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January 13, 2021

Like Drunks and Alcohol, Democrats can't stop the Hate, Racism, Lies, and Treachery

 We know the Russia hoax, Russian Dossier, and claims Russia helped the Trump campaign were all lies. We know the Mueller investigation was started with illegal FISA warrants. We saw only one head roll for it. We know the first impeachment was a ham-fisted attempt to remove the president. We saw the 94% negative news coverage. We saw the reporters argue with a sitting president, grandstanding for their globalist masters. We watched Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, Hollywood, and others call for violence against the president and cabinet. We saw a play where they killed the president and a comedian raise his severed head. We watched the blatant race-baiting and wanton racism of the democratic party. We saw them deny the summer riots, only to go full bore over the capitol incursion. We saw democrats break campaign finance laws, equal opportunity laws, civil rights laws, proclaim outright lies regarding Russia, etc., and get away with it time and time again. We saw them mercilessly slander a supreme court nominee and prop-up and pay off a fake witness. We watched as democrats blamed Trump for COVID while praising China for their humanity. We watched them embrace globalists. We saw them exercise a sickening and blatant double standard. We watched them lie about "evidence of Russian collusion" for more than two years. We know the two worst things to happen to the democratic party are named Schumer and Pelosi.  We learned how the globalists control their puppet politicians, and the deep state runs counter to the party in power. We listened as the democrats broke law after law while proclaiming "no one is above the law," and after refusing to acknowledge Trump won in 2016, ridiculed him for not recognizing the 2020 election as early as last June. We watched the news media actively stifle conservative voices and never report on positive Trump activities. We saw them cover for Hunter Biden, spin disinformation, and stop any mention of George Soros. Blinded by the beltway bubble, democrats acted worse than school children and in the end, the globalists made sure their puppet Biden won on a platform no more complicated than "orange man bad." We see Biden choosing cabinet members based on race, an openly illegal act. After objecting to the electoral college results four times, they call republicans "subversive" for doing it in 2020. Social Media platforms became Big Brother. Publishers are discriminating against conservatives. Democrats are calling for purges. Lawyers are calling for Hawley and Cruz disbarments after doing something lawfully in keeping with the constitution, and democrats did 4 times with no republican hissy-fits. A PBS guy called for reeducation camps for Trump voters and seizing their children. The Bill of Rights is out the window. Instead of ending their endless hate, racism, negativity, and dislike for the American people, they continue to bludgeon us with their avarice, ignorance, arrogance, and treachery. They're drunk on the power provided by the globalists. After all, knowing they couldn't win, their globalist benefactors enabled them to change the rules. How did they beat a president with the best performance record in history? A fixed media. Corrupt billionaires. Fraudulent mail-in voting. Logistically-supported riots and demonstrations. A convenient pandemic. Turncoat RINO's, and piles of dirty money. How long will it last? When will the frenzy subside? How long can democrats foam at the mouth? Probably until we fly the Chinese flag. After all, that's what their globalist masters want. America: Great while it lasted.

Did Zuckerberg, Brin, Dorsey, Bezos, and Jobs ever hear of Mr. Franklin?


January 12, 2021


It's easy. Leaders take charge. Leaders don't hop on the insanity bandwagon. Globalists have created a democratic party that looks like a horde of frogs trying to fornicate a football. They're all in a frenzy trying to ruin Trump before he goes out of office. (By the way, you might try to humiliate him, but he's still a billionaire real estate developer married to a supermodel). Pelosi is absolutely insane. Dignity has gone out the window. Eric Swalwell, a man who should really be thrown out for being compromised by a Chinese spy, or at least taken off the "Intelligence" committee, was appointed to the impeachment team. A sworn Marxist, now a democrat congresswoman, is calling for the resignation of republicans. Ocasio-Cortez, blindly installed by the Justice Democrats, is acting like she was actually a legitimate congresswoman instead of a globalist shill. Then there are the screams for gun control, purges, no-fly lists, canceled book deals, and social media censorship. All the haters of the Constitution are in full spasm...but I digress.

How do you know Biden will not be in charge, and is only a puppet for globalists? If he was really going to be a leader, he would look at the rest of the democrats and say "Enough. Stop the insanity. It's over. Let's move ahead." But he isn't. He's saying the exact opposite. He's as weak and dishonest today as he ever was, and always will be.

