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January 21, 2021

WAPO covers-up facts on death of vaccine Amazon joins the Biden administration

See article here 

Funny how Globalist Jeff Bezos, a.k.a. Doctor Evil, volunteers Amazon to help with the vaccine distribution. Why the day after inauguration? Why not a month ago? Two months? Bezos owns the Washington Post, a.k.a. the main propaganda arm of the Democratic Party (in a close race with the New York Times), and combined with his de-platforming Parler and attacking conservatives, seems hell-bent on supporting the leftists and their goal to ruin our country. 

You would think that Bezos, reported by all to be a difficult, objectionable, yet brilliant man, would fully support Trump's Constitutionally-based nationalist agenda, but as a Globalist, he could give a crap about it. Like Zuckerberg and Dorsey, you would think he would recognize his success under our capitalist system and wave the flag first thing every day, but no. He wants to personify all the James Bond movie antagonists in one person. 

Like the other globalists, it's all about money, and power, and foreign markets that could line his pockets. Things other Americans care about, like freedom, Constitutional rights, truth, family, and security are meaningless to the billionaire globalists. Bezos doesn't seem any different as his propaganda arm continues lying to Americans, and setting the conditions for our assured destruction.

Thanks Jeff.

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