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Showing posts with label insurance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label insurance. Show all posts

September 11, 2018


Here I am looking for a student health plan for my son. Typical young adult, fit, non-smoker, no physical ailments, no medical issues. I apply as if I'm him. I plug in male, 24 years old, living where the school is, and I include he makes about $10k a year with his college job. They reply "Based on the information provided, members of this household don't appear to be eligible for a premium tax credit or other savings on health insurance. But you can use the Health Insurance "Marketplace" to shop for a health plan at full price." Gee, thanks, I can pay full price. So I look at the costs on their "marketplace." Lowest is $312 per month, highest is $716." Gee, thanks Mr. Obama, I only have to shell out thousands a year. Yep, great plan. These premiums are higher than other plans I've seen outside the government. Who's making millions off this fiasco? So I go back, change the $10,000 to $5,000 and guess what happened? "Based on the information provided, members of this household don't appear to be eligible for a premium tax credit or other savings on health insurance. But you can use the Health Insurance Marketplace to shop for a health plan at full price." Gee, thanks again. So I go to the "marketplace" and guess changes to the costs. I go back, put zero in the income amount. Yep, a big, fat $0. Guess what happened; "Based on the information provided, members of this household don't appear to be eligible for a premium tax credit or other savings on health insurance. But you can use the Health Insurance Marketplace to shop for a health plan at full price." Now how does a 24 year-old man, non-smoker, who goes on the website and says he has no income (which might be true of a college student) not qualify for a discount or any sort of benefit other than "go ahead and pay full price?" So I go back, change the info to say I'm a hypothetical 74 year-old man,and make 22,000 per year, and guess what it says; Based on the information you provided, it looks like your household qualifies for a premium tax credit of $953 per monthA premium tax credit is how much you can save on your premium each month. It's not the amount of your premium itself. When you view plans, the premiums will be reduced by this amount. So I go to the "marketplace" and what's the first plan I see? $0 per month but a $7500 deductible. What? No way is that good. I go forward to the first plan with a monthly payment and there it is...$197 per month and a $750 deductible. The plan my son should have, but no. Obamacare is based on putting the cost on the backs of the young. Or on their parents. At one point the "individual mandate" meant people were fined or taxed if they didn't pay their tribute to O-care. The republicans removed that, and what happened? The democrats shit all over them. Obamacare is a scam. It's made everything more expensive and and made insurance companies wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. It's a failure. Want proof? In Florida, the democrat for governor is running on the platform that he'll increase medicare by 750,000. Yep, he wants more of a welfare state than Obama made the country. There's also a Medicare-for-all bill from Sen. Bernie Sanders (thought up as he drove around in his $200,000 car), a Medicare buy-in bill from Sens. Tim Kaine and Michael Bennet, a Medicare buy-in bill from Sen. Brian Schatz, a Medicare "extra" proposal from the Center for American Progress (people strongly allies with all things Clintonian), and a number of other measures aimed at making Medicare the cure-all for the failures of the incredibly misnamed "Affordable Care Act. I heard a statistic on the radio the other day that the government spends $200,000 in overhead for every person enrolled in the program. That's ludicrous. It's waste, fraud, and abuse in epic, monumental, no-word-is-adequate proportions. Democrats don't believe they will ever run out of other people's money. But we had to "pass it to know what was in it"  Moron. Pelosi should jump off a bridge.

March 21, 2012

Dental tourism? Como.

I just saw an Internet for "dental tourism," where you travel to Guatemala to visit an American-trained dentist and pay one-tenth of the price for treatment because the insurance overhead is cut out. $38 for a cleaning. $38!!! Wow. While perplexed, stunned and amazed, I'm also intrigued. What's next? If they come up with proctological tourism, count me out.

March 22, 2010

Four "Horse-persons" of the Apocalypse Bankrupt the US.

In late-night action, Dems gathered around their grand-dame, paying her much needed praise for finally getting off her ass and doing something since taking over Congress in 2006. Mere moments before she had to run back to her stand in the "notoriously corrupt politicians" section next to Bill Clinton at Madame Tussuad's wax museum, dems praised her for strong-arming them, belittling them, making completely un-veiled threats, and basically shined her wrinkly ass until she was sated. All the while, she stood nearby with a fake smile plastered on her cosmetically frozen face while making sure to avoid eye contact with anyone in the room. Turning her head to scan the room, a dull clicking noise could be heard along with a gutteral droning noise like Mongolian throat music. Luckily, before the wax melted into a nightmare-inducing brain-burning memory for those unfortunate enough to be watching the liberal circle-jerk, right before the assembled humanity gouged-out their own eyes, she mercifully departed.

