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January 21, 2021

Hundreds in Publishing Industry Sign Letter To Block Trump Book Deals: That's NOT what I would call it. 

It should read "Hundreds of no-name communist hacks push for censorship," Or maybe "Book burning in the computer age." Or "Publishing people show their socialist political bias." How about "the fascist knee-jerk that 'figuratively' cuts your own throat? Yep, I like the last one. 

...and Joseph Goebbels said "From these ashes will rise the phoenix of the new spirit", as a bonfire burned some 20,000 volumes of books considered offensive to the Nazi regime in in Germany in 1933 during a literary purge called the Sauberung. No need to burn them anymore if you stop their publishing, right? Shame on all of you. This is censorship as bad as the Comstock Law (Federal Anti-Obscenity Act of 1873), and the 1905 pre-censorship laws of Russia.

I'm happy to say I don't recognize anyone on the list, and hope to keep it that way. Agents signing on? What do agents do again? Was this their chance to show some guts after losing their courage and proactivity with the emergence of Amazon? Now they just wait for someone to pop onto the Amazon Top 100 and then contact them. Golly gee, what a business model. Seems like 90% of agents made themselves unnecessary. Just like this communist letter.

Publishers gushed over leftists like Barack Obama and give him the biggest advances in history for horrible books (more like the same book twice) that are merely pass-through payoffs by globalist billionaires. Come on, you're not that sneaky or smart. We all see it. You push openly racist diatribes by Michelle Obama, anti-conservative drivel by Hillary Clinton, and pure hate speech by any number of leftist individuals and cancel Josh Hawley's book?

Let me fill you in on something. Democrats did the same thing Josh Hawley did FOUR times, yet all you hear is crickets from conservatives while liberals turn purple with manufactured rage and hypocritical hate. Now you're doing it with this idiotic letter and surprise, what Josh Hawley did (and democrats before him) was entirely constitutional and legal. Yes, completely, so should I pity you for your obvious political bias, your incredible ignorance, your complete lack of knowledge of the constitution, or your ridiculous gullibility regarding lies told to you by liberals? Maybe all of them?

So why the hate? Why the censorship? Senator Hawley and Senator Cruz, plus all the other Trump supporters and people in his administration hold a different opinion than all of you, and like it or not, he said "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Yes, peacefully. Voices. Not rocks through windows or any other thing. 

Peacefully and patriotically let your voices heard. ISN"T THAT WHAT YOU ALL DO? Apparently not anymore.

They called Biden Moses


If the Rabbi meant leading oil workers out of jobs, then yeah. Or China toward being the most successful, most powerful nation on earth with no blame for the lives they took with their virus, sure. It was for opening the borders and harming our national sovereignty, probably. If it was because he is pushing the country toward socialism, racism, and ruin...definitely.







Rep Maloney, Chairperson of the House Oversight Committee, is calling for the FBI to investigate Parler's involvement in the January 6 incursion into the Capitol building. 

-Is she calling for investigation into the lack of federal response or lack of democrat objection to the summer Antifa/BLM riots? No.

-Is she calling for the truth about Russia Collusion? No

-Is she calling for investigation into democrats support for all the summer riots? No.

-Is she calling for investigation into the illegal FISA warrants? No.

-Is she calling for investigation into democrat's assault on the Constitution and the Republican party? No.

-Is she calling for investigation into Maxine Waters call for violence against the president? No

Is she calling for investigation into Senator Schumer's call for violence against the president? No

-Is she calling for investigation into Joe Biden's call for violence against the president? No.

-Is she calling for investigation into how a building said to be impenetrable was breached by unarmed demonstrators? No.

-Is she calling for investigation into other congresswomen calling for the inappropriate resignation of sitting US senators after they engages in a completely legal and constitutional action?  No.

-Is she calling for investigation into her fellow congress-people claiming they can't work with republicans who opposed the certification for the election after they themselves did it at least four times? No.

Is she calling for investigation into Nancy Pelosi for changing the rules for impeachments, changing the venue, allowing a corrupt representative to hold secret meetings and leaking selected anti-Trump information to the press? No.

Is she calling for investigation into Kamala Harris' support for the summer protests and claim they should not stop? No

Is she calling for the surge in censorship on behalf of Democrats. No.

Is she calling for oversight into social media platforms that are obvious publishers and worked to dishonestly support a political candidate? No.

Representative Maloney is a hypocrite of the highest order, a corrupt, partisan, puppet for the billionaire benefactors who are really in charge of the socialist democrat party. Shame on her. 