January 11, 2021

Saul Alinsky and Globalists push Biden to hate us and the NRA

Biden says he will defeat the NRA 

If democrats honored their oath, we wouldn't even need the NRA. They can't stop screwing with Americans and the U.S. Constitution for one second, can they? They aren't even in yet and it's already a full court press against the first two amendments. They know they're supposed to be protecting the constitution, but their globalist taskmasters want them to use Saul Alinsky's 8 Steps to Socialism to destroy us. Check out the democrat plan of attack:

1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people

2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).

6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.

8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

Rasmussen: Trump's Approval Rating Rises After DC Protests

President's Approval Rating Rises Click Here for Story 

Of course it has. He has the best record of any president in history and is a nationalist. Why else do you think the globalists and their lefty democrat puppets hate him so much? Newsweek is reporting something else but Jonathan Davis and Dev Pragad (the owners of IBT media, who bought Newsweek for a dollar plus the cost of outstanding subscriptions) are liberals that basically run a blog.




 Welcome to the death of our nation. Social media platforms are banning Americans, but not the president of China or dictator of Iran. Leftists are calling for anyone not agreeing with them to be purged from our government. Dissenting voices are being squashed. Durbin is reintroducing an anti-terror bill only focused on conservatives. The globalist-owned media is doing everything they can to destroy our current president as a public figure and human being. The incoming president is choosing people based on skin color and allegiance to George Soros. The police are arresting only those protestors that identify as patriots, but not the BLM and Antifa people that were with them. They call for impeaching a president that is leaving in 9 days. Globalist-owned ABC news and globalist-owned CNN are calling for the purge of conservatives. This is how communist countries and civil wars are started.


It is my humble opinion that the democrats and their puppet media are in violation of my rights as a citizen. They are actively working to silence any opposition to their treachery and dishonest conduct. If you say you're a conservative, you're attacked. The globalist tech billionaires are censoring free speech. The news media is slandering any politician in opposition to the democrats, and they are claiming Trump incited a riot when he did no such thing. Democrats are absolutely silent on their complicity with months of anarchy and riots, calling them "peaceful protests," as they call the issue at the capitol an "insurrection." Nonsense. I have a different opinion as is my right.

POLITICIANS HAVE SWORN TO PROTECT MY RIGHTS, but they are not. They lied. These same people are breaking civil rights laws by discriminating against people based on skin color, but I digress. Here is why my rights are being violated.

The First Amendment isn't only about religion.

First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

December 24, 2020

The Olympics finally became absurd.

 THe latest in Absurd Olympic games

I know game popularity comes and goes. I got it. But now they will let break dancing in as an Olympic sport? I already have a problem with so many Olympic sports, it seems adding more is just dumb. Surfing? trampoline? Sport climbing? Arrghh.  Here are the ones I have issues with


Beach Volleyball

Break Dancing

BMX cycling




Sport climbing




Now I don't have problems with the competition, but with the appeal. Aren't Olympic sports supposed to have an appeal across age groups? Is anyone over 25 watching trampoline or BMX? Will they watch break dancing or skateboarding? Not me. If break dancing is being added, are they reconsidering pole dancing?

I also have issue with professional athletes coming to the games. They are for amateur athletes. No need to send NBA players or pro Tennis players. Besides, i think we've all had enough of the top 5 tennis players, and every NBA player in the league. Why is baseball coming back only because professionals will be allowed to play? This is dumb.

Needless to say, I won't be watching. 

November 9, 2020

Truth and Reconciliation Commissions

Link to referenced article

Need more proof of the deranged liberal media and their psycho belief systems? Probably not, but here it is anyway. Click on the Link. This article contains assertions from snowflakes like "We still have to have a society with these Trump people, and that can’t happen until we understand what they’ve done and feel measures have been taken to protect us from them again." These people are lunatics, fed by a fanatic and relentless anti-Trump media, who then get to be considered "professional journalists," which they definitely are not. They're Perpetually Offended Serial Complainers... or POS for short.

Corrupt Joe Biden is Not My President. How do they like that?

You should have expected a Biden rant from me. I get paid to write things. It's what I do. This one's for free.

