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October 13, 2008

Columbo didn't discover anything.

Okay, Columbus "discovered" the new world...or really, he didn't! No, he didn't discover jack squat. First, how do you "discover" a place where people already live? Did he work for Discovery Channel or something? Then, unless your world view is one seen through the eyes of a European, and your "world" revolves around the ego centrism associated with the view that Europe is the center of the universe, Columbus is just a privateer searching for gold, which is what he was. I bet all the people he killed by spreading new diseases around really appreciated his "discovering" them. Here you go, nice to see you, give us some gold while we infect your village and oppress you with our apparently "superior" religion. Yep, that's how it starts. There's always someone out there thinking he's better than you, telling you how to think and showing you how wrong you are. Hmmm, seems oddly familar, doesn't it?

I approved this message

I hate that crap. Who said they have to say that? Who forgot that a lie by omission is still a lie? If Obama says McCain voted against alternative energy and McCain did that because it was a bad bill full of pork, the omission by No-Bama is still a lie. Yes, he's a liar. Oops...Brainclogger called the Messiah a liar! Yep, sure did. How did we ever get in this country where we elect the slickest salesman, the shadiest character, the guy that talks good but has no real record so in essence is talking out his ass? When did war heroes become taboo? Tell you what...I'm going to be selling the "Don't Blame Me, I Voted for McCain" bumper stickers at a discount very soon. You see, I'm not PC. I won't vote for the Half-African-American candidate out of fear or guilt or any other reason, and will vote against him because he is an unknown, untested, and untrusted choice. If it were Biden-Obama then maybe, because Joe Biden seems to be a normal person, but in the current format, nope, never, not gonna do it. As President Bush Senior used to say, "wouldn't be prudent." I'm Brainclogger and I approved this message.

Drop Baby drop!!! Here's how we fix our country.

I say let the stock market crash. I say let all those people that think social security is a retirement plan piss and moan till doomsday. I say take oil and gas off the commodities exchange so "anticipation" can't be a criteria for increased oil prices. I say jail the people that have half-million dollar parties the day before their company gets bailed out by the government. I say flog CEO's that get paid millions of dollars after leaving failed financial institutions. I say fire any congressman with an approval rating lower than the president's (that would be about half of them). I say throw out political parties once you're elected. I say take foreign car companies off the American financial markets. I say take money out of circulation and let the trade deficit drop with the price of oil. I say the Saudis are our enemy more than North Korea. I say let old Braincloggeer pick out the liars in government and throw them out on their ears.

Leave that kid alone!!!

The liberal media bastards are still at it, trying to uncover any dirt they can and proving their bias as well as their overt sexism as they throw as much dirt on Sarah Palin as possible. When are families off limits? When they're democrats? When their half-black and political correctness says vote for the black man so you can sleep at night guilt free? If people really want to be PC they would throw that ridiculous housewife Pelosi out on her ear. Liberals in congress have been so consumed by the upcoming election they've concentrated on nothing else to our detriment for the last two years. How anyone can vote for these idiots I just don't understand.

September 26, 2008

Don't spend the 700 Billion!!!

Okay so do we really want to reward greed? Do we want to bail out crooked developers and mortgage lenders after they bulldozed the landscape, sold property that didn't exist, sold 1% mortgages, and built shitty houses? Do we want to save people who bought way more than they could afford, with greed, ignorance, and vanity fueling their efforts? Do we save the knuckleheads that bought those 1% mortgages thinking there wasn't a catch? There's always a catch. What about the people that got into interest-only loans? Dipshits. I say let them swing. If I can suck it up, tighten my belt, and make sacrifices to pay my debts, I say they should do the same. Why do I have to be subjected to this socialist scheme where i have to suffer for the ignorance and greed of others. Besides, i see these miserable bastards every day commuting to work. Ever ride the DC Metro? If you say good morning to someone they look at you like you're an asshole. Non-smiling, unfriendly, less-than-civil drones that can't even muster the dignity or the neighborly attitude to go out of their way to say good morning. Until we're civil to each other, I don't want to pay my debts...and theirs, or yours. No thanks. Come on, say hi to old Brainclogger...I may be paying your mortgage. Now how's that for neighborly...