WAPO covers-up facts on death of vaccine Amazon joins the Biden administration

See article here 

Funny how Globalist Jeff Bezos, a.k.a. Doctor Evil, volunteers Amazon to help with the vaccine distribution. Why the day after inauguration? Why not a month ago? Two months? Bezos owns the Washington Post, a.k.a. the main propaganda arm of the Democratic Party (in a close race with the New York Times), and combined with his de-platforming Parler and attacking conservatives, seems hell-bent on supporting the leftists and their goal to ruin our country. 

You would think that Bezos, reported by all to be a difficult, objectionable, yet brilliant man, would fully support Trump's Constitutionally-based nationalist agenda, but as a Globalist, he could give a crap about it. Like Zuckerberg and Dorsey, you would think he would recognize his success under our capitalist system and wave the flag first thing every day, but no. He wants to personify all the James Bond movie antagonists in one person. 

Like the other globalists, it's all about money, and power, and foreign markets that could line his pockets. Things other Americans care about, like freedom, Constitutional rights, truth, family, and security are meaningless to the billionaire globalists. Bezos doesn't seem any different as his propaganda arm continues lying to Americans, and setting the conditions for our assured destruction.

Thanks Jeff.

January 20, 2021

Democrats applaud Biden joining a club that kills Americans.

China releases a virus. It kills Americans and people worldwide. China manipulated the World Health Organization. They got them to lie and omit the truth and support the people who released the killer virus. Trump was having none of it. Why should he? The Chinese are responsible for killing over 400,000 Americans. No matter. Today, Biden rushed in and jumped right back in bed with the Chinese. He said he would be president for all Americans. Looks like he meant all Chinese. Makes even less sense than stopping the border wall during a pandemic or ending 7000 jobs on his first day. Hello Mr. Soros.


Today, Joe Biden rushed into the Oval office so consumed with hate, disrespect, and discontent for our nation, he took out his pen and ended the 1776 Commission.

The 1776 Commission's goal: “ advise the President about the core principles of the American founding and how to protect those principles by promoting patriotic education. The path to a renewed and confident national unity is through a rediscovery of our shared identity rooted in those principles.” It was a push to bring Americans back to appreciating their country in preparation for the 250-year anniversary in 2026.

President Trump formed the commission to counter the liberal indoctrination of our children with their 1619 project, a racist ideology which teaches our country was founded on racism and slavery by the arrival of African slaves in 1619. 

President Trump was loyal to the Constitution of the United States. We like the Constitution. You know, the document that starts "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

How does Biden swear to defend the Constitution when he denies our founding? How does he support the constitution while attacking it? They only use it when it fits their subversive goals. 

How does he promote "unity" as he demagogues 75 million people that saw through the four years of globalist-owned democrat media attacks on a man they never gave a chance? Or their wild lawlessness and attempts at ousting him? We're wise to their tactic of whatever they are guilty of, just blame the other side. Like the Russia Hoax and Ukraine scandal.

Regardless, Biden let the cat out of the bag. None of his executive orders were for Americans. They serve his globalist benefactors and his own ideology. His calls for unity were as empty and hollow as liberal souls.

Biden proved racism and destruction of the nation are his first priorities. Supporting China is a close second. 

So now we know. It was the worst, and best thing he did today.

What you just witnessed was the start of the BIDEN TOTALITARIAN REGIME

Make no mistake. The inauguration speech was a pack of lies. We don't have a problem with "systemic racism." We didn't "survive and insurrection." There was no such thing. Nice how they don't mention all the summer riots and 47 deaths they caused, but a hundred people break into the capitol and leftists scream bloody murder. When they changed the voting rules, the fix was in. Why were democrats in charge of that anyway? Now they won't work with republicans who opposed the electoral college results? They call for "deprogramming?" He wants to stop the Keystone pipeline and put thousands of people out of work on his first day? He wants to show favoritism for illegal aliens on his very first day? He wants to show favoritism for transgender people over biological females on his very first day? He wants to re-enter a climate agreement that was bad for the U.S. but great for other countries on his very first day? This is supporting the Constitution and being pro-America? Bullshit.







Class Warfare

Destruction of the Constitution

Elimination of our rights.

This is what we have to look forward to in the Biden Regime.

January 14, 2021

Proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution. If you agree, pass it on.

