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Showing posts with label #Trump #NATO #Liberals #bias #Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Trump #NATO #Liberals #bias #Russia. Show all posts

September 10, 2018

I Hate Hypocrites: Rant of the Day

So here we are, in the middle of the biggest MSM tirade, smear campaign, attempts at ousting, call it what you like, against any sitting US President in history. The media foams at the mouth in their efforts to destroy President Trump, all the while forgetting he was not only freely elected, but that is how our system is supposed to work. They can't comprehend the fact that sometimes, the deep-state, died-in-the-wool, professional politicians don't get elected. Every once in a while someone comes in and cleans out the slime. Get over it. Well, I said I hate hypocrites, and here is an example; Currently, the media and leftist politicians are seething over Mr. Trump's assertion that the press is the "enemy of the state." A Twitter shot that sent them into spasms. Well guess what; if they have an agenda to remove a sitting president because of corruption, bias, or their own political agenda, they are the enemy of the state. Here's the hypocrisy. The Lefties did this to the press first, yet they all play dumb. They want to make sure you don't remember that little tid-bit. Peccadillo. Whatever. But, in 2013 the Obama Justice Department launched an investigation into the Associated Press and named Fox News journalist James Rosen a "co-conspirator," claiming these actions were necessary as part of a terrorism investigation. Dana Milbank of the Washington Post stated: "The Rosen affair is as flagrant an assault on civil liberties...and it uses technology to silence critics. To treat a reporter as a criminal for doing his job, seeking out information the government doesn’t want made public, deprives Americans of the First Amendment freedom on which all other constitutional rights are based." Yep, the government wire tapped him, etc. etc. An editorial board of the New York Times (yes, the 'hoist on their own petard' New York Times) wrote: "With the decision to label a Fox News television reporter a possible 'co-conspirator' in a criminal investigation of a news leak, the Obama administration has moved beyond protecting government secrets to threatening fundamental freedoms of the press to gather news. On May 23, 2013, NBC news confirmed with the Justice Department that Attorney General Holder had personally signed off on what had become known as the "Rosen Case."  This is a fact he denied. On May 15, 2013, Attorney General Holder testified under oath in front of the House Judiciary Committee that he recused himself from the leak investigations to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest. That turned out to be a lie. He said he was out, but he wasn't. But you know lawyers. It wasn't a lie when he said it. So we have leftist news agencies upset with Trump, yet they will never mention how Obama did it first. To recap; the lefties did it first. It was more than a comment by the president, but an officially sanctioned Justice Department operation, and yet Obama remains the media's darling while the press continues their smear campaign on Trump. You will never see Holder in court for lying. But that's par for this rotten course. You will never hear a media company say they should be impartial. They use the constitution both ways, saying they can report on whatever they like, and then hiding behind the first amendment when it suits them. For a corrupt media, there is no check-and-balance. As soon as they endorse a candidate, all bets are off. We know where you stand. The motivation to pander to a political ideology and further the leftist agenda trumps (all pun intended) any idea of objectivity or fairness. If you look at the record of achievements without factoring in anything else, Mr. Trump is outperforming Mr. Obama in every category. This sort of objectivity however, will never be observed when the media is hell-bent on supporting the liberal cause. Just like how the media reported today that the state of Florida "will have a budget surplus for the next governor," without giving Governor Scott any credit for it. It's far easier for them to misdirect, impugn, throw the "race card," practice hero worship, and generally run afoul of the actual truth. Now here we are with an "anonymous" source in the White House, if that source even exists, and the New York Times is adamant about the credibility of their story, saying it's in the national interest. No, it's in their interest. The national interest is served by objectivity and truth, not bias and disinformation. If it was someone in the prior administration, they would never have run the article, and they would smear anyone that did. They support a 93% negative average on stories regarding the president, support blatantly anti-Trump books like the one coming out today called "Fear," and act like petulant children who forgot their manners. What's really in it for them? Thomas Jefferson said "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." While I don't have that same level of fervor going, I am compelled to call it as I see it.