Never debate a lawyer

It's one of those things you learn as a kid, like "don't pee into the wind," or "never hit a chick," or "go on green, stop on red." Obama was slick, he was poised, he sounded great...but he's a suit, a lawyer, a stinking liberal, and a paper tiger with no experience or substance when compared to McCain. After all, you know what Shakespeare said about lawyers

Harry Reid has to go!!!

To take the opportunity when briefing about the financial crisis to pull a sickening, despicable political stunt like he did is over the line and he deserves to get fired. He insinuated the negotiations were going well until John McCain came back to Washington. That was low, even for a politician. He sucks. Yes Harry, the most miserable man on the face of the earth, you indeed suck. The pictures of the politicians sitting at the table with the President had one great one could see your miserable puss in any of them.

September 17, 2008

It's a shitty job...

My imagination goes in all different directions with this one...

World's Smallest Gay

If you find yourself under a woman in a skirt BAM!!! get a kick in the face. Then you visit with a guy dressed in blue with a stick and a gun. Here he is, apparently put there by the woman standing over him. All I can say is "Dude, Look Up!" Come on Pingpong, look up for Brainclogger...

In Israel, Fido hires the OJ attorneys!

Get Barry Schek! Dig up Johnnie Cochran because they're using DNA from dog poo to find the dog that dropped it! I'm amazed we didn't think of this first! Now all those crime lab technicians can be glad they took out those college loans, eh? Sorry, CSI Miami isn't for you! No fancy Hummer, here's a pooper scooper. And this is the country we give the most aid? They actually have to reward people in order for them to clean up after their dogs? More self-absorbed people.

Beware of Blue Plastic Cows

The "illuminati" sent their best agent to retrieve the nuke housed in the dreaded blue cow...but this ninja stealth assassin got the airshaft...and called the cops on himself. His defense? Oops! This might be the wrong museum! This kid should be called the "bathwater bandit" because it's clear he's been drinking his fare share.

Somebody's lying to me!!!

If the per-barrel price of oil came down 36% from the all-time high, why did the price at the pump only drop 5%? I used to be dead-set against taxing the oil companies, but it's clear they're keeping 30% for themselves. A 36% drop means we'd be back around $2.65. Now it's not that Americans really care about gas prices, just look at the commuters. One person in each car? If they really cared, they would fill the other three seats and drop the demand in half, but greed, pride, and good old American need for convenience keeps the prices high and the traffic gridlocked.

September 7, 2008

You're the people my parents warned me about!

He's changing his mind again!

Now who is he trying to appeal to this time? Either you're going to recind the tax cuts or you aren't, you like taxes or you don't, you believe in the military or not, you're black, or half black, or American, or African American, or whatever? It makes me wonder if you can be half african american? This man is trying to be a metro-sexual (remember that term), racially situationally dependent, one-size fits-all guy and it just pisses me off. Who will you be tomorrow Mr. Obama?

Obama my butt!!!

How many days did you go to work last year? How about in the last six months? Well, the "Big O" was a Sentator who went to work for 140 some-odd days before going out and running for president. Basically four and a half months in my book, and now he wants to be my president. I don't think so. Calling him Senator is probably an insult to other senators that actually come to work, although they all need a kick in the ass. Oh, and how was your last performance review? Obama hasn't worked long enough to have one, but I'll tell you what it would be. Blank. There's nothing to say. Now he wants a promotion? Please...

Back after 2 years, 4 months

...and if you think I had things to say before, look out! People and things are more screwed up than ever, and blogs have more impact now. Besides, I have two years worth of stuff to get off my chest. I hope to link back up with my old blogger links soon.

May 4, 2006

Leaving the Middle East...

Yes, it's the day to go... I have no regrets, no reservation, no nostalgic feelings, and can't wait. Whether or not we're helping anyone over here, I really don't care... Sorry, but I don't think this was worth a year of my life. I'm happy to be going...

Moussaoui Sentenced to Life in Prison

It was the right thing to do. If we did execute him, we should have done it just because he was a French ass-wipe, but as a wanna-be terrorist, we did the right thing.

