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March 12, 2021


 I just can't wrap my head around the total disregard it takes to be a democrat and/or a member of the Biden administration. There are so many examples this post could take two days to read, but I'll give you just a couple.

Today, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse trotted out to the White House Rose Garden. Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, and Harris. The Destroyers. They were met by applause from the biased, sycophantic globalist-owned lap-dog leftist propaganda media. They in turn applauded. It was disgusting. I was embarrassed for my country. Sheer hubris.

They came out to stump for the "COVID Relief Bill." Why? He already signed it. But why? They know the thing was rigged. They knew only 10% of it was for COVID. The rest was for them. Again, sheer hubris.

Then Biden spoke, and things go worse. He referenced a rigged Pew poll as the reason "the American people overwhelmingly support this bill." I call bullshit. When the biased, sycophantic globalist-owned lap-dog leftist propaganda media makes sure they make Biden look like a God and throw shade on anything that might threaten the Messiah, any poll will be completely skewed. 

Then Biden said this bill was "timely," and gave people the "relief they need." What does that look like?

  • Mafia-style hand-in-the-cookie jar payoffs to union pension funds. The lefty media didn't tell people about that. It was as if Jimmy Hoffa worked in the Biden administration.
  • Payoffs to failed blue states who suffer under the incompetence of their leftist leadership, which by default means punishing red states who benefit from their competent conservative leadership. The lefty lap dog media didn't tell the American people that.
  • Blatantly racist payoffs to non-white farm owners to the tune of 20% above the value of the loan. That's both racist and a blatant payoff vote buying. It violates not only the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, but every loan, banking, equal opportunity, and civil rights law on the books. The lap dog media took their orders from their globalist owners and stayed silent on this one. 
  • How do Democrats vote for something that is openly, blatantly against the law? What happened to the oaths they swore, the ones they were so worried about in January? Sure, use the oath to beat Trump over the head with, but forget about it any other time, right? When politicians purposely violate the law and promote racism, they should be immediately fired. 
  • Expansion of the ill-named "Affordable Care Act," which, by any rational metric is an utter failure. Last year the program cost $52,000 per capita for every person in the program. Lots of money being spread around with Obamacare. Cloward and Piven must pat Biden on the head daily.
  • Payoffs to the two cities that the leaders of the democrats call home.
  • Taking credit for the vaccine program and blaming the previous administration for all their failures. Biden said there was no vaccine when he came in office on 20 January, but got a vaccine on 21 December. How does that work? I know Soros told them to never say Trump did anything good, but Operation Warp Speed is the reason there are vaccines today. Leftist politicians cant muster up the dignity to admit that.
  • Globalist billionaires at Big Tech make sure the truth about the COVID bill never comes out, and attack anyone that tries to tell it. 
  • It disconnected the welfare system from the work requirement in it. 
What does it take to stand in front of the nation and announce the passing of a "COVID" bill that was rigged? Biden called it a "great achievement," saying in "all his time in the Senate," he knows how hard it is to pass "tough bills." I call bullshit on this too. It's about as hard as a champion MMA fighter beating a third grader. There was no bi-partisan support. They know it. They didn't need or even want it. They had the numbers, so hailing this as such a great achievement is again, sheer hubris.

How do you declare this such a great achievement in the fight against "COVID" knowing you're carving out big money for the people standing directly behind you. What do bail outs for New York and San Francisco have to do with COVID? Other states don't need it. They were screwed-up before COVID. Truth is, standing behind Biden was the senator from New York, the Speaker of the House from San Francisco, and the Vice President from where? San Francisco. The balls it takes to know that and keep a straight face are unimaginable. 

Finally, how do you muster-up the unmitigated gall and put your dignity on hold to go travel around to stump for a bill you not only already signed, but rammed though without a single committee vote, knowing it was done by reconciliation?  To take a bill misnamed as "COVID relief," knowing it's a blatant money and power grab and go around telling people how great it is, is once again, sheer, unbridled, blatant, unapologetic hubris. 

The biased, sycophantic globalist-owned lap-dog leftist propaganda media will undoubtedly continue their misinformation and propaganda campaign in support of democrats, furthering the billionaire globalist agenda of unlimited power in perpetuity, as leftists in Washington will continue their assault on the rest of the Constitution. I guess things like truth, dignity, and honor aren't even part of the equation. Billionaires made out great with this bill. Soros must be so proud.

The worst part is they played the American people for idiots. They called it the COVID bill until they knew it would be signed, then called it the "American Rescue Plan. Then they dropped the pretense and declared it the "most progressive legislation in history." They're actually proud of their deception. Proud of their raw power grab. Proud of raiding the coffer for their political agenda. When only 9% of the bill was for COVID, the press had to work overtime to make sure the people didn't notice the Democrat scheme to fleece them. It worked. Shame on all of them and a pox on all their houses.

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