Shortly after midnight, word came that before the government spends any more money it didn't have, our creditors (the Chinese) called and said they want their money first. In true form, democrats asked how they could be out of money if they still had blank checks in the checkbook? Steny Hoyer was heard to utter "you know when you say I'd gladly pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today? Well, you never pay" as he giggled like a schoolgirl. At that point, the room resembled a herd of deer caught in the headlights and a collective, drawn-out "oh" was audible above the creaking of bones. The IQ level of those in attendance dropped an average of 10 points. Can you say "my name's Forrest Gump?"

During the back-slap butt-kiss Olympics witnessed after passage of the bill, not a single idiot (er, congressman) mentioned they did what they did for their constituents. It was absurdly amazing. They spoke of the "good-ole boy network" without using those words, fluffed each other publicly (well, except for Nancy. She's in her seventies and that's just gross, although she's probably better hung than the guys), and spoke of how "hard" other dems worked. All the while, they disregarded, or completely forgot they are elected representatives...apparently for a bunch of unfortunate peasants that didn't realizeb they were appointing royalty until Nancy said "let them eat cake."

Fornicate Gordon Gekko, greed is not good and this thing is going to hurt. I can only imagine what the stock market will do this week. The democratic plan looks like this:
- ignore job creation and extend unemployment benefits using money we don't have
- Let the Bush tax cuts expire in order to socialize our country, punish high earners, and redistribute wealth from the earners to the inherently lazy
- Take control of the banks
- Take control of the insurance companies
- Take control of the automakers
- Ignore the trade deficit because we're already bent over for the Chinese. Think of ways to take more money from Americans.
-Have liberal minions say "only a very small percentage of Americans will see a rise in insurance premiums," using the figure "1 in 5." Well, I know liberals hope we can't do our "cypherin," but 1 in 5 is 20%! Yep, a very small percentage indeed.
- Spend a trillion dollars on a stimulus plan that only stimulates the federal government. Why am i thinking of "fluffer-nutter?"
-Spend another trillion on health care. Write another check against an overdrawn account.

Yep, great plan. Should I burn down my house and move out of the country before the invading Chinese, the foreclosing feds, the IRS, the Orwellian thought police, ACORN, gun-control nuts or PETA come for me?

I know...if they do come for me, I can always call and get health insurance on the way to the hospital! After all, the axe in my forehead is a pre-existing condition and they don't matter any more! Oh, and using liberal logic, any injury after a car accident is pre-existing too so I guess I can cancel my car insurance now. Screw you Warren Buffet, save money on car insurance the old fashioned way...cancel it.

No more government cheese for anybody...

February 26, 2010

Obamacare Ponzi Scheme makes Madoff Blush. How to really do it.

The "health care summit" looked to me like a bunch of frogs trying to fornicate a football. Down the rabbit hole they're in, no one has the presence of mind to realize what they're trying to do.

Democrats talk of "premium discrimination" and elimination of pre-existing conditions. Non-starter. If you treat a healthy, athletic 21 year-old kid the same as a 55 year old man with diabetes and three prior heart attacks, the system will be unsustainable.

By treating all people alike and disregarding pre-existing conditions, you eliminate the risk rating that lies at the heart of all insurance, and you tell people that for every dollar they put in, they're guaranteed to receive multiples of that dollar in benefits, thus the ponzi scheme.

Here's the fix:
-assign each person risk based on their health. This would require a preventive maintenance health checkup. At that time, you establish a preventative program. Hey, and ounce of prevention, right?
-place high-risk people in a high-risk pool in order to spread the risk among a mass group, thus lowering the premium for all in the group. The lower the risk, the lower the cost. THAT'S FAIR.
-Require the high-risk group to practice preventative measures like exercise, weight loss, etc. They give some effort toward the program that covers them. THAT'S FAIR.
-Reduce or eliminate the waste, fraud, and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid. Use the recovered money to pay for those unable to pay for their insurance. It's still taking money from Peter to pay for Paul, but much more palatable because of the trade off. Funny how we never expect the government to run a program free of waste, fraud, and abuse.
-establish a baseline medical benefit used as a COBRA for people on unemployment.
-require welfare recipients and those who simply refuse to work to perform some sort of labor for their medical benefit. Consider it community service.
-If a state establishes a better system, allow them to opt-out of the federal system.
-make insurance portability a law.
-eliminate medical conditions discovered at birth being considered pre-existing.
-establish a grace period for people to try and get into a lower risk group. For example, if someone is diabetic because of their weight, allow them time to drop weight. If they don't do it, then they go into the higher group. Put the responsibility on the citizen. THAT'S FAIR.
-Lay off union health care plans. If a union member pays for something, they should get it. If the unions can negotiate better plans than the government, don't penalize them. (Unbelievable I said that since I don't like unions)
-extend scholarships to more medical students and put them to work in the system after graduation. Same for nurses. The whole system will fail if they're aren't enough medical professionals.
-tort reform
-take the insurance company lobbyists out of DC and throw them in the Potomac.

The other option to these ideas is ask Bernie Madoff how to do it. You know what he'll say...