Make no mistake, this guy's an idiot, and as far as terrorists go he's an utter failure, that's for sure. However, we demonstrated that our justice system can look at knuckleheads like this dipshit Moussaoui and say "we're not as savage as you...our taste for blood doesn't control our logic like yours raghead f--k."

I think the show he put on was all an act anyway. He was trying to get executed because he thought he would be seen as a martyr. Sorry there Bub, even other craphead terrorists know what a loser looks like. You would have died and your fellow miscreants would have shown less concern for it than missing a re-run of Magnum P.I. You're no Tom Selleck, my friend. The guy couldn't even get himself executed!

Now remember the soap-on-a-rope, and the proper pronounciation of the word is b-i-t-c-h.

April 28, 2006

The Mexican Space Program...

I looked at someone and said "If I said to you...the Mexican Space Program" and immediately got a laugh. Strangely enough, I wasn't joking. They really are planning a Mexican version of NASA. Really, I'm not making this up!

However, I do have a few questions:

-Will it be a benefit to landscaping in general?
-Will the Mexican Space Center be built illegally across the American border in, say maybe Arizona or California?
-Will there be any Mexicans left to go into space, or will you have to get them back from the U.S.?
-Will you design the space suits around the size of the indigenous Mexicans of Indian ancestry, or around the taller, white Mexican racist elites that run the place? (Still wonder why they don't mind if people leave?)
-Will the menu on the spacecraft be truly Mexican or Tex-Mex?
-Does this mean soon we'll have an immigration problem on the moon?
-Ai Caramba!
-Since most American astronauts come from the U.S. Air Force, where will Mexican astronauts come from? Most Mexicans talented enough to join the Air Force come join ours. Do you even have an air force?
-So will you spend the money on the Space Center that you already don't spend on education, medical care, poverty, welfare, the environment, or other measures to stop the millions of Mexican citizens fleeing the country like rats fleeing a sinking ship?
-Can you put it in Juarez? That way Americans can get a beer and a nice case of the crabs from a Mexican hooker, watch the launch, and be back home in time for wrestling on TV, and Mexicans won't have to stop while wading across the Rio Grande in order to see a launch.
-Do you want to put people in space, just benefit from space tech, or merely be one of those cheesy "shooting satellites into space" type of operations? There's enough shit floating around in space already...
-Does referring to a Mexican during atmospheric re-entry as a "refried bean" sound racist to you?

Latin Hollywood Actors Talk Out Their Collective Ass...

First, Salma Hayak made the mistake of thinking she was anything more than a nice piece of ass. She's about as loyal to Mexico as Nanook of the North. Here's some pampered Hollywood liberal giving a "go team go" comment on her way to a European promotional tour for a movie she made where she pretended to be someone else and got paid for it. Wow! Talk about your benefit to society. where did you make all your money there, Sweet Pea? Who's side are you on anyway?

Edward James Olmos said protests and boycotts will teach the US a lesson? Right. I love how everyone thinks people here illegally should tell the United States government how wrong the government is. By the way, Eddie, politicians don't learn anything, or didn't you learn that since you're born and raised in Los Angeles? Whose side are you on anyway?

John Leguizamo, who came to this country when he was 4, says it's "insulting" that the law would call an immigrant a criminal. Well John, apparently you're a talented actor, but you're just not that bright. Or maybe you're only hearing what you want to hear. Or possibly, in true Hollywood liberal fashion, you're spinning the truth for your own benefit. Hmmm. In case you haven't been listening, they're calling illegal immigrants criminals. By the way, what's your immigration status? Whose side are you on anyway?

I know. Since Mr. Leguizamo finds it so horrible to call immigrants criminals, I'm going to find out where he lives, barge in, raid his fridge, demand health care, move some of my family in, insist he teach me everything he knows in the language of my choice, and when he tries to throw me out, start a protest in his living room telling him how wrong he is.

Actually, I doubt if any of these Latin Hollywood-puke rich people would even let me in their door? After all, I'm only in the Middle East defending their rights to be hyphenated-Americans, and obviously not as important to society as people who make a living playing "let's pretend."