The "Resist Trump" movement was founded by those oh-so-cooperative and mature democrats on Thursday, January 19, 2017, day before his inauguration. I'm going to get a jump on the "Resist Biden" movement and start now. Like democrats said for four years, "Not My President." In 2016, the DNC and the Clinton campaign paid for a fake Russian Dossier and used it to get illegal warrants to spy on the Trump campaign, start an illegal special counsel investigation, and try to impeach an innocent man. Does any rational person think they played it straight this time? Globalists funded and supported the anarchy and protests, funded leftist campaigns for unqualified candidates in congress and in district attorney positions nationwide. They paid for criminal fines to let them vote. They financed the push to give illegals driver's licenses, which are the main source of identification to vote. They controlled the media as seven corporations own 90% of it, thus controlling the message. The Washington Post gave Trump all of 18 minutes after his election before they published a story on his upcoming impeachment. Globalists are deeply connected to the laboratories in Wuhan. The Democrats have said nothing about the virus other than Trump was to blame, yet when he first acted, they called him Xenophobic. Now Biden denies it. He also said he was going to take away the 2nd Amendment, promising Beto O'Rourke that very job. Then they used the virus as an excuse for mail-in voting. It was okay to protest or go to Walmart, but locally-owned stores, church, and going to vote in person were off-limits. Yesterday, the Chinese Yuan had the biggest surge this year in anticipation of the Biden administration. If the information about Hunter Biden was something about Donald Trump Junior, there would have been a media feeding frenzy like no other, but instead, crickets. Same for Pelosi and Kerry's kids and their mafia-style Ukraine no-show jobs and the 1.3 Billion given to Hunter. All while Pelosi held-up the next Covid relief check because she wanted to give money to illegals and failed democrat cities as Soros-funded advertising pounded those areas with anti-Trump advertising. These elected juveniles tore-up the state of the union speech in public after her snotty golf clap, boycotted congressional hearings, decided the rules for an illegal impeachment held in the wrong congressional committee, claimed Russian collusion for four years which turned out to be their doing, and all the while, we're supposed to think "orange man bad?" Really? The day after Trump gave an anti-Globalist speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, George Soros made an "emergency trip" to give and "emergency speech" where he said Trump was a "temporary issue that will be fixed in November." When Kamala Harris made the announcement she was running as VP, Alexander Soros was in the room, and said "we're confident in our choice for VP." Now after four years of media brutalizing the president, treating him absolutely horribly at every possible occasion, all of it fueled by hateful democrats and the globalist-owned leftist media, I'm supposed to hear Biden's "time to turn down the heat" speech and believe it? I call bullshit. They were responsible for it. Biden, Harris, all of them. Like Thomas Jefferson said, "for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." These democrats are that enemy. No one could persecute me for four years without restraint or even the moral courage to say "we might be taking this a bit far" without my hating the very air they breathe. Does my South Jersey upbringing give me a knack for smelling horseshit? Maybe so, but the last four years have been a disgrace by democrats. You can't spew venom that long and not expect for me to be sick of it. Right now Biden's a snake charmer, and they are all snakes. Watch. They won't even take over gracefully. They'll slander and insult Trump forever. Best economy in our history. Lowest unemployment in our history. Criminal justice reform. Prescription drug reform. Trade reform. Rebuilt military. 500 miles of border wall. Tax cuts. 12,000 manufacturing operations returned to the US. The return of US Steel. Energy independence. Support for the Constitution, and calling out China for their China virus. Trump got directly blamed for Covid as the leftists saw their opportunity to use it as a weapon. The actual number of virus deaths (according to two doctor friends) is around 12,000. When you get money to claim a death is from Covid, no one dies of old age ever again. China is to blame for them. The conspiracy theory tin foil hat lover in me thinks Trump was kicking China's ass so hard in trade deals, and their economy was in a twenty year slump at the time so they released the virus to gain control of the world's economy...which they pretty much did, with the help of Bill Gates, Bloomberg, Obama, and the rest of the democrats. They pander to them, and never speak ill. I wasn't the only one that saw American contractors building roads while protected by American soldiers (some of whom were killed) in Afghanistan so the Chinese mining companies could get to their mines, courtesy of the Obama/Biden administration (but I digress and that's a story for another day). If you want the end of a rant about Biden, here it is: Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. Don't tell me "surprise" chunks of all-democrat votes dumped simultaneously at 4:00 am in five different states was normal. Don't tell me facts I know to be true are labeled false by a "fact checker" that's blatantly biased. Don't tell me being allowed in the building but required to stay more than 25 feet away qualifies as "present to monitor ballot counting." Don't call for conservatives to "lower the temperature" that you and your leftist/ Socialist/ Globalist/ Communist and corrupt media buddies raised. Deep down, Biden might be a good guy that loves his son enough to lie for him, but he's as corrupt as any of them, and definitely Not My President.

