? When did they decide our kids need to learn Marxist ideology? When did teaching a six year old about sex become acceptable and stop being sexual abuse and pedophilia? Why are democrat-funded unions teaching anti-capitalism and anti-Americanism? Now they teach racism and hate and disturbingly call it "anti-racist." Co-opting and reversing the true meaning of words doesn't change the fact this is evil and wrong. The fact leftist news media supports this effort is even more sickening. When did they decide they determined curriculum? Do steel worker unions decide how the steel is made? No. Do longshoreman unions determine how the ships run? No. Unions should stick to their actual purpose and not try to produce leftist racist drones. 

Time to end the Teacher's unions.

The "Soros effect" rears it's ugly head...again. 

Everything Soros does is evil and designed to destroy our country. When does it end? How many people across the country suffer because of him?

July 7, 2021

The only Insurrection we had in DC was democrats on January 20th.

 Do insurgents normally storm buildings unarmed? Do insurgents normally suffer the only losses save for a police officer that died of a stroke? Do insurgents normally come in and shake hands with police, take pictures, sing songs, and leave? Do insurgents normally include grandmothers and shaman with horns on their heads?

Now look at the democrats. Biden came in and ended the livelihoods of 11000 people and their families. Then they destroyed the fossil fuel industry, the middle class, the military, botched a vaccine rollout they were handed, destroyed our border and with it our national sovereignty, and declared war. That war is on civil rights, children, American citizens, legal gun owners, dignity, the nation, and the truth. Democrats opened the flood gates to illegal aliens, some with a pandemic disease, and changed laws in order to look the other way on crime. Biden the destroyer ruined our energy independency, and now he panders to OPEC and Russia. He supports racism and the leftist program of turning the country on its head, where everything once considered racist is called "equity." Democrats enslave blacks in America and lie to them in pursuit of their goal of 14% of the country tearing down the rest. They support attacks on your children with racist theories and false narratives about our form of economy and our founding. How is a union forcing racist, Communist curriculum on Americans? How do they have that power? 

Now these corrupt political insurgents hold the January 6th people in jail in total violation of their civil and human rights. No charges, no court dates, no nothing, all while their bail reforms allow murderers back out on the street. They martyred a criminal and supported insurgent riots across the country as citizens that tried to defend their property were punished. Speak ill of these democrat insurgents and they attack, calling you racist. They are the insurgents. They are the true enemy of this nation. They are lawless, racist, fascist criminals. It's organized crime. They are all guilty, especially the one calling for an investigation. Where is the justice in this country? They control it. Where are your rights in this country? They suspended them.

Trump would have been impeached for less. In fact, he was. Democrats are the true insurgents. The globalist-owned leftist media supports them. Our country has been seized by people who hate it, and push for it's destruction. They've taken control of DC, and they are destroying this nation.

Biden actively destroys US energy independence, then gets in bed with OPEC. 

Is he mad, or just anti-American?

Leftists are admitting they're okay with fossil fuels, just not with American fossil fuels. Total, complete anti-American insanity. He ended the pipeline two hours into his first day, then fracking. Then he approved a Russian pipeline and now he wants OPEC to pump more oil, but not us. Ended our energy independence and is getting in bed with the people we worked so hard to be independent from. Globalism. Incompetence. I'm not sure what this is, but Trump would have been impeached for it.

July 6, 2021

GOV Cuomo puts foot in mouth over guns

Cuomo said "I want to do with guns what we just did with COVID-19." What is that? Killing 10,000 senior citizens in nursing homes and getting away with it? Sexually harassing about ten women and getting away with it? How is he getting away with these things anyway? Leftist corruption, that's how.

What does the emergency declaration do? It frees up money for police in his "defund the police" state. It puts emphasis on law enforcement. Ironic, eh? Now he can go after those magic guns democrats think commit crimes all by themselves. Moron.

Guns are NOT the problem.

 I have a gun in a drawer close to my front door. No kids in the house. My wife is more proficient with firearms than most men. Never once has Mr. Glock jumped out of the drawer, left the house, and committed an act of "gun violence." He doesn't hang out with a bad crowd. He isn't racist. He doesn't riot or loot or shoot police. That's because he is an inanimate object. I control him. I am responsible for the use of my gun just like every criminal is responsible for theirs. Democrats want you to believe guns commit crimes. Wrong. People commit crimes. A gun is as useless as a doorknob unless operated by a human being. It's those criminal humans we should be worried about. 

WestExec outs itself as a leftist cabal 

And you thought Homeland was just a TV series. When one firm's deep state supply chain provides 23 of the highest ranking Biden drones, you can see the corruption plain as day.