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January 28, 2021

Brainclogger's "Hypocrite of the Day" is Congressperson Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Here are the reasons in no particular order:

- She applauds oil industry people getting fired, but gets limo'd to work. Take the Metro. Ride your bike. That limo runs on gasoline there, Congressperson...

- She pushes her green new deal but flies from DC to NYC. Take the train. Buy a Prius.

- She takes far too much taxpayer money as she laughs at American citizens getting fired by Biden with no jobs to replace the ones they lost. Who made her the authority on who suffers in this country for their cause? Why isn't it them?

- She calls people "White Supremacists" with no notion that activity is also racist.

- She wants to remove republicans from congress for doing something democrats have done at least three previous times. Something in keeping with the constitution and completely legal.

- She knows nothing about guns but insists on having control over them. You fire them, not "set them off."

- She actively seeks to destroy the Constitution she apparently swore to "support, protect, and defend.

- She claims to have feared for her life during the intrusion at the Capitol. She is too pampered and immature to hold office. No one was out to murder anyone. 

- She says only what the Justice Democrats tell her to say. Not having her own opinion disqualifies her from holding office. 

- There is no way she went from broke bartender to luxury apartment, designer clothes and limo without a benefactor like the Justice Democrats, Zack Exley, and George Soros.

- She celebrated running Amazon out of NYC and losing 25,000 jobs, thinking tax relief breaks were dollar-for-dollar. This from an apparent "economics" major.

- Every American getting laid-off right now for her "Green New Deal" will hate the very air democrats breathe as they struggle to provide for families, parents, sick relatives, college funds, food, insurance, etc. as she lives in her luxury apartment and rakes in taxpayer money. This is how you breed radicals. Desperate people will do desperate things. 

- How about doing like the only government person to ever forego their pay, Donald Trump, and skip yours? Why don't all you liberal hypocrites do it? For every person you lay off, you have to give some of your pay to them.

- She doesn't like the military but she's happy to have them surrounding DC. 

- She doesn't like police but is happy having them surrounding the capitol.

- Her "Rules for Thee, but not for Me" attitude is sickening and hypocritical. 

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