It will take you less than a minute to read this. If you agree, please pass it on. It's an idea whose time has come to deal with this self-serving situation: 

OUR PRESENT SITUATION ! We must not tolerate an elite class of such people, elected as public servants and then putting themselves above the law. Members of Congress have exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed, under which ordinary citizens must live. For example, they are exempt from any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment. Members have become corrupted and controlled by globalists and PACs. And as the latest example, they have exempted themselves from Healthcare Reform, in all of its aspects. The self-serving must stop. Governors of 35 states have filed suit against the Federal Government for imposing unlawful burdens upon their states. It only takes 38 (of the 50) States to convene a Constitutional Convention. 

Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution: "Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the Citizens of the United States ..." 

This is an idea that should be passed around, regardless of political party. 

1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office. And, no more perks go with them. 

2. Congress (past, present, & future) participates in Social Security. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose. 

3. Congress must purchase their own retirement plan, just as ALL Americans do. 

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%. 

5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people. 

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people (i.e. NO MORE INSIDER TRADING!!!). 

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women. Congress made all these contracts by and for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor and privilege, NOT a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators should serve their term(s), then go home and go back to work … not get all kinds of freebies.

This was originally the Congressional Reform Act of 2017. The Trump Rules. Now you see why they hate him. PASS IT ON 

January 13, 2021

May the Bridges I Burn Light MY Way


I definitely need this shirt

Why wasn't Pelosi impeached?


Rep Gohmert uses Pelosi's own words against her, but once again, the lawless Democrat double-standard applies,

Most illegal aliens arrested in 2020 had at least 4 criminal convictions 

And the solution for this among democrats is make them all citizens. 

We remember Democrat pandering and cowardice



 After crapping on the memory and lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on nearly a daily basis, they're invoking his name now as they attack Donald Trump. They foment hate and discontent by invoking racism every time they get the chance. They break civil right rules, equal opportunity rules, and unapologetically and purposely moved this country back to the Jim Crow days. They looked the other way as BLM burned cities, yet went insane claiming Trump created insurrection in DC. Biden stood before us and claimed the colors of his cabinet, and his racist priority for COVID relief. People opposed to Marxist BLM are arbitrarily labeled racist. The democratic party cares not for the content of anyone's character, but simply the color of their skin. That's appalling. That's racist and wrong. Democrat representatives in the impeachment debates are standing and calling Trump and his followers white supremacists. They are the only ones invoking race. They need to stop.




They never recognized Trump won.

They colluded with the Clinton campaign to create false information about the president.

They let Wasserman-Schultz help Hillary cheat in the primaries and then allowed her to run for office again.

They condoned the shooting of conservatives at the baseball field

They lied about Russia collusion for three years.

They lied to the FISA court and obtained illegal warrants to spy on Trump people.

They commissioned an illegal special counsel investigation

They called for hatred and violence against police

They called for defunding police and ending the second amendment as they keep their private security guards.

They falsely impeached him as they covered-up the crimes of the former vice president and his son.

They supported, defended, and provided materiel support to  riots against the United States for months but call conservative rioting "insurrection." They call rioting on their behalf "peaceful protests," but rioting for conservatives "insurrection."

They openly called for confrontation with Trump supporters.

They colluded with globalists and billionaires to silence conservative voices.

They embraced George Soros, Saul Alinsky, and Cloward-Piven over the Constitution of the United States.

They supported the pandemic and used it to their advantage.

They ignored Biden's embezzlement of his "Cancer Initiative."

Ignored Biden's manipulation of the Ukrainian prosecutor

Illegally protected Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton

Ignored Clinton and Biden involvement with Soros in Serbian elections

They went after Trump's teenage son and even the My Pillow guy. 

They praised China for their reaction to the virus they released, killing countless Americans.

They illegally changed the rules for voting in the United States, then claimed it was legal when it was not.

They acted like petulant children, tore the State of the Union speech and bragged about not speaking to the president.

They challenged the electoral college four times and no republican called for purges or resignations. Republicans do it once, and liberals went berserk. They are embarrassing. Their globalist proxies in social media and academia then pushed to deny the and destroy the rights of conservatives.

They conveniently use the Constitution when it is convenient for them, but not at all times.

They commit election finance violations, ethics violations, slander, libel, and get away with it.

They sat quiet as Black Lives Matter called Abraham Lincoln a racist

They violate civil rights laws, equal opportunity laws, foment racism and hatred, and have no issue with this despicable act

They changed the rules for impeachment, excluded republicans from it, and impeached the president while covering for their own people.

They all parrot "clear and present danger" like robots.

They picked and chose when they honored their oath. When violating civil rights laws was in their favor, they ignored their oath. Then they wanted to show loyalty to Iran, they condemned the president for eliminating a threat to the United States. When riots were in their favor, they ignored their oath. When the president opposed foreign interference in our economy and threats to our military, they opposed him. 