September 5, 2018

The Liberal Mainstream Media Hates Me.
Don't watch the video yet. Listen to me first. It's obvious. The mainstream liberal media in this country hates me. They don't tell me the truth. Why would they lie to me? I'm supposed to trust them. Isn't that what they tell me? Tell us? They give me their opinion rather than telling me the issue and letting me form my own opinion. They decide what news I see and hear and read. Instead of giving me information and allowing me to form a belief system regarding the topic, they try to tell me how to think, and what to believe. They lie to me. They try to manipulate me. Purposely mislead me. I served my country and they hate me. Now they pay more attention to illegal non-citizens than me, a vet. They tell me who's bad and who is not based on their liberal agenda, not the truth. They try to make me think 30 people at some rally somewhere is more powerful than the millions of people quietly supporting a cause. I'm the native son of an insurance salesman gringo-type born in South Jersey to an Irish father and an Italian mother, but to them I'm white, privileged, and a racist. They don't even know me. Should I make ignorant decisions and form ridiculous opinions as fast as they do? To me, there are only two types of people; good people, and a-holes. Which one are they? They bombard me with disinformation. They want to seem timely, and hip, and on my side, but I know it's all bullshit. They're deceptive, and sneaky. Their opinion and viewpoint seems absurd to me, yet they keep coming. They fake sincerity. They patronize people to satisfy their pandering instinct. They put up people as heroes that are anything but. They martyr people who are not martyrs, but people who fit their agenda. They don't really care about me. I want safety. I want security. I want prosperity. I want freedom. I would like an objective voice telling me the events of the day, instead of interpreting the events of the day to me. I know I won't get it. It's like everything my parents tried when I was four. Well, I didn't believe it then, and 50 years later, I still don't. Why does the liberal mainstream media hate me? What did I do to them?

For an example of Liberal Media Hate, watch the Colion Noir video and hear his lesson to the race-bating Liberal media.

August 8, 2018

Tom Hanks Goes Full Gump On CNN; Takes Meryl Streep With Him

It was all I could do to suffer through five minutes of this "celebri-drivel" before I felt queasy and had to turn it off. References to ancient press abuses as an allegory to what they believe President Trump is doing arrogantly spewed by the wrong-headed, rich globalist liberal living in the Hollywood bubble named Tom Hanks. He believes the press should be unfettered. I get it. He believes government controlling the press is a bad thing. I get that too. I'm with him on that one. But for all his high-brow, "look at me I learned something from Dan Brown" references to precedence (be them more theatrical than applicable), he forgets one thing; THE PRESS HAS TO BE OBJECTIVE. THEY'RE NOT. HE KNOWS IT.  Is he complicit? Is it a cover-up? Sin of omission? Calling his ignoring that little requirement "disingenuous" is like calling 9-11 a "little spot of bother." Or calling CNN objective. Or Rachel Maddow a journalist. He did it on purpose. The press is the propaganda tool of hypocrite liberal elites in this country (like Tom Hanks) and the Democratic Party. Yeah, yeah, admit it. The truth feels good. Give it a try. For Gump to ignore obvious bias and lack of objectivity is...well, Full Gump. Never go Full Gump. He knows the press is on his side and he's playing that tune like a good liberal drone piano.  He has to keep his allegiance with the likes of George Soros, Barack Obama, Richard Branson, Elizabeth Warren, Charles Schumer, Bernie Sanders, and other intolerable globalist fathead liberals (villains all) intent on ruining our country (under the direction of their late hero Saul Alinsky). Can't get kicked out of the club, so toe the party line like an obviously obedient lib. He would never admit the good things that have happened while Trump became president, or the pathetic barnacle-like clinging Hillary Clinton is doing to all her sad excuses for her loss. Does he admit she needs to accept defeat? No. They act like she's some mythical creature of legend. They deflect. They ignore truth. Well, until she shows-up somewhere and they all kiss her ass. Gotta stay on the team. Can't go on the Hollywood Blacklist with James Woods and Lieutenant Dan. Denounce Trump in Hollywood or the fascist lefties turn on you (then tell you how bad Trump is...) Then there's the sycophantic admiration for Oprah Winfrey. By "their," I mean Meryl Streep, another pompous Hollywood bore. Watching her act or listening to her speak is a combination of nails on the chalkboard and hearing the sound a bottle makes when you blow across the top. You're getting sleepy. You're getting sleepy. Meryl went so far as to say Oprah was more qualified to be president than Trump. She has to say that; Billionaire Oprah owns her own TV channel and probably half of the "celebrities" in Hollywood. But I wonder if Trump had a magazine if he would call it Trump and have only pictures of himself on the cover? That form of arrogance is strictly reserved for liberal democrats. Plus, it's really easy to be a liberal when you're wealthy. Even easier to ignore all the failures in the party and their disenfranchisement of minorities (it's a nice way to say lying to them and letting them become even more impoverished), their lack of vision, leadership, or morality, overtly playing by the dirty playbook (remember the primaries), refusal to do their jobs veiled in a movement called "resist" (which is just liberal sniveling about losing the election and child-like tantrums), and allowing the double-standard to reign supreme. They do this because the media is blatantly and un-apologetically biased and pro-democrat. To deny it is to go Full Gump.