Biden tells us to "lower the temperature" that he and democrats created


March 24, 2020

The "Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act" is a pile of Racist Liberal Lunatic Bullshit
What does diversity have to do with the deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus? Or carbon credits? Or renewable energy? Or a $15 minimum wage? Nice try, leftist lunatics. How many more times do you need to prove you are globalist, anti-American morons with your heads so far up your own asses you're probably safe from the virus?  I'm amazed there are any registered democrats left. You corrupt, cowardly idiots should be fired immediately. Speaker Pelosi is either a lunatic at the wheel of a runaway ship, or she is controlled by others to the point she would advocate for this pile of shit. Regardless, she needs to go.

March 13, 2020

We Are Living In A Bizarre World. Liberals Are To Blame

We are living in Bizarre World:
• If a dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.
• Some how It’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.
• Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegal Mexicans voting in our elections are good.
• It was cool for Joe Biden to blackmail the President of Ukraine, but it’s an impeachable offense if Donald Trump inquires about it.
• Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but eighteen is old enough to vote.
• Sexualizing children is bad, but 11-year-old drag queens are good.
• Illegals aren't required to show ID, but citizens can't buy cough medicine without it.
• Citizens are fined if they don’t buy their own health insurance, and then they are forced to buy it for illegals.
• People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.
• Inflammatory rhetoric is outrageous, but harassing people in restaurants is virtuous.
• People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for useless degrees.
• Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.
• Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate Central-American gang-banger who jumps the southern fence is welcome.
• $5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care for illegals is not.
• If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.
• Politicians who say that the President is not above the law put illegal immigrants and themselves above the law.
• People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.
• Illegals don’t pay taxes, but they get tax refunds.
• We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, and it seems like a great plan to us.
• Voter suppression is bad, but not allowing the President to be on the ballot is good.
• Fourth-of-July parades are bad, but parades of women dressed as vaginas are good.
• Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.
• criminals are catch and released to hurt more people but stopping them is bad
And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes you a "racist".
When you become tired of living in the Left’s liberal, dystopian nightmare - copy, paste and share.

February 29, 2020

Trump Ad Tells It Like It Is Regarding Globalists and The Next Election. Read On...

The Best Trump Campaign Ad in History!!! Click here...

The fight is against #Globalism. You might think I'm wearing a tin foil hat, but this stuff is real. Make no mistake, the globalist political elites in this country don't care about you. They want power, nothing more. To get it they will destroy this country. Look at the Clintons and their "Clinton Global Initiative." Look at George Soros, a man who isn't allowed in many countries because of his hateful, destructive plans for them. Look at Bloomberg, who bought every politician in Virginia and millions of anti Second Amendment zombies paid to do his bidding. Look at Obama. He got the largest book advance in history for a book no one reads and went from community organizer to hanging out on Richard Branson's yacht. Look at George and Jeb Bush.  They want to carve up our way of life and our country to cash-in, control everything, and end the sovereignty of the United States. Don't let it happen. The media is bought and paid for by these people. The New York Times is owned by Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim. CNN gets their orders from Ted Turner. The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos. They're not for you. They're for themselves. How else could the Russia narrative continue to be perpetuated by the media after being proved false over and over? These people aren't really the morons they appear. They're controlled by globalists. Cuomo, Maddow, Hayes, Stelter, Lemon, Matthews, and all the rest are just globalist minions. How else would a Speaker of the House violate every rule and tradition of Congress to conduct a manipulated phony impeachment trial in a secret room, all the while controlling the information that got out? The liberal media covers for them. These people are the real racists, using the idea of racism to divide and conquer. The Democratic party is a failed party co-opted by a socialist who should be in the socialist party. Globalists don't care. They know they can control Sanders. He is a means to their end. Don't make the mistake of thinking anything is free. Ask yourself why his plans would overtly ruin the US economy and the press doesn't care. Don't think Warren exists for any other reason than to siphon votes from Biden and crap on Bloomberg, helping pave the way for Sanders. Why has he co-opted the party? Because globalists control the political class and the press. It's why #SenSchumer and @SpeakerPelosi and the rest of the liberals do nothing but shit on the president.