They are clearly guilty of tyranny, and I hate them more now than ever.


Biden already told his first big whopper of a lie. He said he was going to "heal this country," and "turn down the temperature." He must think slandering Trump and everyone who voted for him and supporting the impeachment of a president NOT in office is the way. Or the house resolution to make sure nothing is ever named after Trump. Or supporting censorship of the right. Or calling for prosecution of Customs and Border Protection. Or for gun control. Or for purging conservatives from office. Or Harvard purging Trump supporters. Or calling for Senators Hawley and Cruz to resign for doing something democrats did four times. Or big tech turning into Big Brother and censoring free speech. Or Simon and Schuster cancelling Sen Hawley's book deal. Or denying the riots of last summer while treating the one last Wednesday as doomsday. Or the personal attacks against Trump the man. Or the lies about his telling his supporters to riot. Pelosi would impeach him if he jaywalked, and Biden is saying nothing. This double-standard is sickening and Biden is a puppet for Soros and the others, nothing more. 

When Twitter suspends Judicial Watch, it Screams Censorship and Political Bias.

Jack Dorsey, you're a computer nerd-turned megalomaniac. You would think that after making it rich, you would wave the flag over your head and praise the United States every day, but you embrace Socialism. Why? I know you're a globalist but why are you a socialist teetering on communism? Why are you unwashed? Don't you have people for that? What's with the nose ring? It isn't you. Take it out. And stop censoring free speech. You're a publisher, not a social media platform. Embrace the suck.

Like Drunks and Alcohol, Democrats can't stop the Hate, Racism, Lies, and Treachery

 We know the Russia hoax, Russian Dossier, and claims Russia helped the Trump campaign were all lies. We know the Mueller investigation was started with illegal FISA warrants. We saw only one head roll for it. We know the first impeachment was a ham-fisted attempt to remove the president. We saw the 94% negative news coverage. We saw the reporters argue with a sitting president, grandstanding for their globalist masters. We watched Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, Hollywood, and others call for violence against the president and cabinet. We saw a play where they killed the president and a comedian raise his severed head. We watched the blatant race-baiting and wanton racism of the democratic party. We saw them deny the summer riots, only to go full bore over the capitol incursion. We saw democrats break campaign finance laws, equal opportunity laws, civil rights laws, proclaim outright lies regarding Russia, etc., and get away with it time and time again. We saw them mercilessly slander a supreme court nominee and prop-up and pay off a fake witness. We watched as democrats blamed Trump for COVID while praising China for their humanity. We watched them embrace globalists. We saw them exercise a sickening and blatant double standard. We watched them lie about "evidence of Russian collusion" for more than two years. We know the two worst things to happen to the democratic party are named Schumer and Pelosi.  We learned how the globalists control their puppet politicians, and the deep state runs counter to the party in power. We listened as the democrats broke law after law while proclaiming "no one is above the law," and after refusing to acknowledge Trump won in 2016, ridiculed him for not recognizing the 2020 election as early as last June. We watched the news media actively stifle conservative voices and never report on positive Trump activities. We saw them cover for Hunter Biden, spin disinformation, and stop any mention of George Soros. Blinded by the beltway bubble, democrats acted worse than school children and in the end, the globalists made sure their puppet Biden won on a platform no more complicated than "orange man bad." We see Biden choosing cabinet members based on race, an openly illegal act. After objecting to the electoral college results four times, they call republicans "subversive" for doing it in 2020. Social Media platforms became Big Brother. Publishers are discriminating against conservatives. Democrats are calling for purges. Lawyers are calling for Hawley and Cruz disbarments after doing something lawfully in keeping with the constitution, and democrats did 4 times with no republican hissy-fits. A PBS guy called for reeducation camps for Trump voters and seizing their children. The Bill of Rights is out the window. Instead of ending their endless hate, racism, negativity, and dislike for the American people, they continue to bludgeon us with their avarice, ignorance, arrogance, and treachery. They're drunk on the power provided by the globalists. After all, knowing they couldn't win, their globalist benefactors enabled them to change the rules. How did they beat a president with the best performance record in history? A fixed media. Corrupt billionaires. Fraudulent mail-in voting. Logistically-supported riots and demonstrations. A convenient pandemic. Turncoat RINO's, and piles of dirty money. How long will it last? When will the frenzy subside? How long can democrats foam at the mouth? Probably until we fly the Chinese flag. After all, that's what their globalist masters want. America: Great while it lasted.