July 25, 2018

Where's the Justice? Rant of the Day.

Where is the justice? Where is this so-called "equal treatment under the law?" Bullshit. Why do only devious, lying Richard Craniums (think about it) spout-off with "we believe in the rule of law." Yeah, nice try dipshit, no you don't. You're the one getting over on the rest of us and you think we're too stupid to see that. (Buzzer sound). Sorry. We're not. Hillary Clinton started this whole mess. Yes, she did. Stop it. Stop defending her. There is no reason. She's not the Queen, and she's not your mom, so zip it. She also hates women and thinks democrats are stupid (which they have to be to justify their blind obedience). And yet she goes free thanks to a sycophantic media that would tongue her clean after a good old Clintonian number 2 riddled with fiber supplements and failure. No need to remember Hillary. She won't ever go away. You gotta love a woman who fosters the term "suiciding you," like Vince Foster, you know, Vince "died from two self-inflicted gunshots to the head" freaking Foster. But this injustice goes further than the knuckleheads on the meme. Don't forget Elizabeth (I may or may not have been a blonde-haired Native American) Warren; Bernie (oppressed people just look so unhappy out the window of my $200,000 car) Sanders; Charles ( I really stand for the thing I stood for when standing for the stand I took a stand for ) Schumer (he's changed so many times I have whiplash); John (I hope they don't remember the Russians paid me first) Podesta; Debbie (I rigged the primaries and quit in disgrace and dishonor, but elect me again for congress) Wasserman-Schultz; or Nancy (we have to pass it to know what's in it) Pelosi? What about Huma? What about Weiner? What about Christopher Steele? Funny how all these 'government employees" are millionaires now. Do special counsels go on forever? Should the standard be "keep digging until you can make up something?" Should attorney-client privilege be broken on their behalf? We know the FISA warrant was obtained using a fake dossier paid for by the democrats. Why is any of that investigation still going? IT'S ALL FRUIT OF THE POISON TREE!!!  I'd like to make up a bullshit story that gets my neighbors to commit my other neighbors to a nursing home, but that would be wrong. Well, wrong to me. Probably not to the media or a liberal. Unless my neighbors were illegals. Then the media would burn me at the stake. Why was it okay for JFK (or Bill Clinton) to bang young girls in the White House pool (delivered by the secret service), and Barney Frank to bang a male prostitute in his hotel, but the mere possibility Trump might have been with a porn star could end the world? Why did David Petraeus get blasted for three confidential emails in a locked desk drawer, but Hillary has thousands of top-secret emails, destroys even more, and nothing happens?  How would she have even gotten a security clearance if she was elected? It's called a double-standard. Politics. A select few people that are above the law. Clearly above it. Blatantly, obviously, infuriatingly above it. It's called bullshit (which is redundant). Why is it okay for a liberal to call FLOTUS the "C" word, but Rosanne Barr is the devil for...get this...praising conservatives. She didn't even insult anyone. We need some actual adult supervision. Why is it okay for politicians to ignore violence on their streets caused by poverty, injustice, drugs, etc., but if a cop shoots somebody, they throw the race card and the media goes berserk on it? More people are gunned-down in Chicago than in Afghanistan, but Obama and Rahm Emmanuel have a way of blaming everyone else for it (and protesting in the shopping district rather than the neighborhoods where the violence occurs). Baltimore is spiraling down the bowl and nothing is done. No one even points out the obvious...that Democrats didn't do that place any favors while being in charge for the last 50 years. Hell, O'Malley screwed it up so badly, in the warped mind of the democrat they thought "hey, let's reward him" and ran him for president! Typical liberals subsidizing cowardice and misbehavior while rewarding failure. Where is the media in all this? How can they be so loyal and obedient to liberals? I know. They're on the side of the snivelers. The whiners. The losing side in the election. The same one that screamed bloody murder at the thought Trump might not honor the results of the election. Repeat; Trump might not honor them. Talk about ironic. This is all made worse by the democrats pledge to do absolutely jack-shit...which is what they did during the 8 years I had to suffer through Obama. Resist. How subversive and pathetic can you get. We pay these morons to work for us and they literally pledge they won't, yet still keep their jobs. I worry about the people that would vote for these buffoons. Did the GOP snivel for years after they lost to Obama? No. Why? They were adults. They were honorable, and by and large, they weren't corrupt like the current terd pile of democrats. Little kids play better in sandboxes than these idiots do in congress. It's embarrassing. It's a daily intestinal dirge of arrogance, ineptitude, ego, and belligerence that leads to either calamity, or stalemate...followed by the same thing the next day, and the next. We won't ever have term limits. Why would a 3rd grade math teacher that finds himself in a job where he makes too much money and has too good of a retirement plan and can pledge to never do a days work while the opposition is in charge ever want to have that gravy-train to end?  It's made worse by the ego they get after we all blow smoke up their asses and tell them how special they are. They're not. They're government employees in a representative republic. They work for us. It is not the other way around no matter what Schumer thinks. The corrupt never give it up. Oh, and there should be no retirement plan for congress. Here's your mission: Go to DC for a few years and then go back and live with the people you said you'll support when they sent you, and the things you did for, or against them. If they don't kick you in the teeth, then you might have done some good. If they do, then so be it. Maybe that's justice. Maybe even a little. Definitely more than we have now.