Trump tipped over their apple cart. He stopped their plans. That's why they hate him. That's why we support him. #MAGA2020

December 21, 2019

Virginia is Infected by the Liberal Disease and poisoned by Bloomberg money.

Troubled Virginian Speaks to Elected Representatives

Virginia is about to enact gun laws that would turn law-abiding citizens into felons overnight, simply for having purchased certain firearms when they were legal. All but two counties in the state declared themselves "2nd Amendment sanctuaries." Now the state is talking about using the national guard to enforce the proposed laws, and changing the law to allow people who disagree to be instantly fired if they work for the government. This is the tyranny the founding fathers warned us about. This is the result of Michael Bloomberg's flooding Virginia with millions of dollars, and corrupt Virginia politicians and uninformed Virginia voters turning the state on its head. This is the trail New Jersey has been going down and the cliff it will soon go over. Bloomberg claims to be for people's rights. I don't believe it. Spending millions to destroy the 2nd Amendment should scare the hell out of all of us. If you believe, as I do, that the 2nd Amendment was put in place to protect the 1st Amendment, then don't sit back and watch your rights get taken by liberals. Ask yourself if they want to take our guns away because they know they're trying to do something they know they should get shot over. Like the Socialist Adolf Hitler and Communist Mao did before them, disarming the citizens because they knew they were going to oppress all of them. The first thing they did was make sure the citizens couldn't do anything about it. You keep hearing about Socialists in the Democratic party. You hear some of them praising Venezuela. How much praise should there be when the president is the former president's limo driver, doctors are standing in bread lines, and people have been arrested for eating the grass around some government buildings? Hugo Chavez banned the personal ownership of firearms in 2012. Look how fast Venezuela went down the crapper. Venezuela was, at one time, the second largest economy in the Western Hemisphere. Now it's a third-world country run by a dictator that didn't even graduate high school.


October 21, 2019

Pelosi's Secret Trip to Stab The President in the Back

Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have officially gone too far. They come out of unconstitutionally secret impeachment hearings to take a "secret" trip to Jordan and Afghanistan to undermine the foreign policy of the president of the United States. That's actually illegal under the Logan Act. The speaker of the house and chair of the intelligence committee have no foreign relations responsibilities. Remember General Flynn? Democrats used the Logan Act to prosecute him, but I guess it's okay for "above the law" liberals. Then Nancy had the stomach-turning audacity to talk about democrats combating corruption, saying "Our delegation emphasized the central importance of combating the corruption which endangers security and undermines the Afghan people's ability to achieve a stable and prosperous future." What balls. The president says he discussed corruption with the Ukrainian President and democrats lost their rotten, twisted minds. Prosecute everyone that went on the trip, no matter who it is. Then get rid of this philosophy that alcoholic cosmetic surgery-addicted 80 year-old California liberals blinded by partisan hatred with no military or diplomatic experience whatsoever are responsible for the conduct of warfare to the point they travel to a country after all the fighting is over and claim they need to know the situation on the ground. Pelosi said "Meeting with and hearing directly from our troops and diplomats on the ground is essential for Congress to conduct effective oversight of our mission in Afghanistan." What a bunch of bullshit.They had their token republican along. Mac Thornberry. He's retiring before the election. Only reason for him to go was a free trip to act as Pelosi's stooge and poke a finger in Trump's eye. This blatant act of disloyalty and despicable backstabbing behavior is not what we want or need in representatives in congress.

October 19, 2019

Our full circle evolution as a society is complete.

I realized we've gone in a full evolutionary circle as a society. Thousands of years ago we spoke with drawings. Pictures. You know...hieroglyphics. Then came speech, the written word, song, music. Then mechanical means took over, followed by electronics. We had type, phone, audio and video recordings. Then came the internet, smart phones, and finally, emojis. You know emoji's. Drawings. Pictures. Hieroglyphics. Welcome to our advanced society.