July 11, 2018

Trump NATO Summit: Leftist Media Reaches Lowest Point in History

"Trump said it is not fair to American taxpayers that Germany buys oil and gas from Russia while enjoying the umbrella of defense provided by U.S. dollars." He's right. It's not. Why should we pay for it? Scarborough said he was practicing "diplomatic malpractice?" Hey Joe, STFU, dipshit. For the first time we have a president that goes over and expresses the concerns of the American people instead of going over and kissing their asses and apologizing because we're doing better than they are and had to bail them out of trouble over and over. Joe, maybe you can do something with that ridiculous hair instead of running that sewer. MSNBC says Trump "demonized" our allies. Hey! Put that bathwater down! Stop drinking it! Okay liberal idiots, no one worships weakness like you do.  I know you cry at the thought of American exceptionalism and wouldn't be caught dead flying Old Glory, but your liberal spin on Trump's activities is subversive, pathetic, comedic and cowardly. Yes, you suck. President Trump took a leadership position and made our grievances known to a number of countries that not only don't pull their own weight in NATO, but enjoy trade imbalances with us. If they don't want to pay their fair share or have fair trade, then too bad if they get their panties in a wad. Governor Cuomo says trade and security don't relate? Wow, how do stupid people get elected. Wait! Never mind answering. Maybe they all need to watch the movie "Occupied" on Netflix. Basically, Norway tries to switch to alternative fuels for power, and Russia does a "silk-glove" takeover. Is that something Germany wants? How do we defend NATO countries from NATO bases against Russia if Russia can turn off the power? Why do we pay for the defense of wealthy nations while they make deals with the very country we're paying to protect them against? It's crazy. The fact liberals don't see that is just sad. And dishonest. And...